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Coconut Monkey of the Dead!

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So here's a fun and Octoberiffic lil project pert near anyone with even the slightest of Other Crafts skills can do...A skeleton coconut monkey!

This piece was made fer Pete's Monkeyskull Voodoo Lounge, a comfy and creepy home basement bar where Tiki and Gothic live happily side by side. It was host gift fer the generous proprietor, Monkeyskull.

Basically, take yer standard Philippine carved Hawaiian souvenir coconut monkey, give it a coat of flat white (rattle can or brush), then add the right kinda bits with a brush and some black paint. This one was hit with an agin' effects paint (Ralph Lauren's "smoke"...Check Home Depot) fer that been-sittin-around-here-fer-years look.

Do that and, as yuh can see in these excellent pics by Monkeyskull, here yuh are:

That's cool- great use for those crappy (but fun!) things..

Woof, that rocks, and besides, Emperor Hiro hito the original monkey model, looks much more like the skeleton now. Great idea!

On 2006-10-17 08:31, Capt'n Skully wrote:
That's cool- great use for those crappy (but fun!) things..

And yours is NOT crappy! It probably was before you fixed it. :wink:

Just didn't want to be misunderstood..


Woofmutt he's great... (it is a he right?) Very spooky and cool & perfect for Halloween!


Nice and creepy lookin' what a spooky idea for a coco munk.

coco munk, also known as 'nut 'key...

Hey, that thing is creeping me out... those eyes... those teeth... I LOVE it!

Kreepy! But lovable voodoo coco munk. I needs me one of them.


Excellent job.


super cool!

I'm totally loving that coconut monkey skeleton mutt, he's perfect.

Helz posted on Mon, Oct 23, 2006 8:04 PM



I am a HUGE COCONUT MONKEY 'nut', and I love what you have done with this little guy!

So creative!

Any monkey would be pleased to have such an awesome costume for Halloween!

Nice job. : )

I am an illustrator, deeply immersed in 'The Coconut Monkey Project'. I have been collecting wayward coconut monkeys for years, and have just started painting and documenting my collection. I would love to do a cool painting of your skeleton monkey. Let's talk!

You can check out my blog for pics and details:


-Atomikitty (bartender Suzy)


Yeah, so I'm bumpin' this thread cuz it's the perfect time of year fer it and cuz I am drunk off my ass on Jack-O-Lantern Schnapps...Cuz it's the perfect time of year fer that, too.

I iz drunk off my ass too...on gin, rum n' beer, coconut munky o' the dead is killer!

[ Edited by: Sneakytiki 2007-10-04 23:38 ]

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