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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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Stiki Tiki posted on 11/27/2006

Hey Buzzy, when ya run out of logs I have plenty for ya!
Bring yer waders!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/27/2006

On 2006-11-27 07:15, Benzart wrote:
Whats in the wooden box in the last pic ?


Keeps all the important stuff in one small spot.

Stiki: A sight I'm kind of familar with. But, you have to put a surfer on each of those logs and it would look like home sweet home, Swami's(or Tourmaline, or Lowers, or...)

It's raining today. Real rain.

Wet Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/28/2006

Today's Storm Damage:

As you can see, the factory sustained heavy damage during the rain/flooding today. It will take days for me to recover from the last 12 hours. My rain guage read .125 inches-and that was for one day! I didn't get any work done at all because I was checking to make sure I had fresh batteries and several gallons of water on hand, as well as tuning into the emergency broadcast system. I'll be glad when the Santa Anas hit on wednesday-but it will probably be too hot to work then.

Here's the sunset:
for fans of blue/grey

for fans of yellow

I have a log in front of me, and I'm probably going to carve it. After I waste some more time.

I'll be back.
Sun's Down, Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/28/2006

I'm doing another one of those wing it, too big a head on a dinky body tikis. This one will suck. Real bad. I'm bored though, and carving kills time, in big huge blocks.
Twenty three inches of log love...

I have in mind this kind of rounded stepped looking crappy headress.

it will taper and twist and be real stupid. But it will be round in some parts.

I usually take about 5-6 pictures of the sunset and post the best one. While I was moving today's files, I noticed the boat on the horizon in this picture.
Here's to the big boat fans:

Go Navy!

Grandson of Four USN Ret.s Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/28/2006

I took back the rental car today.

The insurance company was going to extend the rental for me.

I said no thanks, just send me the check.

I had the car for 49 days...

Buy Your Insurance(It's The Law) Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/28/2006

Dear TC Readers: I'm just about to rack up my 500th input here on TC. In honor of this occasion, I'm going to pretend I'm sitting in a rooom with all my tiki friends having a friendly conversation with them with the topics that they brought up in the last few days.

Hi Guys!! It's good to see all of you. What's up?
Is that you Conga?

On 2006-11-24 22:09, congatiki wrote:
the guy on the throne is looking good Buzzy, he has a real "classic" vibe
going on. At least he does to me, but I'm pretty old fashioned.

Now that you have said "on the throne guy," I will now refer to him as the taking a dump tiki. Everything about me and my house is old fashioned, except my values...


Is that GMAN's sandrail back from the store? I hope you got more mustard

On 2006-11-25 05:39, GMAN wrote:
Very nice my man, very nice! This guy is light years away from where you started off all those months ago. I am very impressed. Great chops indeed.

I hate GSP, but I will admit he is a better NHB fighter. He is where he should be now.


Great Chops...like pork chops!!! I usually don't eat white meat, but I do eat pork, as long as it is fried. The other white meat, HA!
I want to see GSP beat Sanchez...
Hate is such a strong word. :)

Oh no, here comes trouble...

On 2006-11-25 19:38, Benzart wrote:
BayPark, This tiki Really looks Great, He looks SUPER and well done. So now tell the truth, who carved him for you?
Nice Sunset again.

Who carved him for me? You promised that you wouldn't tell anybody.
Okay everyone, Benzart carved that tiki, left handed, while he was working on three lonos, the Moai, and posting away on TC with his right hand. The most amazing thing was that he never glanced once at the work he was doing with his left hand. It was like he carved it as a reflex. He felt sorry for me because my stuff was crap, and he was generous enough to share his leftovers with me, for he sake of my reputation.
Thanks Benzart, and take a bow!!!

On 2006-11-25 20:48, Tikidav wrote:
Hey Buzzy- I've been reading through your thread and it's great. Others have mentioned this to you before, and I agree with them that your work has come a long way since that very first one. Keep it up, man! The Gods smile upon you.

Were you an English teacher in your previous incarnation?

