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Tikis and scooters

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TikiCrow posted on 06/28/2005

Last week I went to Scooter Rage 19 in San Francisco. It was quite fun in it's own rite and in addition there is a bit of over-lap with tiki.

The artist has the dubious distinction of allegedly painting the original Joe Cool camel.

Scootiki -- the final challange in the Golf-khana scooter contest.

And the most tiki-ish of all, Mr. Smiley sinks one.

christiki295 posted on 06/28/2005

A nicely decorated scooter.

mrsmiley posted on 06/28/2005

On 2005-06-27 22:30, TikiCrow wrote:
Last week I went to Scooter Rage 19 in San Francisco. It was quite fun in it's own rite and in addition there is a bit of over-lap with tiki.

And the most tiki-ish of all, Mr. Smiley sinks one.

ZAZZ! :)

PS- nice hanging with you TC (tikicrow)

Unga Bunga posted on 06/28/2005

On 2005-06-27 22:30, TikiCrow wrote:
And the most tiki-ish of all, Mr. Smiley sinks one.

One? Hell! At happy hour, he sinks about 5 or 6.

TikiCrow posted on 06/29/2005

Hey Bruce, next time I'll get a picture of you on your classic scooter.

The ride to SF and back fom Santa Cruz was my longest ride yet (by far) and the most fun. I'm looking forward to more long rides.

I wonder how many other TCers have scooters?

Tiki Royale posted on 06/29/2005

I wonder how many other TCers have scooters?

Count me in!
'64 Lambretta Li150. Had a Vespa P200 but sold it and got me a BSA 650.
Now I just need to ride 'em...

The Velvet Tiki posted on 06/29/2005

I have a 1980 Lambretta Serveta Jet 200

[ Edited by: The Velvet Tiki on 2005-07-01 09:37 ]

mrsmiley posted on 06/29/2005

I was actually riding my scooter around San Mateo Monday night-but I wasn't stalking you TikiRoyale! :)

Palm Theatre RIP!!! :(

thejab posted on 06/29/2005

I now have a '73 Vespa Rally 200, and I used to drive a '66 Lambretta LI125 but it was stolen in the mid-80s.

Tiki King posted on 06/29/2005

I have not ridden since my daughter came along, but I currently have 5 Vespas. 2 1958 GS's and a 1959 GS, a 1959 150(cushman branded) and an 81 P200E. I was in Secret Society San Francisco from 89-95, and before that in the Vespa Pirates, Santa Cruz. I was the Vespa mechanic at Your Scooter Shop, SF until 91 and then at First Kick both in Berkeley and then in SF, until 95. So, yeah, I guess I have a scooter connection. Scooter Rage 19! Wow. I still somewhere have a flyer for #1, and I designed the ride patches for 7,8 and 9.

http://www.tikiking.com Neat Tiki and Ukulele Stuff
http://tikiking.iuma.com Hear the King sing!

[ Edited by: Tiki King 2006-09-18 11:19 ]

TikiCrow posted on 06/30/2005

A nicely decorated scooter.

A couple of more shots of the same scooter

Primo Kimo posted on 06/30/2005

Tiki King and I are sworn enemies. I'm dipso-facto representive of the Lost Generation Scooter Club which once handily dominated the mid to south bay area. I actually really remember the contempt our clubs had for each other for some reason. I had a beautiful 1977 Rally 200.
"Glory days... wellthey'llpassyouby... Glory days"

[ Edited by: Primo Kimo on 2005-06-30 16:57 ]

Tiki Royale posted on 07/01/2005

Hey Primo...
I used to ride with Lost Generation from time to time!
Small world ain't it?

Tiki King posted on 07/01/2005

Aloha Primo!
Sorry, don't remember a rivalry with lost generation. What time frame are we talking?

Primo Kimo posted on 07/01/2005

Hey Tiki King:
I re-read your post and we probably missed each other. I believe, if memory serves, Lost Generation desolved in 1989 ish and for a short time we started forming another club (New Generation Scooter Club - me thinks) with the likes of Charles Genassi, Barnaby ???, Benji Beit-Zuri, etc. We spent a lot of time in Palo Alto, San Mateo and sometimes Cambell (for the Kool for Cats events). We used to meet up at the whale building and while drinking vast quantities of Thunderbird and Crazyhorse we would get in fights with Secret Society member "A" or Ironcross skinhead "B". You know...
Reprise "Glory days... inthewinkofayounggirl'seye... Glory days" Reprise

Tiki Royale posted on 07/01/2005

Primo Kimo...
Holy crap! I haven't heard those names in years...
I remember meeting at The Creamery in PA before heading out and partying with Hillard, Eric Schofield, Eric Rider, Charles, Barnaby, Chuck Hyland, Jason... Damn, there's a bunch of names I can't remember anymore. Too much T-bird I guess.
Good times they were!

