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Maui's Sugar Cane Train

Pages: 1 3 replies

christiki295 posted on 11/27/2006

I heard that although the train still operates, most of the sugar cane fields are no longer.
Is that true?

Also, is sugarcane harvested in the fall? Will it all be gone when I'm there in January?

Here is the link:

fez monkey posted on 11/28/2006

Um. Well, I leave it up to you to make your own decision about this, but everyone I've ever talked to who has gone on it feels that the Sugar Cane train is overpriced for what it is. Some kids refer to it as the "Sugar Lame Train."

Also, I don't really remember any sugar cane fields in the vicinity, but then I haven't personally ridden on it. Perhaps others will have a different take on it.


Added this link to other people's reviews:

[ Edited by: serious voodoo 2006-11-27 22:10 ]

MauiTiki posted on 12/02/2006

The sugar mill in Lahaina closed a few years back. Sooo there is no more cane growing in Lahaina. Believe me you can find better things to do with your time on Maui than riding the train. The train runs along the Highway most of the time anyway.

There is plenty of Sugar cane growing between Kahului and Kihei if you have a need to see a cane field. They pretty much harvest all year around, we don't really have seasons here.

Aaron's Akua posted on 12/06/2006

We took our little 5 year old on the S.C.T. because he's waaaaaay into trains, and because of that alone it was worth it. But we also paid for the big Aloha Feast afterwards, which was completely lame & overpriced with generic food and lackluster entertainment. There's lots better to spend your $$$$ on around Kaanapali, believe me.

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