No, I just filled in the bubble when a child was absent and watched the clock until it was time to go home.
If I say yes, then all these peeps will become grammar slammers on me. I don't even use spell check...

On 2006-11-25 21:55, GROG wrote:
Damn Buzzmeister!!!! That looks awesome!!! GROG like!!

Buzzmeister. Buzzmeister. Has a nice ring to it. Hey GROG, how come women always talk dirty to me?

Oh hey, hang on GROG, Hiltiki's saying something...

On 2006-11-26 18:38, hiltiki wrote:
How about a different type of wood???

You said, "Wood." hee, hee. I thinking about trying something Benzart told me about. I forgot what it was called, but it was something like "mourning" wood. I hear it's real hard...

The music in the background is provided by Cammo....

On 2006-11-26 18:47, Cammo wrote:
How about carving that dang tiki on the Thor cover we keep looking at? His eyes are SCARY!

And he looks kind of like a bad-ass banana!

I think I'll carve the banana shaped tiki out of hard, morning wood...
I'll do it right after you carve the Buzzy Tiki.

On 2006-11-26 19:58, hiltiki wrote:
Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, I am not sure about this sanding business???? it's so complicated. :(

Here, let me tell you about sanding...Oh no, Here goes Benzart, interrupting me again...

On 2006-11-27 07:15, Benzart wrote:
A reminder that 75% of the work is Sanding, Sanding, and More Sanding!

You forgot to tell her there are no shortcuts...

Hey, the power went out, who is that?

On 2006-11-27 10:48, Stiki Tiki wrote:
Hey Buzzy, when ya run out of logs I have plenty for ya!
Bring yer waders!

Oh! I recognize that voice. Thanks Stiki, I've lived this long without going to someplace with snow, but I can probably do without those logs...But if you're bringing the trailer down this summer...

Well, it has been great talking to all my friends tonight!! I'm glad that I met all of you through TC and hope that we can continue hanging out in the future...

Buzzy And Friends Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2006-11-28 01:16 ]

Benzart posted on 11/28/2006

Hey Buzzy, that was Some Party you had there, did everyone make it home all right, I mean you guyz were out pretty late and no one did any carving, all they did was Talk about it!. Nice sunsets too but I still like Red, tho the blue/grey was nice too.
Well I guess I gotta get back to work if I can find my toolz, you seen'um?

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/29/2006

Two for Tuesday:

Today was: work, rest, and play.

Buzzy Out!

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/29/2006

Beautiful view!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/29/2006

Today was one of those "tiki overload" days. I saw and absorbed more tiki and tiki related products than I can handle in one day. I need detox....

Nothing gets me away from the convoluted world of tiki like carving does:

BK: On the clearest days, its a 180 degree view of the deep blue pacific. It's like being on a tropical island(in my imagination, at least)Glad you could enjoy the view with me today.

Speaking of islands: Yesterday's bonus photo was for the big boat fans. Today's photo is for the fans of island choppers and its owner, TC.

He's taking Rick and Magnum over to the Big Island...

Buzzy P.I. Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/29/2006

Break time:

No Drinks in The House Buzzy Out!

GROG posted on 11/29/2006

Is that all chisel, or is there any power tool?

haikai posted on 11/29/2006

Really great form! The Tiki will be fantastic!
The Ku´s nose is olso very nice. I like your special designs.
Will you give your last Tiki a color?
I think it could be nice, if the Tiki has different color shades.
Keep it up!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/29/2006

GROG: Pure Buzzy Power ! No power tools on this one at all.( Are you asking because you are trying to figure out which tool made those parallel lines on the rounded edge of the headress?)

Haikai: Greetings, again, my German friend! and thank you! So far as color, I usually change my mind a couple of times before I finally commit to the final one. One thing I do is wait until after I start to sand it before I really get a good idea. Then i can usually tell what kind of stain pattern or shade will be the best for the grain of the wood. I have not done a multi toned one for a few tikis now. Thanks again, you have me thinking...

last update for me today, which is really tomorrow to most of you, but is technically today. Oh crap, I'm already a day behind. I can't wait for today to come, tomorrow

I'm sleeepy,
here's the tiiiki

Needs some more work to make anatomical sense from all angles

C-Ya! Buzzy Out!

