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Article on Mahiki in this months GQ (UK) magazine

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TikiSpecs posted on 12/12/2006

Great article on The Mahiki (see Cheekytiki's posts) in this months GQ magazine, lots of pics too. Also last saturday (9 Dec) in the Daily Mirror, pic of Prince William and his bit of fluff, Kate Middleton leaving the Mahiki.... Is it now by royal appointment?!!!!

Now if you can just get Harry drinking there, profits will go through the roof!!! Hic.

cheekytiki posted on 12/14/2006

As much as it annoying when a place becomes a celeb hangout as has happened with Mahiki, it does have the added benifit of starting a trend, other less starstruck owners of bars are showing interest in the "new" :wink: tiki phenomenon which is good.
And anyway some new place will open over the next couple of months, the celebs will go there and mahiki will become better for all.
But for now it has been voted '"The" bar to try and get into in London' http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/restaurants/article-23378122-details/London%27s+coolest+bars+and+clubs/article.do
At least people are starting to understand a bit

MrBaliHai posted on 12/14/2006

I went early on a Friday night, and Mahiki wasn't all that difficult to get into. No celebs were in attendance, at least none I could detect.

I'm also amused that the article refers to the Coconut Grenade as the "Coconut Bomb". It was a great drink, no matter what you call it.

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