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Rums to watch for ?

Pages: 1 18 replies

rodeotiki posted on 02/16/2006

I will be going on a cruise and stopping in the Grand Caymans , Montego Bay , Ocho Rios and Cozumel.

Are there any certain rums I should be on the look out for?

UtopianDreem posted on 02/16/2006

Ocho Rios, Jamaica? You might want to keep a look out for the elusive pimento liqueur since it's not being exported from what I understand. It's made by Wray & Nephew and I believe it's being marketed as "Berry Hill" pimento allspice liqueur.

rodeotiki posted on 02/16/2006

that I have been told to watch out for , thanks for the info.

Gigantalope posted on 02/16/2006

Screech, and a Great Big Sea CD.

Rum Balls posted on 02/16/2006

If you're going to be in Jamaica, I'd look for the 21-year-old Appleton rum. Should be a heckuva lot cheaper there than here.

Pepe le Tiki posted on 02/20/2006

It's not rum but I've heard Blackbeard Ale is very good and the bottles are pirate themed with jolly roger bottle caps! It's brewed in St. Thomas but available through out the Caribbean.

cheekytiki posted on 02/21/2006

Appleton 151 is another as they have stopped making it

tikigap posted on 02/21/2006

One word! Coruba!

Jawa posted on 02/22/2006

Look for Havana Club. They did not have any in the stores I checked in the Bahamas (Nassau).

But I have cousin going to Jamaica this summer, so it would be nice to know if it is available there. Although, as you are in Canada, you should be able to get Havana Club there I guess...so maybe it's not that interesting to you, lol.

Slacks Ferret posted on 02/24/2006

Hey Rodeo,

Both Havana Club and Coruba are readily available in Calgary, so I wouldn't bother picking them up (unless of course you get a great price).

tikigap posted on 02/25/2006

Can't get Coruba in Virginia - where I live, but I work in Maryland, where I CAN get Coruba!

[ Edited by: tikigap 2006-03-17 23:52 ]

Pepe le Tiki posted on 03/18/2006

Hey Rodeo, did you find any good Rums (or maybe visit a distillery) on the trip? Just curious!

foamy posted on 03/21/2006

I gotta start paying attention

[ Edited by: foamy 2006-03-21 13:24 ]

defaultet posted on 11/30/2006

Just got married and had a Caribbean honeymoon. Here's what I brought back:

1 fifth Guavaberry rum liquer (homemade, handpainted bottle)
1 fifth Passion Fruit rum liquer (homemade, handpainted bottle)
1 fifth Bacardi Zombie (can't get it in WA state for some reason)
1 litre Cave Rum from Turks & Caicos Islands
1 litre Calypso Island Coconut Rum liquer
1 litre Calypso Island Spiced Rum liquer
1 litre Mount Gay Eclipse
1 litre Mount Gay Aged Sugar Cane Rum

I had a couple others that conveniently "broke" at the Airport. Some poor baggage handler is having a good time on my rum.

And then I just came back from Canada with:
1.14 litres Havana Club Rum
1 fifth Havana club 7 Years aged

teaKEY posted on 11/30/2006

defaulted-" And then I just came back from Canada with:
1.14 litres Havana Club Rum
1 fifth Havana club 7 Years aged "

did you declare that you had them , they didn't care, and you had to pay a duty tax?

I live right next to Canada, I was thinking of picking some up just cause I can.

defaultet posted on 11/30/2006

Nope, didn't declare anything. I've been over the border quite a few times and they've never questioned me about anything or searched my car. From other posts it sounds like it's a big deal if you get caught. I don't think you get in trouble, but apparently you get flagged or something. I made a point to mention other stuff I bought, cuz I think that comes as more natural. Oh yeah, I bought some jewelry, blahblahblah, and then if they did happen to search my car "Oh yeah, I forgot about that."

Anyway, next time I think I'll put it more hidden in my luggage so if they do decide to look around they'd have to look a little harder.

teaKEY posted on 11/30/2006

I've never had a problem coming back into US, mostly just a wave through, but they always do ask, where I was, and if I bought anything, also, the Canadian side always asks if I am bringing in alcohol or tobacco. Which makes no sense cause the only problem is bringing Can. back to US. The best way to lie is forget. But I never do have anything, just a couple a times with alcohol when I was 19 and that Cuban cigar once.

defaultet posted on 12/03/2006

Huh, that's interesting. I've never been asked coming in from Canada if I'm bringing in alcohol or tobacco. I think if I was asked specifically I would probably tell. But I'd still play dumb that I didn't know it's illegal. That's why i didn't buy any Cuban cigars. I don't really smoke and I couldn't tell the difference anyway, so why would I want to risk smuggling cigars over the border?

Ukulare posted on 12/07/2006

Bringing Cuban rum into the States from Canada is as bad as bringing in Cuban cigars (or anything from Cuba, for that matter). You don't want to get caught. You'll lose your booze for sure, maybe get a hand slap, but that 'flagging' is the worse! You'll get hassled everytime you try to cross the border-- and it may go on for years. I travel to Canada weekly for business so I can't afford to jeopardize my livelyhood for a bottle of rum.

That's why I had a Canadian friend bring me over a bottle of Havana Club 7 year old last week. LOL

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