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A boot in your ass, that's the American way.

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Thor posted on 03/13/2003

Totally unrelated to Tiki (but just as politically charged), I was wondering if any of y'all had any opinion about these two artists and their songs about September 11.

Alan Jackson, "Where were you (when the world stopped turning)"

Toby Keith, "Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American)"


Cultjam posted on 03/13/2003

See the South Park episode where the boys build a ladder to heaven and the adults get emotional over it thinking they're doing it because they miss Kenny.
They ripped Alan Jackson to bits.
"Where were you when they built the ladder to heaven?" If you know South Park, it only got worse from there. I love that show.

emspace posted on 03/13/2003

Country music makes me barf.


emspace posted on 03/13/2003

...unless it's by Lyle Lovett or Dwight Yoakam. :)

DaneTiki posted on 03/13/2003

A boot in your ass is the AUSTRALIAN way! Doesn't anyone watch "The Simpsons" anymore?

To the popular epigram "if it ain't country, it ain't music" I would add the following corrollary: "if it was made during the last 25 years in Nashville or LA, it ain't country."

emspace posted on 03/14/2003

You know who I hate? Who I really, really hate? Shania Twain. A whole generation will grow up thinking that "country" means "loud, dumb, generic popsters dressed like Annie Lennox's early-80s band". She's some kind of evil witch or something...


Basement Kahuna posted on 03/14/2003

Bob Wills. Faron Young. Charlie Feathers. Hank Williams, Sr.- That's country music.

waikiki tiki posted on 03/14/2003

Insurgent country is the closest thing to real country music we got these days. I agree about Shania and the likes, it's straight up pop music. Now Son Volt, Neckbones, Bottle Rockets, Gourds, Wilco, etc....that's some good stuff!

emspace posted on 03/14/2003

BK and waikiki tiki, you both have excellent taste! Good music is good music, no matter who makes it. As Duke Ellington said, "There are two kinds of music: the good kind, and the other kind". That's cuz he was such a gentleman!

:) em

fartsatune posted on 03/14/2003

Life wouldn't be the same without Johnny Cash.

Shipwreckjoey posted on 03/14/2003

Forget Shania, Tanya Tucker is still my main C&W sqeeze (unless you count the one's that are dead). As far as my favorite country western bands of all time...Bob Wills & the Texas Playboys, Junior Brown, Commander Cody & His Lost PLanet Airmen, Graham Parsons (alone or with the Birds), Johnny Cash and, how could I almost forget...Frankie Lane.

"Get 'er done"

[ Edited by: Shipwreckjoey on 2003-03-14 01:34 ]

mr. hansell posted on 03/23/2003

ok, now that we've totally gotten away from the original post, I have to say it really irritates me when people say "real country" doesn't exist anymore. Claiming "insurgent" or "alt" country is anything other than twangy indie-rock is even worse. Dwight Yoakam, the Derailers, Wayne Hancock, the Lucky Stars, and the Hot Club of Cowtown are just a few who are doing good, modern music influenced by the classic stuff. Robbie Fulks? No Way! Big Sandy? YES!!!!

waikiki tiki posted on 03/24/2003

On 2003-03-22 21:22, mr. hansell wrote:
I have to say it really irritates me when people say "real country" doesn't exist anymore. Claiming "insurgent" or "alt" country is anything other than twangy indie-rock is even worse.

I still disagree. I'm not sure who or how much alt-country you've heard, but it's not all glorified indie-rock like you say. And I also maintain that country as it once was is dead. When Willy Nelson does a duet with a teenage pop singer and Dwight Yoakum stars in Gap commercials then something has gone horribly horribly wrong! I mean, stop the madness already. Sorry to get so far off topic by the way!


Basement Kahuna posted on 03/24/2003

Have any of you heard Trailer Bride? (this is really spooky, wierd, ghost-whistle great, enchanting stuff). You should really download if you can find some.

thejab posted on 03/24/2003

The problem I have with most of the bands that are classified as alt-country is that the vocals are weak. Big Sandy has a totally unique and beautiful voice - and he can stay in tune! Can't say that for most alt-country acts. More great country singers of recent years: Dale Watson! Marti Brom! Sonny George!

I just went to the tribute show for Johnny Paycheck last Wednesday in San Francisco. And there were 3 singers there that proved they could do justice to the late Mr. Paycheck's tunes: Dave Alvin, Dave Gonzales (of the Paladins), and Johnny Dilks.

waikiki tiki posted on 03/26/2003

I was under the impression that "staying in tune" is not what country/alt-country music is about. And "weak vocals"...what?? I know some alt-country bands who have really strong vocals not to mention some of the best songwriting today. There's some really incredible stuff out there, which obviously you haven't heard. Jay Farrar, Gillian Welch, Lucinda Williams, Brent Best....all excellent vocals. I could keep going, but I won't. Just trying to open some minds....


thejab posted on 03/26/2003

I really should clarify what I meant by "weak" vocals. I meant weak in that the singing style is not deep and soulful. This is just my personal preference but I like my country singers with deep, strong voices, like Johnny Cash or Dale Watson. In the case of women singers, Patsy Cline was the best. She had a fairly deep voice (as did Wanda Jackson and Charlene Arthur) compared to some of the more recent ones.

I did not mean "weak" in the songwriting or lyrics.

