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Big Lebowski?

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RevBambooBen posted on 03/18/2003

Should I watch this movie?

tikivixen posted on 03/18/2003

Dude, definitely.

But you need to fix yourself a White Russian first.

DawnTiki posted on 03/18/2003

Every Coen brothers movie is great! Lebowski is one of my favorites! The "Dude" Abides!

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2003-03-18 10:45 ]

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 03/18/2003

tikivixen wrote:
Dude, definitely. But you need to fix yourself a White Russian first.

I second TikiVixen's vote. First stir that White Russian with a stir stick, the next one with your finger, and the next with ?...you'll be in sync with the movie as it progresses.


woofmutt posted on 03/18/2003

"The Big Lebowski" is a masterpiece. One of the funniest movies ever made. Watch it with the ingredients to make many White Russians. Learn about amphibious rodents. See what happens when you f*** a stranger in the ass.

Trader Woody posted on 03/18/2003

I've always wanted this poster for my living room, too.

Trader Woody

Tiki_Bong posted on 03/18/2003

"Ahh, fuck it, let's go bowling".

manic cat posted on 03/18/2003

It's one of my favorites. The dream sequences are classic. Every scene is a classic! Every charcter is unique and intriguing--especially the minor character: Donnie, Smokey, JESUS!!! I saw it on the big screen last fall to a full house in ny: INCREDIBLE. The audience was having such a great time, and I could see all this detail that doesn't show up on my tiny TV. I own the DVD too; I love watching it with the commentary too.

Melintur posted on 03/18/2003
Tiki Chris posted on 03/18/2003

the coens are brilliant! i recommend all their films (or at least the ones i've seen) - even "blood simple" if only for the finale & the chance to see a younger Frances McDormand do her thing!

"oh brother where art thou?" is probably my fave, but there are several close seconds!


SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 03/18/2003

Melintur wrote:
tikimama is from a different movie

Craig~straight out of the movie, dude! That stained white shirt rounds the look out well! Is TikiMama dressed as Margot Tenenbaum from the Royal Tenenbaums?

Melintur posted on 03/18/2003

On 2003-03-18 11:41, SugarCaddyDaddy wrote:

Melintur wrote:
tikimama is from a different movie

Craig~straight out of the movie, dude! That stained white shirt rounds the look out well! Is TikiMama dressed as Margot Tenenbaum from the Royal Tenenbaums?


You get the cupie doll.

RevBambooBen posted on 03/19/2003

Holden has been trying to get me to watch this flick for bout a year now. I guess I better watch it, with such Rave rewiews. He mentioned that they drink "caucasions". Is there a difference between the mentioned? Thanx dudes!

Thor posted on 03/19/2003

Aren't the caucasian mountains in the former Soviet Republic? Or at least on the border.

Turbogod posted on 03/19/2003

My 2 favorite parts are.
1 Flea's Band.
2 Barricading The Dude's door.

Now that I think about it, that movie is really funnier than I previously thought. There are so many funny parts Ben. Oh crap now I can't get the Trailer fight scene out of my head from Raising Arizona.

Humuhumu posted on 03/19/2003

The scene with the cliff and the coffee can made me almost pee my pants. Almost. The soundtrack is one of my favorite cds (it's got a Yma Sumac track, and Mancini's Lujon).

Melintur posted on 03/19/2003

On 2003-03-18 20:54, Thor wrote:
Aren't the caucasian mountains in the former Soviet Republic? Or at least on the border.

Yep, The Caucus mountains are now in the independant states of Georgia, Azerbaijan and a few others. The residents are "Caucasians" - In effect, "white russians."

This I think is my biggest take-away from the move, I so adore what I call "recursive" humor.

Oh, that and whenever I am being purposely obstinante (which is often), I'm always "Finishing MY coffee."


"I'm finishing my coffee."

Thor posted on 03/19/2003

Yes, quite a good joke.

Right up there with the Brett introduction joke in There's Something About Mary.

It made me plotz.

Trader Woody posted on 03/19/2003


That's the best soundtrack since Jaws!
And it's made a generation look past Kenny Rogers' years of country spew to find a real gem in his back catalogue.

Trader Woody

manic cat posted on 03/21/2003

On 2003-03-18 22:35, Humuhumu wrote:
The scene with the cliff and the coffee can made me almost pee my pants. Almost. The soundtrack is one of my favorite cds (it's got a Yma Sumac track, and Mancini's Lujon).

And Esquivel's "Mucha Muchacha!"

MakeDaMug posted on 03/23/2003

Benno - You've gotta see this with me so that I can say every line before it's said so that'd be really fun... for me... except for when you kick my ass because I begin pissin' you off!! Best f'in movie ever! There's gotta be a good white russian drinking game that we could do w/this movie. We could do it every time they say "fuck" or a derivative thereof, but I think that happens approx. 3x per minute (true - read that statistic on the unofficial BL website). Could do it w/"Dude"... no, we'd be tanked after 15 minutes. I've got it - every time they show a bowling ball or there's a reference to bowling, we've gotta take a sip... that'll get us good and tank'd!

tikibars posted on 05/06/2003

On 2003-03-20 16:07, manic cat wrote:
And Esquivel's "Mucha Muchacha!"

Wow... too much of a girl!

Melintur posted on 05/07/2003

Wow... too much of a girl!

That's your answer for everything.

DawnTiki posted on 08/31/2003

Has anybody noticed "The Dude's" bamboo tiki bar in his apartment?

Kanaka posted on 09/02/2003

The Plaza(an art deco art theatre) in Atlanta just showed this for a midnight movie on Friday. I never noticed the tiki bar on the small screen. It was awsome on the bid screen!


Atomic Cocktail posted on 09/02/2003

I though when I moved to LA I'd get a cool apartment like the Dude's. More Hollywood lies!

I love that scene when they attack the wrong guys car-HA!

CruzinTiki posted on 09/04/2003

The Big Lebowski is one of my favorite movies of all time! John Goodman is an absolute genius as Walter.

"I too dabbled in pacifism ... not in Nam of course."

kick_the_reverb posted on 09/04/2003

Nothing new to say here, but Rev, you gotta see the movie.
One of my favorites.


mrs. pineapple posted on 09/06/2003

"they pissed on your fucking rug..."

oh my god, The Big Lebowski is BRILLIANT!
John Goodman is genius, and John Turtorro (sp?) (Jesus) steals the movie in the 5 minutes he's on screen. "Nobody fucks with the Jesus"

How about little Tara Reid as Bunny Lebowski? and Mr. Pineapple's favorite, Julianne Moore as Maude Lebowski... the painting scene? the line about the compulsive fornicator...
and when the sheriff of Malibu throws the coffee mug..."I hate the fucking Eagles"

oh man, now we need to watch the movie...

Unga Bunga posted on 03/21/2013

Slacks Ferret posted on 03/22/2013

Good to see Unga posting again!

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