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Tiki Central / California Events

Art Show at the Puka Bar, LBC, Dec 1-3...celebrating all things polynesian

Pages: 1 7 replies

Tom Slick posted on 11/29/2006

Act like an Ass with me, and You'll get spanked!

[ Edited by: Tom Slick 2006-11-29 14:24 ]

bigtikidude posted on 11/30/2006

Hey Tom,
a little more info please?????


Tiki Ice posted on 11/30/2006

Wow first I've herd of this show. Do you have any artist spaces left. Our web is tikiguys.net.

bigtikidude posted on 12/01/2006

these hours for this show don't make sense please confirm
what the deal is.


WooHooWahine posted on 12/01/2006

On 2006-11-30 19:55, bigtikidude wrote:
these hours for this show don't make sense please confirm
what the deal is.


Dec. 1st 4pm-8pm Dec.2nd 4pm-8pm Dec.3 4pm-2am

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2006-11-30 20:17 ]

Tom Slick posted on 12/01/2006

Hey guys, I just reposted this here from myspace and realized they were so vague in their description. I appologize, but you can call them at (562)997-6896 or check out their myspace profile at http://www.myspace.com/pukabar for more info.

bigtikidude posted on 12/04/2006

So did anybody go to this.
Friday I was wiped out from work,
Sat had to work a bit more, went to a car show, and art show here in
Anaheim, then Roller Derby event in LA, then Hit Trader Vics, just in case it is going to close soon.
Then Sun, I slept alot after hangover, and then went to Disneyland for the Candlelight Procession.
I totally forgot about this event until I saw it again now. whooops!!
so how was it? what was it?


TreeTiki wahine posted on 12/06/2006

the show was ultra K@@L!

also, artwork was very reasonably priced and a lot of it was sold on saturday evening when I stopped by.

TreeTiki wahine

Pages: 1 7 replies