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Tiki Central / California Events

Tiki Art Show and Sale Minnie's Restaurant Sunday Oct. 29

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Jungle Trader posted on 10/09/2006

from 1 - 5 pm. So far we have 3 vendors. If any other vendors would like to be a part of this, let me know. There is no charge for anything except drink and food.

JenTiki posted on 10/09/2006

Is this gonna be like the sale at FI? If so, I just might make a day of it.

Jungle Trader posted on 10/09/2006

Yes Jen, but it won't be as big as F.I.,..........unless we get more vendors. Hope you can make it. Suzanne where are you, Comeout comeout whereveryouare.

dangergirl299 posted on 10/10/2006

Will minnies be showing the Raiders/Steelers game that starts at 1:15?

Jungle Trader posted on 10/10/2006

Yes Dangerous Girl. If that what it takes to get you out here, the game will be on. :D

dangergirl299 posted on 10/11/2006

game on!
ok, I'm there

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 10/11/2006

Dr.TikiMojo TIKI HUNTER will be there slingin heads, (shrunken), and takin names, (for our mailing list!). :lol:

What's the food like at Minnie's?

Mrs. Mojo doesn't eat anything meat wise cept FISH and is Lactose Intollerant....ain't life grand? :cry:

All the Doctor needs is :drink:

"My parents shoulda named me "DRAGSTER", 'cause I'm alcohol fueled!"

rdtikidog posted on 10/11/2006

which Minnie's? i'm still new i guess. whats the address.

[ Edited by: redpilldog 2006-10-11 07:58 ]

Jungle Trader posted on 10/11/2006

RedPillDog, it's in Modesto Ca. About 5 hrs. drive north of L.A.
107 McHenry Ave. to be precise.

the drunken hat posted on 10/13/2006

we'll be there. we may even set up shop. vintage mugs and shirts if so. see you all there!

i ain't drunk.......i'm jus drankin. albert collins

[ Edited by: the drunken hat 2006-10-12 21:07 ]

Chongolio posted on 10/14/2006

See ya there!


kingstiedye posted on 10/14/2006

i hope to make it down.

suzanne posted on 10/17/2006

On 2006-10-09 16:53, Jungle Trader wrote:
Suzanne where are you, Comeout comeout whereveryouare.

I'll be there folks! Come and play in the sand at Minnie's!

I will bring as much of my line as I can, but if you want something specific PM me and I'll make sure I bring it for 'ya.


Jungle Trader posted on 10/17/2006

COOL! Suzanne is the Wohman!
It will be good to have that feminine touch, right alongside Mojo's shrunken heads, Chongolio's monkey art, my crazy tikis and hand painted Minnie's mugs, Hat & Cleens esoteric collections. Oh and Mighty Mick says he might have a few things to show.

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 10/17/2006

Mrs. Mojo & I are looking forward to it! :D

Chongo nice ad print braddah! :)

Ya gonna make some post cards or mini prints of that?


suzanne posted on 10/17/2006

On 2006-10-17 12:30, Jungle Trader wrote:
COOL! Suzanne is the Wohman!
It will be good to have that feminine touch, right alongside Mojo's shrunken heads, Chongolio's monkey art, my crazy tikis and hand painted Minnie's mugs, Hat & Cleens esoteric collections. Oh and Mighty Mick says he might have a few things to show.

heeee heeeeeeee Keep it up, JT. I like that :D


Jungle Trader posted on 10/18/2006

:music: Can I get a witness? can I get a witnesssss? can I get a witnesssss? :music: to hand out flyers in Stockton? Where are the Stockton brethren? Atwater, Merced, Fresno?

Tiki Ice posted on 10/21/2006

Hey Jungle Trader what size are the spaces? What kind of a turn out do you expect? Oh yes I would need the Seahawks on tv too.

Artistic Sculpting

martiki posted on 10/21/2006

On 2006-10-11 00:50, Dr.TikiMojo wrote:

What's the food like at Minnie's?


