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Chuck's Steakhouse Tiki Mug

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vegasvic posted on 03/17/2003

All -

Here's a picture of the bartender at Chuck's Steakhouse in Honolulu holding a Mai Tai:

I've been to Chuck's in Honolulu a few times and came away unimpressed with everything except the mugs -- which I find to be the perfect size for a Mai Tai. Has anyone seen these (or a similar style) online?



GECKO posted on 03/18/2003

ey howzit Vegasvic,

I live in Honolulu but have neva been to chucks being that waikiki is pretty expensive when it comes to grinds. I know some of da guys in da village been there like AL & Pearly Shell and da bongs.

I asume(sp?) you stey in Vegas ya? because of your name or do you stey here on da islands?

anyways if you don't stey here and you visited a few times and chucks is all you seen as far as a polynesian style restaurant, you missed out braddah!

no worries, most tourist who come here neva been to LaMarianas. It's a hidden secret for da locals here. you would never known it was there. I fo one am glad that it dosen't get over run by tourist and is mostly da local crowed but also happy at da same to to see tourist because if you see tourist at LaMariana it means only a few things. one, they love tiki too, two they seen it on da travel channel and loved it at first site or three they herd it from a friend....me. So I always talk story with a new face(tourist) wen i see em at da bar and ask them how they found it. there is a thread on here with pics about da place but i'm not sure where at? you will have to dig a little. I would't tell just anybody about it unless I knew they loved da culture of tiki/Hawaiiana.

Make sho you visit us next time brah.


martiki posted on 03/18/2003

I have a mug just like that from the Mandarin Chinese restaruant in Ghirandelli Square in San Fran. It has Chinese characters on one side and an OMC sticker on the bottom.


Sabina posted on 03/22/2003

I've got one of those Ghirandelli Square mugs as well, as a close substitute size wise at least;

Harvey's mugs (like this http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2165502643&category=29460)

Three face mugs (like this http://www.tikiroom.net/gallery/marked/abk)

and in a pinch-

even karate punch mugs (like this http://www.starliteroom.com/html/tiki/TM098.htm)

All are roughly similar sizes.

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