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Martin Denny - West Of The Pecos!

Pages: 1 2 replies

PremEx posted on 11/06/2006

No. Not the name of some long-lost Country album of his. :)

Hang in there with me...there's exotica at the end of this story.

I was driving just before sunrise between Ft. Stockton and Pecos, Texas and when I arrived at Pecos at sunrise, I decided to stick around to visit the "West of the Pecos Museum" there when it opened.

Great little Museum with all sorts of interesting stuff. One room was devoted to music and had all sorts of old records and such. Sitting in the middle of the room against the far wall was an old antique Victrola record player:

So I walk over to her and look inside to see what platter is sitting on the turntable, fully expecting to see a "Sons of the Pioneers" record or something like that...and what do you think is staring me right in the face? This onetime beauty:

Very sad to see such a nice item like that in such horrible condition. But at the same time it made me smile to know that in the middle of this shit-kicking, cow-poking old town many years ago...there was someone here listening to the exotic sounds of the great Martin Denny, instead of Hank Williams singing about how his gal left him for another man.

Yeee-Haw! :wink:

Thortiki posted on 11/06/2006

Hey PremEx,

Even cowboys know the GOOD STUFF when they hear it


PS Happy trailsville to you until we meet again.... (You get the drift & I don't mean driftwood)

PSS Sorry Boomer Tikiphile flashback!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

K-Billy posted on 11/07/2006

On 2006-11-05 22:35, PremEx wrote:
No. Not the name of some long-lost Country album of his. :)

Hang in there with me...there's exotica at the end of this story.

I was driving just before sunrise between Ft. Stockton and Pecos, Texas and when I arrived at Pecos at sunrise, I decided to stick around to visit the "West of the Pecos Museum" there when it opened.

Great little Museum with all sorts of interesting stuff. One room was devoted to music and had all sorts of old records and such. Sitting in the middle of the room against the far wall was an old antique Victrola record player:

So I walk over to her and look inside to see what platter is sitting on the turntable, fully expecting to see a "Sons of the Pioneers" record or something like that...and what do you think is staring me right in the face? This onetime beauty:

Very sad to see such a nice item like that in such horrible condition. But at the same time it made me smile to know that in the middle of this shit-kicking, cow-poking old town many years ago...there was someone here listening to the exotic sounds of the great Martin Denny, instead of Hank Williams singing about how his gal left him for another man.

Yeee-Haw! :wink:

Thats a great story. It's nice to Know Martin Denny is loved everywhere

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