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Re: Tiki gods

Pages: 1 3 replies


I am looking for a book on all Tiki Gods and what each Tiki means.





There was a post a couple months back about a website devoted to Hawaiian culture and gods - Mythic Hawaii (http://www.mythichawaii.com). Try start there.


Thank you......

Aloha Tikitatt!

You know the old expression of "let your fingers do the walking"?
You can find ANYTHING these days on Google or Amazon with a little patience and few tries rewording things until you find what you're looking for! :o

Hey, but lectures aside, I was looking for the same thing awhile back. I was more interested in the REAL Hawaii though NOT the American 1950's/Tourism type manufactured version. I found a little of both. :D
Therefore I recommend anything published by "University of Hawaii Press". While the reading is a little more dry and textbook like, (because most ARE textbooks), it is most certainly the most factual about the History and Mythology of Hawaii.

If what you are looking for is a book that just gives you a simple LIST or full history of each and every Tiki God I would say, from my research, it doesn't exist.
I have slowly been compiling my own with a lot of reading and research.

Here are some links that I think will lead you in the right direction.
(If that doesn't get you what you're looking for follow my first suggestion).



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