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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki

Help identify the origin of these items....

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I have a few items I have been wondering where they came for for a while now. I was hoping someone here can give a stab at the origin/basis of them.

I think this first one is easy. This paddle belonged to my Great Aunt, who was a world traveler. I'm not alone in thinking it came home with her from one of her cruises to Alaska.

The second item, I have no idea where I got...excuse the dust :wink:

The last thing is this pair of paintings. They look like they are paint by numbers. On the back is a sticker for "Van's Art Shop, Artistic Picture Framing, 2604 Jay St. GI. 3-2841". I bought these from an antique store and I recall them being labled as Hawaiian, but they seem Aztec-ish?

Mahalo for any thoughts.

the paddle and spear thing are definately northwest coast indian origin judging by the designs.....

Those two Paint By Numbers are versions of prints by Cosmo De Salvo originally done in 1943 (the top one) and 1947 (the bottom one). The original versions are really quite beautiful but your PBN's have a style all their own. Here are the 2 prints I have (sorry 'bout the flash). I think they aren't quite 'Tiki' in the same way that Tretchikoff isn't quite true honest original authentic tiki. However, like the classic Tretchikoff prints, they work for me.

Hope this helps,

cheeky H

Wow cheeky H, does that help....I don't know how you could've helped more. The colors and details in your prints are quite stunning! Wanna trade? :wink:

Mahalo for the info, you too Tipsy McStagger!

-Aloha John

Mrs. Cheeky came back from a yard sale with these two pbn's. Very similar to the De Salvos....

"Wanna trade?"

Actually Aloha J, I have a second version of the bottom De Salvo print (the one where you get to see her breast :). The image is about 20" x 23" and it's in a vintage frame with mat. PM me if you're interested in a trade for something "interesting". I can send ya some pix.

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