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Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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benella posted on 12/07/2006

Great curves buzzy, happy having daily news and pix from you.


Benzart posted on 12/07/2006

Mr Curvy is beginning to look Very Very Interesting, and wherez the basswood piece you were thinking about?

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 12/07/2006

On 2006-12-07 07:18, Benzart wrote:
wherez the basswood piece you were thinking about?

It's in the yard I was thinking about mowing yesterday...

Sometimes my work habits are poor. It comes from formerly working in a city planning department. We would sit around all day, doing nothing, and call it planning. When people would look at us like we were slackers, we would yell, "Hey we're the planning department. If you want something done, find the doing department! We're planners, not doers"

I brought him in last night and took a little more off the top

Happy Birthday Mom!
I plan on getting a lot done today.

Doer Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 12/07/2006

Break time update:
Little while ago

mere moments ago:

You can kinda see where I'm going with this one now

I mowed my lawn too.
Now if I could just get my weedwacker to work....

Breakin' Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 12/08/2006

Today's sunset over the fog:

The fog bank rolled in for a little while this afternoon. Here's the Anheiser Busch Motorola Seaworld tower, just a little higher than the fog

And of course, the tiki stuff...

Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 12/08/2006


Can't carve today, gotta go make a party... :(

Buzzy Out!

Queen Kamehameha posted on 12/08/2006

Buzzy, I have just finished looking thru all your tiki's and you have come so far in such an amazing short period of time. You are really so good at this!...


Bay Park Buzzy posted on 12/09/2006

Thanks Amy. I'm just trying to prove to myself and the world that any idiot can do this...

This is getting to that complicated part:

Ugh! Have to work on all sections at the same time to keep everything going where it needs to be going. Doesn't make sense yet

Other side getting ready. Takes a lot of precision measuring...

Buzzy Out

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 12/09/2006

Have to go set up a party now...
Made a little headway on the headress

Be Back Later Buzzy Out!

benella posted on 12/09/2006

Hey man,
Smells like beautiful tiki in progress.

Keep on with your daily progress.


Bay Park Buzzy posted on 12/12/2006

6" basswood new guy

big guy


Clysdalle posted on 12/12/2006

great stuff!! ok ok....you're right...process pics rule...

mieko posted on 12/12/2006

Wow Buzzy! I really liked this latest guy with the smooth headress, but then you went a kicked it up a notch! Crazy! I started my first little headress on my SDCC tiki, and it's taking forever I can't imagine how much time you're spending on this guy. He's looking cool, is he gonna be done by Sunday so I can steal him? :)

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 12/13/2006

On 2006-12-12 15:41, mieko wrote:
He's looking cool, is he gonna be done by Sunday so I can steal him? :)

Yeah, but he won't be sanded and stained yet. After you steal him, finish him, and I'll come steal it back. Thanks. I do not think he'd fit in your car anyway, and I'd hate to see you make your poor father an accessory to a crime with the use of his truck. :)

Clysdalle: More progress on the other, little one...

The bad news/good news with this one:
Bad: It's messy
Good: It's small, so there isn't as much to clean up...

Buzzy Out!

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Lookin good as usual Buzz, although the 6" basswood guy IS a Bit Sloppy. Look what happens when I don't come 'round for a couple daze, you go anad get all sloppy on us. I'm Sure you're gonna clean it up tho.

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On 2006-12-13 05:08, Benzart wrote:
I don't come 'round for a couple daze, you go and get all sloppy on us. I'm Sure you're gonna clean it up tho.

Oh, were you gone? hadn't noticed. I'm far too self absorbed...
Okay, now that you're "back", I'll raise my standards again.
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Cleaned, but not clean. Still done...

Let's stain it!

Buzzy Out!

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well helloooo buzzy! sorry for not being around too much.
i like it man it looks great! good to see your stuff again

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Hey Tiki Duddy! You were just about to get another one of those " What's up?" PMs from me. Glad to see you back around. Got any work going? Hope all is well with you and you are not too cold up there.

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Now I just need to wait a couple of hours to put some clear on.

Buzzy Out!

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hewey posted on Wed, Dec 13, 2006 5:32 PM

cool stuff as always Buz

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Buzzy Out!

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Nice work brah!!!
I just recently returned to TC and its gonna take me years to go back and read all the posts!

keep up the good work!

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On 2006-12-14 13:48, kaha ki'i wrote:
Its gonna take me years to go back and read all the posts!

Thanks brah! Welcome back.
Here, I'll save you time on my lengthy thread:
Click here for my stuff with no words. It will probably save you about 5-6 hours.

Stained this guy just now:
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Damn! Looks so fine...
Got another hunk of ficus coming too.

Buzzy Out!

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wow...dig the grain on the moai...he does look FINE. Hard to tell how big he is.
Is he standing on the floor or a table?

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Buzzy, this is a great piece, nicely executed and finished. One of your best.

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Double dig!

(the grain on the Moai)

Ficus, I Likus!!

p.s. no good sunsets here yet....

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GROG posted on Thu, Dec 14, 2006 8:40 PM

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GROG: Are you calling this one? Moais are a dime a dozen. Hang on, let me get a piece of paper so I can write "Buzzy's waiting list" on it, then write "#1. GROG" on it. Then, when I'm actually finished with it, I'll say, " Okay, I'm done with this one. Let's who is next on the list. Oh, next on the list is GROG. If he doesn't want it, then it will go to one of the next peeps on the list." Then GROG pm's and we talk trash about Kirby.