Tiki King posted on 07/01/2005

Haven't seen Barnaby in years. Last time I saw him he looked like he was getting ready to try out for the Jim Rose circus... Last I heard he was still kicking around S.F.

Primo Kimo posted on 07/01/2005

Was Eric Schofield the one with the tan on beige Super Sport 150 (San Jose area), the guy that swooped at least three girlfriends from me with that rig. BASTARD! I'm okay. Do you remember Seth, the blonde kid that moved to town with a p200 choper and somehow died (didn't crash) on a ride???
Those days were so crazy and I was so young and drunk (now I'm old and drunk). I loved that debaucherous scene. Oi!

Tiki Royale posted on 07/01/2005

Hey Primo,
I remember the name Seth but not him in particular.
Schofield had a P200 and was from RWC. He had a pretty bad crash when someone pulled a U-turn in front of him...
Messed up his right leg/knee. He figured that he could slip his cane/crutch through his crash bars and prop his leg up, kinda like highway pegs on a Harley! He was known for swiping a few girlfriends along the way too.
Sometimes I wonder how we all didn't kill ourselves.

mrsmiley posted on 07/05/2005

Barnaby was at Scooter Rage--last time I saw him was about 15 years ago!

Tiki King posted on 07/05/2005

Fond memories... “racing” on the bay bridge with John Quintos, Tim Slagle, and others, Berkeley pier, drunken runs through twin peaks, Whale building, Nickys BBQ, Japan town Dennys, Purple Onion...

naugatiki posted on 07/05/2005

I wasn't cool enough to live in LA in the 80s but had a little gang in Hawaii around then, with a P200E and a Rally 200. Until I got tired of snapped clutch cables and tires that seem to wear out every other month. But I still have my old parka with the silly mod patches, so one day I may splurge and get a vintage Lamberetta with all the mirrors and headlights.

Tiki King posted on 07/05/2005

Anyone remember the name.........Skate?

mrsmiley posted on 07/07/2005

On 2005-07-05 16:31, Tiki King wrote:
Anyone remember the name.........Skate?

I remember him well. Didn't hang out with him much after he stole my GF at the time!!

jmccomb posted on 10/23/2005

Seth had a heart condition (and some dope scoots)...(and he swiped one of my girls... bastard!!!)... as for Barnaby, he's a tattoo artist in SF (dope ink)... last I heard he was at Mom's Ink... I soooo miss the Palo Alto days at The Creamery...

On 2005-07-01 13:12, Tiki Royale wrote:
Hey Primo,
I remember the name Seth but not him in particular.
Schofield had a P200 and was from RWC. He had a pretty bad crash when someone pulled a U-turn in front of him...
Messed up his right leg/knee. He figured that he could slip his cane/crutch through his crash bars and prop his leg up, kinda like highway pegs on a Harley! He was known for swiping a few girlfriends along the way too.
Sometimes I wonder how we all didn't kill ourselves.

Primo Kimo posted on 10/23/2005

I know that dude. James, is that you?

[ Edited by: Primo Kimo 2005-10-23 14:01 ]

Tiki King posted on 10/24/2006

Here is a recent pic of my P200e, back on the road...

TikiCrow posted on 10/24/2006

Hey Tiki King,

I'll look for you around town. I have a light green (Misty Jade) Bajaj on the West Side.

BTW, Susan Anne and I won your 2002 Luau "volcano" tiki mug.


Tiki King posted on 10/24/2006

TikiCrow, was that you on Mission street about 1:45-2:00 yesterday?

[ Edited by: Tiki King 2006-10-24 10:39 ]

cynfulcynner posted on 10/24/2006

My Vespa LX150:

cynfulcynner posted on 10/24/2006

On 2006-10-24 08:10, Tiki King wrote:
Here is a recent pic of my P200e, back on the road...

I don't think I've ever seen a little fairing like that one before -- did it come with the scooter? And who did your saddle and leopard paint job?

Tiki King posted on 10/25/2006

The fairing came from a company called "Utah", I did the paint job, and my saddle is from a company called D.A.S.M.I. I am pretty sure both D.A.S.M.I and Utah are no longer in business. If you are into scooter stuff, check out my scooter pages....

Oh, here is a close up of the tiki on my horn casting...

TikiCrow posted on 10/25/2006

Tiki King - it wasn't me on Monday. I was out Sunday - went to Watsonville and back. I've seen other several scooters that live on the west side though.

At: http://homepage.mac.com/rick_jacoby/PhotoAlbum3.html my scooter is in the second picture (I am not in the picture --background or foreground).

Mahalo Joe posted on 11/15/2011

...rad pinstriping! Do you know who is the artist? Another Scooter Tiki find on ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320792136288#ht_1529wt_1188

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