Mai Tai posted on 10/21/2006

It's sassy, but not too precocious.

Jungle Trader posted on 10/21/2006

Tiki Ice, would it be possible to see images of your product?

The food at Minnie's is..........bwahahahahaha!

Let me just say, that the food, is better than the drinks. But hey the atmosphere is very good, especially when you get a lot of Tiki people together.

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 10/22/2006

On 2006-10-20 20:43, Jungle Trader wrote:
Tiki Ice, would it be possible to see images of your product?

The food at Minnie's is..........bwahahahahaha!

Let me just say, that the food, is better than the drinks. But hey the atmosphere is very good, especially when you get a lot of Tiki people together.

Well, what can I say? A picture DOES say a thousand words! My stomach is feeling pretty unsettled! Funny thing about Chinese food is that when it's good it's one of my favorites.....when it's bad....well, again just look at the photo! And take it from me...I lived in Taiwan for over 5 months...I ate things there that would make a Billy Goat Puke! :P
Let me just say "DUCK'S TONGUE a Chinese Delicacy!"

Not even good drinks?
How did this become a TC hang? Someone please refresh my memory! :lol:

So, how upset do you think the owners of Minnie's will be when da Mrs.Mojo and I show up with Take Out Chinese Food and a Gallon Bag of Martin's Forbidden Island Cocktail? :D

Jungle Trader posted on 10/23/2006

Ah, The Jerk is the best drink in the house and they can make a Hurricane with Meyer's that is tasty. Rum Runner's.....oh come on, we are sooo spoiled. I've never been turned down by a beer.

Hey Chongolio and Drunken Hat, can you guys bring your ukes and maybe jam a little?

dangergirl299 posted on 10/24/2006

I may not be able to attend after all. Election is a mere two weeks away and I have only walked one out of 11 precincts!!

If anyone wants to help me pass out flyers on Saturday, PM me. I will buy you ANYTHING YOU WANT at Minnies or any other bay area tiki bar - either on Sunday Oct 29 (if I can make it) or anytime AFTER November 7...

Molokai Mike posted on 10/25/2006

Yeah Dangergirl, after Nov 7th, you're all ours!!
Best of Luck!!!

dangergirl299 posted on 10/25/2006

Thanks man, I'm counting the days!

by the way, keep your eyes peeled on the local papers in the next few days - there is a scandal erupting (big surprise...)

Jungle Trader posted on 10/25/2006

Looks like Tiki Ice has commited for vending. Lotsa cool stuff folks. Be there or miss out on some cool stuff.

Set up will begin at 11:30 am.

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 10/26/2006

Here are some new and unusual Tikis we have now from a Southern California Carver. :D
The good news is that his prices are competitive with the import tikis! :o
Tallest one is about 4 1/2 feet!

Dr.TikiMojo is trying to escape the "IMPORT TIKI" :evil:

But we do still have a few imports! Here is a Custom Painted one by the good Doctor himself! 8)

If there is No interest in large items such as Tiki TELL ME! Den da Mrs.Mojo & I will only bring da wee bitty items that fit easily in the Tiki Cruiser!

Jungle Trader posted on 10/26/2006

Good Doctor, what Polynesian culture are those carving designs based on?
Please don't buy anymore carvings from that naughty man.

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 10/27/2006

On 2006-10-25 22:03, Jungle Trader wrote:
Good Doctor, what Polynesian culture are those carving designs based on?
Please don't buy anymore carvings from that naughty man.

Not out to pick a fight or anything but in answer to your question, I guess it would be the part of Polynesian Culture that I have found MOST of Tiki Central to be based on. I've heard some people say Munktiki's mugs for the majority don't have a "Polynesian" theme, does Witco, does Hot Rod car culture have any association with Tiki?

If it's made of RESIN instead of wood should it be banned from all things Tiki?

