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Pages: 1 8 replies

purple jade posted on 03/12/2003

[ Edited by: purple jade 2006-03-20 21:12 ]

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 03/12/2003

Wow! It's been years since I've seen this, but I did enjoy the movie. I was lucky enough to see Ted Neeley and Carl Anderson actually star together in the play when they performed here in Orange County, California at The Performing Arts Center years ago. They sounded exactly like the movie. Great live voices!

:music: What's the buzz? Tell me what's a happenin' :music:
:music: What's the buzz? Tell me what's a happenin' :music: .....


purple jade posted on 03/12/2003

[ Edited by: purple jade 2006-03-20 21:23 ]

emspace posted on 03/13/2003

Hey purplejade,

I was totally hung up on the movie version of Godspell at age 14 - oy indeed! My bro and our best friend bought scads and buckets of super-8 film cartridges with our allowance and made a half-hour tribute/parody with new lyrics, getting up early in the morning so we could film in empty streets...ah, the memories!

I saw parts of the movie not long ago on the tube, and got quite choked up during "On The Willows"...

:) em

tikivixen posted on 03/13/2003

I too was weirdly fascinated by "Godspell" at a tender age. Of course, my sixth grade chorus had to do our special rendition of "Day by Day." Over and over.

I had a rather disturbing moment a few years back, when, as I sat idly watching a TV biopic about Liberace, I suddenly realized...it was the same actor who portrayed Jesus in "Godspell." Versatile guy!


Thor posted on 03/13/2003

I once saw a production of Jesus Christ Pooperstar that had three Jesii. A white man, a black woman, and a little kid. They traded off scenes throughout the show. And the set was only scaffolding.


emspace posted on 03/13/2003

On 2003-03-13 00:28, tikivixen wrote:
I suddenly realized...it was the same actor who portrayed Jesus in "Godspell." Versatile guy!

That's Canada's own Victor Garber! From London, Ontario, same place as Mrs. emspace. Loved that Afro, it was so much like my own around the time I was into the movie...

purple jade posted on 03/13/2003

[ Edited by: purple jade 2006-03-20 21:25 ]

emspace posted on 03/14/2003

Jaysas, he could be. I haven't watched it. The idea of supermodels doing wet ops leaves me a bit cold.

:) em

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