McTiki posted on 11/29/2006

Lookin good Buzz! Keep posting. (not that that's been a problem for you lol)



Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/29/2006

Got some buddies hanging out with me today:
Mr. Spider's lunch time

This little bluebelly was sunning himself on a log I was going to move

I'm never lonely...

From the Urban Jungle, Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/29/2006

Eyes need to be level

arms need to come down more

Little guy, lots more to do...

Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/30/2006

Today's cloud free sunset is brought to you by Senior Santa Ana

Real close to being done. Now I just need to look at the pictures and find my mistakes

The round parts of the headress are now offset

I think i saw Lake Surfer's evil doppelganger out on the bay at sunset tonight. Hey Bay Surfer, you know you're a mile away from the waves, right?

Mr. Spider is` still snacking...

Photo Gallery Thread Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/30/2006

I just received a piece of ficus

I want to carve a tiki in the rounded bulge part, leaving the bark on around the carved tiki.

It was pie shaped, so I cut it down and was left with a practice piece.

Carves real well with the chisels and hookknife, but it is damp. Should I wait until it is totally dry to cut into?
On search "ficus" I saw that AA, Alohastation, and benzart tried this type of wood.

Any advice guys?

hewey posted on 11/30/2006

I like the style of this guy man :)

hiltiki posted on 11/30/2006

The advice would be don't wait, go for it, what is the worst scenario???? But who am I and what do I know about anything to give you advice.....

Aaron's Akua posted on 11/30/2006

Hey Mr. Buzz-Park. I think you'll like the ficus. Carve it quick, sand it & seal it though, 'cause it likes to crack as it dries out. At least mine did. The grain gets this nice spaulting effect, so you may want to clear coat it.

Is that your log for this weekend? See ya there, bud!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 12/01/2006

AA: I haven't decided what I'm bringing to the gathering this weekend. I'm kind of between projects right now. I'm looking forward to checking out the angle grinder stuff you and 4wd are planning on bringing. See you there...

Dr. Shadalbophadappoha: I still have not not been able to get rid of that problem that we talked about at our last session. It seems the compulsion is even worse now. I'm still trying to turn every piece of wood I see into a tiki form. Why just tonight, I tried to go to bed, but I noticed that a piece of Ficus was sitting in front of me. It was wedge shaped. I wanted to make it into a tiki, but I remembered the technique you taught me to overcome my urges. Well, that didn't work. (Do you offer refunds?)First I told myself that I would just make it round and stop. After it was round, I drew a Lono on it. Then, I noticed the Lono looked like one of those Easter Island Guys. Then it just happened. You were right, however, when you said most of my other problems stem from my tiki making affliction. Like my insomnia, messy house, constant internet postings...

The other day I almost ran off the road looking at a palm tree...

I wanted to carve it so bad...

There are three palm stumps in PB, next to a school fence.

It's probably against the law...

but I want to carve those into tikis.

Let's see if this ficus will crack
Psychosis Buzzy Out


Benzart posted on 12/01/2006

You were right about the Lono looking like a Moai, and a darn good one at that.
I can see you really DO have a problem. No piece of wood is safe around you. My experience with Ficus was always great. I could carve it fresh with no splits and it finished beautifully.
I think you should switch doctors. Raffertiki knows a good one.
Keep bringing on the sunsets

Matt Reese posted on 12/01/2006

Sounds like you're getting ready to do some clandestine urban beautification. I've seen those stumps by the school. Very tempting....very tempting.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 12/02/2006

Alrighty. Let's get what you all came here for over with so that you can get on with your busy lives:

Ok. I'm going to start talking tiki now, so all of you who came here for the sunset, quietly leave...
Thank you.

MattReese: There's also this waist high stump a few doors up the hill on the right from this park in Rolando...

