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ATL visit

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new2tiki posted on 11/03/2006

Searched extensively, and didn't see much on this:

Aside from the obvious (Trader Vic's), are there any other "must-sees" in ATL?


rupe33 posted on 11/03/2006

I'd recommend checking out the VORTEX bar & grill in Little Five Points. Not exactly tiki, but a cool place... the front looks like this:

Junkman's Daughter and Criminal Records are right there, too, kinda cool stores. I do not recommend the Coca-Cola Experience (or whatever it's called) unless you're interested in a) Coke-a-bilia, or b) trying soft drinks from around the world. Genuinely got a sense of "rip-off" from that whole thing.

The Atlanta Vic's seems to typically have merchandise for sale, including a 30th Anniversary Mug of late. HIGHLY recommended for food and drink.

By the way - if Ted & Amy from ATL are out there, hopefully they will weigh in; but also... PM me because I have Hukilau pix for you!


[ Edited by: rupe33 2006-11-03 12:28 ]

Swanky posted on 11/03/2006

That really depends on what you are into. I'd say you must get the the Claimont Lounge, but that might be the last place on earth you actually want to be, depending on your bent.

Little Five Points area for sure.

waikiki tiki posted on 11/03/2006

Little 5 is pretty geared to the scenesters these days so if you are annoyed by that... but there are still some good shops/restaurants down there. The Vortex has excellent burgers and bloody mary's also extensive beer selection and they just started carrying high gravity brews. There are also some vintage stores near and Wax n Facts has decent vinyl but not thrift prices. There is a great and inexpensive Thai place in Virginia Highlands called Surin. Also you should check out one of the Varsity locations for lunch! They have the best chili dogs this side of the Mississippi. Back to tiki though...Trader Vic's is excellent! It is one of the more beautiful and authentic ones...I got engaged there! That is really it for tiki places, but it is all you need!

Hope that helps some...


ikitnrev posted on 11/03/2006

I was impressed with Dante's Down the Hatch, a fondue/jazz restaurant with an exotic sailing ship/nautical setting.



boutiki posted on 11/03/2006

On 2006-11-03 13:54, ikitnrev wrote:

I was impressed with Dante's Down the Hatch, a fondue/jazz restaurant with an exotic sailing ship/nautical setting.


Cool decor, but when I lived in Athens I had a couple friends who worked there on weekends. Based on their insider information, I'd never eat there. Though they did have some good stories about catching folks getting frisky up in the boat!

I'm with Swanky, you really gotta' do the Claimont Lounge.


new2tiki posted on 11/04/2006

Thanks for all the info, everybody. Little 5 points is where the Flying Biscuit is, right? I've been there, but can't exactly remember how to get there. Thank god for Google Maps!


Elaborate! I like to drink, just about anywhere. I've done everything from shitty dives, to gay bars, to upscale lounges, etc. I'm not easily offended, and normally not intimidated by much. What's the scoop on the Claimont?


waikiki tiki posted on 11/04/2006

The Clairmont has an old stripper that, if you buy her a beer she will drink it and then crush the can between her enormous boobs. True story.

new2tiki posted on 11/05/2006

What about good liquor stores? Any that have unusual stuff? Savannah doesn't really have anywhere with anything outside mainstream rums etc.


Swanky posted on 11/05/2006

On 2006-11-03 20:15, new2tiki wrote:
Thanks for all the info, everybody. Little 5 points is where the Flying Biscuit is, right? I've been there, but can't exactly remember how to get there. Thank god for Google Maps!


Elaborate! I like to drink, just about anywhere. I've done everything from shitty dives, to gay bars, to upscale lounges, etc. I'm not easily offended, and normally not intimidated by much. What's the scoop on the Claimont?


The Clairmont makes all the dives you have been in pale. It's a strip club with straight out of a John Waters movie. If that sounds like your thing, do go.

waikiki tiki posted on 11/06/2006

Green's has a good selection of rums and whatnot....there is a location on Ponce right in front of Killer Kroger that's easy to find if you're in the Little 5/ Va. Highlands area.


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