Mrs.Mojo and I have said how the cool thing in the "Tiki Scene" is the merging of several "sub-cultures" that all find a common bond in TIKI - Polynesian/Hawaiian, Surf, 50's Retro, Scooters, Hot Rod/Car Culture, (should they have banned the Tiki at the Drive In type events?), Musicians, Artists, open minded free thinkers, Lounge, Vegas, Elvis, B Movies, and certainly everyone in search of a GOOD COCKTAIL!

What has Booze got to do with Polynesia?

Should we "clean house" and look at the TC thread about what TC is all about and start removing ALL THINGS NOT POLYNESIAN/HAWAIIAN or can verify their link to said topic and "THE BOOK OF TIKI" ACTUALLY becomes THE BIBLE to all things Tiki.....oh, but wait if it's an "American" or other "Non-Polynesian" carving or creation then I guess it's NOT POLYNESIAN!

I apologize in advance if it sounds like I'm going off on a tangent but this is not the first time I've heard such comments to me or many other artists on TC and I didn't realize that there was a certain "criteria" that we were supposed to be following?

There's a saying, "Different strokes for different folks".

the drunken hat posted on 10/27/2006

if anyone wants to check out the dark marq room we are willing to have folks over saturday evening and sunday after the sale. we will be here either way so just pm tikicleen or myself and let us know your coming in advance. you could post to this thread as well.



Jungle Trader posted on 10/27/2006

Mojo, now you're talking about TC.
I'm talking about The Tiki Art Show/Sale. You asked, I answered.

Jungle Trader posted on 10/27/2006

Sure there's lots of crossover. That's all good. There always will be. Bring them if you like, let's see what kind of reaction you get from them.

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 10/27/2006

Sorry Vic,

You're right! I misread the invite about it being a "Tiki" Art Show.

That makes it easier for us anyhow. We can leave all the BIG stuff at home along with all of the Eames Era-style, one of a kind art pieces by Tyger Jimmy and the metal Tiki lamp/wall sconce....more along the Hot Rod lines than Polynesian.

OK, I think I'm clear on this now.....thanks! :D

moondog426 posted on 10/28/2006

Disneyland doesn't have anything on The Dark Marq Bar.....which truly may be the ''Happiest Place on Earth''........cuz the drinks are sooo tasty!

My schedule won't allow me to make it....but damm it's tempting.

Jungle Trader posted on 10/28/2006

Tomorrow will be a sunny 75 degrees. Perfect fall day for a shindig and show.
From the 99, you'll want to take the Kansas Ave. exit and head east. At the first signal you'll take a right, then make an immediate left to go over the bridge. You'll be on Needham. Stay on Needham for approximately one mile. Just before you get to McHenry, on the left side you'll see the rear parking lot entrance to Minnie's. You'll also see the huge 10ft. rootball tiki by the ramp.

Come on out all you Modern Primitives and get in touch with your inner native.

TI Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/da45a820520cf19583692a3c40411522?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tiki Ice posted on 10/28/2006

Sorry guys no pictures yet. Tiki Thai Guy has to have his daughter put them up mabe today. Hey Mojo you've seen them already. We were at the Tiki fest in Long Beach. Pratan and James dude. See you guys on Sunday.

D Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a522d9c0e3c0d3d8efc85d1fa5e04cbc?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Dr.TikiMojo posted on 10/29/2006


Come on what else could you be doing on a Sunday between 1PM and 5PM?

Stop by, hang out with friends, share a :drink: and some :lol:, listen to some :music:, maybe buy yourself a :tiki: or a :sheckymug: from one of the vendors!

While you're at it stop by TIKI HUNTER and say hello to the Doctor..... I won't bite! :P

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Tiki Woo posted on 10/29/2006

Cya there!

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Chongolio posted on 10/29/2006

So Sorry I had back out. I tried to take it easy but a bug moved in and wouldn't leave and I am feelin' crappier then texas outhouse during a weekend chili cook-off. I hope you all are having a good time.