Of those artists you mentioned, I have not heard all of them. There is just so many of the older country artists (from the 1940s-1960s) that I keep discovering, and so much old music getting reissued, that I tend to spend my limited music budget on old music. I don't often buy CDs of some of the recent artists that I love to see live, because I have bought plenty of CDs in the past of artists I like that have just a couple good tracks and many merely OK ones. One exceptions is Big Sandy - I'll buy anything that man had a hand in.

Again, its my personal preference, so please don't take it personal, waikiki.

atomiktiki posted on 03/26/2003

On 2003-03-26 11:06, waikiki tiki wrote:
I was under the impression that "staying in tune" is not what country/alt-country music is about. And "weak vocals"...what?? I know some alt-country bands who have really strong vocals not to mention some of the best songwriting today. There's some really incredible stuff out there, which obviously you haven't heard. Jay Farrar, Gillian Welch, Lucinda Williams, Brent Best....all excellent vocals. I could keep going, but I won't. Just trying to open some minds....


These are all great artists you just ain't goina here em on to many Country stations. They're busy playing all that New Country (sounds like disco country to me)!

waikiki tiki posted on 03/27/2003

I wasn't offended at all...just sharing and trying to understand. I'm always trying to turn people on to alt-country because I think it gets a bad reputuation that sometimes just isn't true. I do love Patsy Kline though!


Luckydesigns posted on 03/27/2003

Where was I when this post started?! You guys all named some great stuff. I love all the traditional country as well as the Dave Alvin, Big Sandy stuff. I don't think I heard James Intveld mentioned. He does it real true.

This post can't even continue with out mentioning Hank III. You gotta getta holda that if you can. If I may quote his most memorable and self describing line from a song, "We're here to put the dick back in dixie and the cunt back in country and all of the other music these day don't mean sh*t to me." That is what it's all about.

Basement, I'm gonna look for that Trailer Bride stuff, it sounds like something I'd be into. If my band ever get a CD recorded, I'll be sure to let you know about it. We do a three piece rockabilly/ country/ rock n'roll kinda thing.

thejab posted on 03/28/2003

Hank III is great live because he does 2 sets. One is pure country and he even does some of his Grandfather's and Father's tunes. Then after a short break he comes back and does a set that I would describe as country punk / psychobilly. He is a unique talent that isn't just copying his ancestors or predecessors.

bongofury posted on 03/28/2003

I am more of a Blues, Rock, Rockabilly, Surf lover, but I did Luv San Diego's Beat Farmers!!!! Nothing like seeng the late Country Dick Montana step out from behind the drum kit to belt out perverted road songs in a voice as deep as Mr. Cash's. And his famous laying on his back pouring beer in his mouth from the bottle he was holding between his boots......Always looked like they were having fun!

I just sold a copy of Trailer Bride ("bad weather they said on the ray dee oooh.....mobil homes aint safe in a tor nay do...") kinda O.K. but I couldn't get past the female singers voice....not my style....

I dig Buddy (and Julie) Miller, Dave Alvin (his show with Dave Gonzales and the Paladins.."Let's Buzz......" at the House of Blues was red hot.

Nick Curran, Big Sandy,Pete Anderson, Brent Mason, James Intveld, Deke Dickerson, Starlight Drifters,Frantic Flattops, Flat Duo Jets, Darren Stout & The Starlighters, Sleepy LaBeef, Paul Burlison, Cadillac Angels (Nobody Sings Or The Guitar Gets It!), Cigar Store Indians, Reverend Horton Heat, Dead Crickets.......sorry to ramble...

Tiki Motu posted on 04/15/2003

On 2003-03-13 13:09, DaneTiki wrote:
A boot in your ass is the AUSTRALIAN way! Doesn't anyone watch "The Simpsons" anymore?

I'm an Australian & I'm sorry but we don't use that expression. We would say that someone deserved a 'kick up the backside'. Also, we spell 'ass' as 'arse'.
We also don't toss 'shrimps' on the barbie - they're called 'prawns' here.
Fosters is not the beer of choice either - VB(Victoria Bitter),Carlton Cold & Cascade are much more popular.
That Simpson's episode was dreadful.It just helped to perpetuate myths - & is there any actor out there (other than kevin Kline in 'Fierce Creatures' or Robin Williams ) who can mimic an Aussie accent?
Just thought I'd clear up this matter. I don't mean to inflame or provoke - just keep you all informed. Ask any Aussie.
Cheers & Aloha!

Mambo posted on 04/16/2003

Tiki Motu

Thanks for clearing that up!
Does that mean the outback steakhouse
isnt authentic aussie cuisine?

LapuRocker posted on 04/16/2003

I like Carl Perkins, and Aussie women, and Prawns.

tikijaksin posted on 04/16/2003

luckydesigns, lemme know about that when you get around to recording it too!! I agree on Hank 3 I've seen em live many times and hell yeah!! Kim lenz and jaguars is also a great contemporary Trad coutry/rockabilly outfit. if you like Big Sandy / Early Gene Vincent you'll like her too.in central Florida there is also a great traditional rockabilly band "Skinne McGee and the Mayhem makers" just a stand up bass and two guitars players no drums the singer sounds at times eerily similar to Cash. thay are worth listening to. now I ask how the hell is it so many Tiki people are also into this too? coincidence? and where is Tiki kiliki in all this? kreepy Jaksin

emspace posted on 04/17/2003

Dave Edmunds, Nick Lowe. John Hiatt sometimes too. But that Dave Edmunds, man, specially the one with Albert Lee, "Repeat When Necessary".

No, not Alvin Lee!
:), emspace.

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