Speaking of public trees...
Any you SD Guyz: Seen that dead tree on the right, right after the Sea World Exit going north. Dibs. Just have to wait until they catch that guy who was lighting all of them on fire last year. Hate to get taken down for that. "It's the Bay Park arsonist, but he's changed his MO. This guy does all kinds of sick things to those trees. You should see the death camp for trees he has in his yard. We need to make sure he gets the maximum sentence allowable by law"

Benzart: Yes, this ficus is fun. Been hitting it with the mallets, hand gouges, and hook knife so far. It's sloooow going because I'm just doing a lot of playing, learning the wood.
I took a little off of it this afternoon:

Close up of the grain. I'm surprised when I look at it and it doesn't look like palm...

Spent part of my day doing log prep for tomorrow:
One, or two, lucky attendees will get the log on the left at the carving party:

I'm doing one of those, "I wonder if..." things with the log on the right. I hope the good wood is thick enough to pull this off.

Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2006-12-01 18:04 ]

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 12/02/2006

Now he has a body and a fancy decorative backdrop:

Bonus post sunset picture just because you stopped by

Bonus Photo Buzzy Out!

AlohaStation posted on 12/02/2006

Buzzy just read thru your thread. Your right that log's grain doesn't look like palm.

Ficus - Good and bad things to say about that stuff, 1. Carve it when moist because that stuff dries to a very firm wood. 2. Ficus tends to grow over itself and that results in dead spots in the wood - use caution. 3. It has a beautiful grain and is a great carving wood - sometimes. All this is from messing with the hurricane, fallen trees of 2004-2005.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 12/04/2006

Sunday Sunset

Worked on the tiki I started yesterday at the carving party a little

This log is just about ready...

Carving party pictures

click here

Burnt Out Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2006-12-03 17:02 ]

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 12/04/2006

Spent some time sanding that piece of ficus last night. Just need a couple of touchups in light that allows me to actually see what it is that I am working on

It's soooo smooth, I cannot believe it

I think I got lucky with this piece of wood.

Now the question is: Should I stain it clear, or dark?

I am open to thoughts, opinions, and experiences on this matter.

I like This Ficus Wood Buzzy Out

Zaya posted on 12/04/2006

WOW, he's BEAUTIFUL!!! I can't believe how smooth you were able to get him. My favorite part is those lips!! He's absolutely flawless.


Bay Park Buzzy posted on 12/05/2006

Dear Winter Sun:
Thank you so much for abandoning me so early every day.
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I'm going to drag him in the garage tonight and get him done
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Haven't burned a tiki in a while. Think when I finish this guy, I'll light him up.

Buzzy Out

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GMAN posted on 12/05/2006


hewey posted on 12/05/2006

very smooth ficis tiki - nice. Light stain to show off the grain

Benzart posted on 12/05/2006

BEautiful stuff Buzzy, keep it up. I Love what I see when i come here. can;t stay though.

hiltiki posted on 12/05/2006

Light stain for sure. It is a beautiful piece and the grain is so beautiful. At least start with light and make it darker as you go. I love the design of this tiki.

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Queen Kamehameha posted on 12/05/2006

clear, its stunnig Buzzy, nice work!!!


Bay Park Buzzy posted on 12/05/2006

To all my good friends: thank you so much for your kind words about the little Moai Guy. I did some more sanding of him today, and did some test stains on a piece of scrap from the same log. Unfortunately, I didn't like any of them. So I'll try something else...
I still think it's funny that I originally drew it up as a Lono. Glad it took the turn that it did. Do you guys think he was calling himself out of the wood? No that would be too corny.

GMAN: American Hot Rod was on tonight. You know what that means.

On 2006-12-04 17:12, GMAN wrote:

Thank you Florida!!!

Okay, just about time. Couple more minor last minute adjustments:
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And then this will be...
Burnt!!! Burnt!!!! Burnt!!!

Soon To Be Burnin Buzzy Out!

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benella posted on 12/05/2006

Definitely a nice piece.


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Paipo posted on 12/05/2006

Man, you must carve more feet of tikis per month than the rest of the carvers here put together! How do you do it?
Have you thought of just using a beeswax paste or similar for that moai? It looks so nice as it is - he's one silky smooth little fella. I use a beeswax made for leather and footwear on my stone pieces, and have used it on driftwood too with good results.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 12/05/2006

Benella: Thanks alot.I just hope I do not mess it up or lessen its impact with a poor stain job. I saw you were working on a similar piece too. More and more moais. I love it!

