Tiki Central / General Tiki
B.A. Baracus Goes Bananas: Tiki on the A-Team
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Many apologies if this has already been covered -- my searches for "a-team","team","tv" and "television" weren't helpful in trying to track down where this might have already been discussed. If someone can find an existing thread, maybe we can merge it. This afternoon during our lunch break, we saw the most awesome A-Team episode ever -- The Crystal Skull. This episode is so bad, that apparently even A-Team fan sites hang their head in shame at the thought of it. It seems to be the Party City of A-Team episodes. In it, the gang is sent off to find a priceless relic, a crystal skull -- a more convincing "crystal" skull could have been made with a Jell-O mold. We only caught the last bit of the episode, but apparently the guys wind up parachuting down to a remote Pacific island, which has two competing tribes. I'm not sure if the name of the island is ever given, but I'm pretty sure they just made an island up. The episode is full of thatched huts, and TONS of tikis. And lauhala mats. Lots and lots of lauhala mats. It basically looks like someone was given a few hundred bucks to go down to Oceanic Arts and rent some stuff. The same tikis get moved around over and over again and reused. They're actually very cool tikis. Then, at the end, during the obligatory special-tropical-episode luau, the tribe unveils a special tiki they've carved in the likeness of Murdock. Yeah. As if that weren't enough, during the unveiling, the entire tribe is chanting "who wrote this? who wrote this?" This episode is from the fifth and final season, and is available on DVD. I'm not sure I have it in me to purchase an A-Team DVD, but it might be worth it to get screen shots from this episode. Maybe I'll buy it for my brother for his birthday.... |
That sounds great, Humu, I wanna see that episode! How many Tikis do we know of that have been carved in the likeness of actual personalities (vintage)? There is that Bob Hope one he got from the soldiers in Oahu.... |
In that same fith season, in the episode "Family Reunion" the A-Team visit an actual Tiki bar, well more of a resturant, i think it might be a trader vics from the shape of the salt and pepper pots. |
Atomic Cocktail
Shut-up fool! B.A. never parachutes! I pity the fool who tries to make me jump out of a plane! Only crazy fools jump out of planes! Tikis? Now your talkin' like a fool! Everybody knows the woman's a fool!, she's crazy, she sees people that ain't there, and she's always talkin' in circles! Quit your jibba jabba! Fool! [ Edited by: Atomic Cocktail 2006-10-17 21:12 ] |
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