Next time!

JT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/f6f231dfd9f0be59f443aacaeb2fa26d?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Jungle Trader posted on 10/30/2006

Sorry you couldn't make it Chongolio. Same with Suzanne. Just bad luck.
We all did very well as vendors and the people who came to look/see were serious buyers. It worked well for everyone, especially Hat and Cleen. They scored some very unusual items from Stuart. Thanks everyone for coming out. Already planning another one for next summer.
JenTiki, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Woo, I'm looking forward to carving that Marq for you. It's gonna be a good one.
Doc and Eva, I'm glad everything worked out. I love your stuff. Thanks for the Gecko pendant and Finkdaddy's art. I love it.
Bullet, thanks again for your support. Can't wait for somebody in Sactown to throw a shindig.
quickiki and his lady showed up. Good to just sit and talk.
Might Mick did a live carving demo with mallet and chisel. Thanks Mick.
Thanks Peter and Stuart.
Just met Tiki Ice today for the first time. Good to meet you and glad you did so well. All the way from TomorrowLand.
Kaneleia (sp?) showed up too.
Thanks again.

[ Edited by: Jungle Trader 2006-10-29 19:59 ]

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JenTiki posted on 10/30/2006

JT -- Thanks for putting together a fun event and bringing the stuff I asked for. The mugs and t-shirt are fabulous!

Chongolio -- totally bummed you couldn't make it. I must have a Chongolio original before you run off to the islands. Hope you feel better soon.

Suzanne -- Car problems suck! You were greatly missed!

Hat, Cleen, Dr. Tiki Mojo, and Tiki Ice -- Thanks for selling all the cool stuff. I even managed to stay within my budget while still getting some great tiki things.

A fun event that was worth the long drive from Alameda! Must do it again!


Q Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4c008be4f0c041e6bef6a57c46359e2f?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
quickiki posted on 10/30/2006

Alice and I had fun visiting with JT, the Hat and Cleen. You guys are great hosts.

JT, your work is awesome and your root ball tiki at Minnie's is worth the drive in itself. Please post pictures of the tiki Woo has commissioned you to carve. We need to see more of your work on TC!

PTD Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/3fabee723c2124b3bb828d37818568f9?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Psycho Tiki D posted on 11/09/2006

I was one of the unfortunate ones unable to attend this event and sincerely hope there will be another.

Any chance pictures will be posted?


Psycho Tiki D (I know I am but what are you)?

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suzanne posted on 11/09/2006

Hi Everyone!

I was really bummed not to make it too. Car problems really do suck and even though I got it attended to, it was way too late to make the trek, I would have missed the whole thing. I hope that I'll be able to see more of you very soon though! I'm glad it was an excellent event!


D Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a522d9c0e3c0d3d8efc85d1fa5e04cbc?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Dr.TikiMojo posted on 11/09/2006

On 2006-11-09 07:01, Psycho Tiki D wrote:
Any chance pictures will be posted?

Sorry PT,

I know I should have done this awhile ago...just busy ya know!
Sorry I didn't shoot more of all the TCers who came out to support! :(
Here are enough pics to satisfy everyone! :o

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Cool Jungle Trader Tiki greets you out back!
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Tikicleen at her table talking to customers
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Jungle Trader's latest Maori Tiki - VERY COOL! :D
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The out door Tiki Bar at Minnie's
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Mrs.Mojo tends to the TIKI HUNTER table
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Tiki are ALL OVER Minnie's....sometimes ya just have to look for them!
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Sorry I didn't get the carver's name!
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Having driven all the way from LONG BEACH Tiki Ice brought a nice collection of very cool and very well priced, (we bought one! :wink: ), Tiki's!
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Psycho Tiki D posted on 11/10/2006

Dr. Tiki Mojo,

Thanks for posting the snaps. Hope to see another Central/North CA Valley event in the near future.

Psycho Tiki D (I know I am but what are you)?

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