Paipo: I was talking to a guy todaywho was a carver at one time and he suggested the same thing. It's starting to sound like the best idea for this little guy. I really do not have any other experience with finishing any other wood type but the palm, so it's a tough call on this. Carving many feet per month: How do I do it? I come up with ideas of things I want to try faster than i can do them, so I'm always physically trying to keep up with myself. And I have a lot of spare time...

But since I'm carving all the time, is it really spare time?

When Benzart has his wife get his computer fixed for him, I'll ask him about the beeswax finishing for the little piece.

For now, I'm done with this, except some clear. Check out my new Ron Rico sign. Muy suave!
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I went to the carving party and planned on just hanging out and talking. That was a stuipid idea, so I tried to finish a whole tiki as fast as I could. So, this is my hand carved version of a slash and burn tiki. This is definitely not my finest hour. But it's a great way to spend a couple afternoons..

Little Brother Jimmy Tom: Remember when I moved out and you went and broke all of the stuff that I had left in the band room? Well I finally found a replacement for my Ron Rico sign that you smashed. So now I don't wish that I would have kicked your ass more when we were growing up. Now I wish you would pay me for the sign that I bought at the swap meet yesterday. Kiva sends you a kiss and she's saving one for when you get home this holiday season. Bye little brother.

Should I Stain or Should I Sleep Now Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2006-12-05 01:39 ]

Benzart posted on 12/05/2006

HEy Hey Hey, Bay Park! I fixed my computer today, now I just have to put it back together. That little guy is really really cool. What a beautiful grain. I think I would thin down some red mahogany stain and put on a real light coat. Then if you want to do the wax thing just get a buffing wheel and wax it up with beeswax and buff the crap out of him until he is all shiny. Then hand polish with a soft cloth. Beautiful job, that.
The other 2 tiokis are very nice too. I Love the one with the tongue on his head. Keep up the good work,,NO Slacking, slacker!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 12/05/2006

Benzart's back in the house!!!...Give me a couple hours to ask you a couple more staining questions. You made me two days behind. :( (I'm no slacker, you just weren't there for me when I really needed you.)

Little finish, to finish it:
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Sunny day, lots more time to do stuff

Buzzy Out!

Benzart posted on 12/05/2006

OK, I'll give the slacker a few more dayz, relax and take it easy. I'll have you know it wasn't easy getting Sherry to fix that stupid computer either, I worked the whole time on it.

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Cammo posted on 12/06/2006


Bay Park is the least crime-ridden area of San Diego.

Buzzy has cleverly chosen a job which conveniently requires daylight.

At night his Tikis are 'drying'.

The lad's in shape.

Everything about his lair is mysterious.

His girlfriend looks like she was drawn by Jack Kirby.

He uses a comic book as his insignia...

The clues are obvious, Buzzy is a Tiki Carver by day and a Crimefighter by night!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 12/06/2006

On 2006-12-05 16:51, Cammo wrote:
The clues are obvious, Buzzy is a Tiki Carver by day and a Crimefighter by night!

Damn, I was almost outed...

Cammo: You're real close, but you've missed a couple of "clues." Keep looking....oh yeah, lol too!

Last night's sunset came out blurry. Here's a shot across the bay. You can barely see the OB pier and Mission Bay jetty in the background. On bigger days, you can see the whitewater breaking with the naked eye from here.
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Thanks Stiki Tiki and family for the gift:
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I have a date with this log today, and my lawn...
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Always Busy Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 12/06/2006

I'm still trying to get to that lawn....
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Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 12/07/2006

A little fog came in for the sunset tonight
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Got a bit more done on this guy than the photos show
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Right now, I'm trying to decide
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drag him into the garage, or start a small basswood idea
Oh look, it's curvy:
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I would like to thank the son of Carl, Carl Jr., for making dinner tonight.

Indecisive Buzzy Out!

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