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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

Da Show

Pages: 1 5 replies

Tiki_Bong posted on 06/24/2002

Well, while a bunch of you were having a fantastic time in Palm Springs, I had to settle for 'Da Show'. The setup at the Portofino Hotel was nice. One question: I bought a tiki mug with Tiki Bob's San Francisco on the back, but it wasn't the standard tiki bob style tiki. It was more like the Harvey's Tiki (not Sneaky Tiki) that's only glazed around the rim. Was this a) before the tiki bob character was developed, b) concurrent with the tiki bob style, or c) something else?

Did score on 2 cool vintage rattan bar stools with 4 twisted/curved style legs. Only $100 each; you can't even buy new, lesser stylistic bar stools for that. The tikis must have been smiling on me that day.

[ Edited by: Tiki_Bong on 2002-06-24 11:46 ]

BONBONVIC posted on 06/24/2002

Tiki Bong. I have been to the 2 previous Da Shows but missed this year. Did you pay for early admittance? Was it worth it? How many vendors?

Tiki_Bong posted on 06/24/2002


It was $10 for early admittance; and in retrospect it was worth it because I guarantee the rattan bar stools I bought would have been gone any later. As soon as they let people in at 6am I checked with a vendor friend of mine (KC Heylin) and he pointed me right to the stools. There were probably twice as many vendors this year as last. They were outside and inside the hotel.

midnite posted on 06/24/2002

One question: I bought a tiki mug with Tiki Bob's San Francisco on the back, but it wasn't the standard tiki bob style tiki. It was more like the Harvey's Tiki (not Sneaky Tiki) that's only glazed around the rim. Was this a) before the tiki bob character was developed, b) concurrent with the tiki bob style, or c) something else?

Bong, is the Tiki Bob mug the pretty common "peanut" OMC squatting mug, very often seen from Reno but also Hawaii Kai and a few others? Like the ones below:


I believe these were concurrent mugs used for other drinks, just like the rarer skull mugs and New Zealand Maoi Tiki Bob. Still the quintessential Bob is an all-time classic!

Good score on the stools too, I think I know exactly what they look like.


Tiki_Bong posted on 06/24/2002


It's exactly the same mug! Thanks for the info. I do have the classic Tiki Bob mug and salt & pepper shakers but keep them in my house. This peanut Tiki Bob mug will be kept in my tiki bar for general use I guess.


PolynesianPop posted on 06/25/2002

**Poly-Pop ***

Bartender, make mine a glass of WATAHHH!!!!!

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop 2013-02-04 20:14 ]

Pages: 1 5 replies