For now, we all enjoy yesterday's sunset:
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Here comes the storm to ruin the weekend. A few last rays of sun were captured
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HILTIKI: Thanks again

CONGA: He's 18" tall
Boring grain side of the moai. I put some beeswax on this guy but it doesn't show in the pictures.
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started a 4" basswood piece last night
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Here it is now
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Santa Claus came today with some yuletide logs
Two tone juniper
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Star pine
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Gooey sap
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I'm Out of Pictures Buzzy Out!

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Hey BayPark, DON'T Throw away that sap. It is very good and Highly psychidelic, butbe careful it makes you not be able to talk after chewing on it. Good stuff (glues your jaws together) Also flamible so no smoking'
Your Moai is Really Very nice. I Love the nice clean finish you have and the clean detail, Very well done. The last one is Also coming out great. SOmething's Happening, your stuff is Looking Much better, cleaner and more precise, I Love it!
Also, Don't stop with the sunsets

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Buzzy for me it is the smooth surface and all, but mainly it is the fact that you are using dimension to create these forms. I wouldn't even mind them if these tikis had crude forms with crude surfaces. These new pieces are so well rounded and complete. You are getting really good. I want one :) :)

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My constructive criticism comes when I post my work and stare at the pictures. Then I say, " You jackass, you should have lowered the ears." Then I ponder whether it's something I need to fix to make it better or something I need to learn to do to make it better next time. In this case, I figured out why I put the ears there based upon my initial layouts. After I actually carved it, I noticed that the roundness of the chin made the head lower than I thought when I was drawing it out. This is something I will fix by learning through doing this one. Next time I'll do the ears a step later in the shaping process, and put them lower.
Look how high the ears ears are. I'm a jackass!
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Trick or misleading photography hides the mistakes, like high ears. Look how good this is when you cannot see the ears:
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I still like it, but I always thank myself nonetheless for looking at my stuff with such a crirical eye and pointing out my mistakes to myself.

BAY PARK BUZZY: Thanks for pointing out the ear problem to me, now go F#&% off!

BENZART and HILTIKI: I haven't said it in a while, but you guys are still my Tiki Central OMGBFF's!!!!

Now to stain it. I tested a piece of basswood with most of the stains I have in stock, and I think cherry will look the best for this piece. If I did a crappier job and it wasn't so damn cute, I would have tried ebony stain, as were my initial intentions.

Goin' a Stainin' Buzzy Out!

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What's the California Department of Fish and Game/tiki size limit on a pendant these days?
Stained. Magnifies a couple hook knife marks.
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Buzzy Out!

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GMAN posted on Sun, Dec 17, 2006 6:05 AM


I love the progress you have made with your work. The last couple have been very very nice. This little Tang had me dying here, don't get me wrong - he's a fab carve, but....at first look he had me thinking of Fat Ba$tard when he was pinching his nipples.

Hey, so that last guy with the big open mouth, I was wondering why you didn't give him fingers and toes? I know you can do it, and it was just screaming for them? Keep going, I love watch the happenings here on this thread.

Gman out

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Yo G. Were you talking the little open mouth guy or the big open mouth guy? As far as the fingers/toes, I've been examining older and reputable hawaiian styled carvings lately. I'm looking at how others aproached the arms and such, and have seen many claw or bulky arms with no finger detail. Just decided that that was how it was to be done on this one. Also, I was reading an old oceanic arts text from the sixties, and it mentioned that the Hawaiian styles were typified by simplified "pendulum arms." That phrase stuck in my head, and I am just trying to make pendulum arms. It's all practice...
(I'm honestly just throwing different shit on these and seeing how it looks when it is done. Sometimes it works, sometimes it don't... :) )

Here's last night's post Dexter project:
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Little 4" basswood marq...

It's a nice day today, everything is dry, i'm thinking I should go out and work on the big guy today.

Here are the final pictures of the little rat:
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I used cherry stain
and wiped it off in places to create the highlights in certain spots. Then I used a rub on polishing compound.

Oh yeah GMAN, I didn't see the Fat bastard when I made it, but now I do. I just thought he was tweaking his nipples. Thanks for pointing it out. I did have a comeback in case someone mentioned that I cut too much off.
" He don't care, He's so fat that he hasn't seen it in years anyway. Wouldn't even know it was missing, that guy!"

You guys all take care, I'm going to have an ice cold Wild Cherry Pepsi, walk around my estate, and carve something.

Buzzy Out!

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mieko posted on Mon, Dec 18, 2006 1:53 PM

Thanks for the staining tips, I really like how the highlights turned out. I was totally gonna carve a guy just like this as soon as I get my basswood cut down, now it'll look like I'm copying you. :( But mine will have better ears. Or more likely, no ears. :)
I'm not sure what to do with the hook knife marks and the staining, I'm having the same problem. The answer is probably more sanding. And more careful hook knife work to begin with.
I do really like how smooth and round you got this guy.

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Nice practice stuff Buzzy. I would have told you that stain makes all the knife cuts show up Loudly but I figured you knew that already, plus I haven't been around much recently. Now you know my secret. Pretty soon you are gonna get addicted to the hook blade and you'll be trying to shave with it.! I wouldn't recommend that.
No Sun today?

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On 2006-12-18 13:53, mieko wrote:
I was totally gonna carve a guy just like this as soon as I get my basswood cut down, now it'll look like I'm copying you.

According to my estimates, I'm tiki guy # 19,367 to do this one.
Do a Moai instead...

On 2006-12-18 14:26, Benzart wrote:
No Sun today?

Got some sun today. In fact, it's still here. Very clear. Looking south towards Lindberg field and NAS North Island(what you see when you look out from the Bali Hai)
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Coronado Islands, Mexico, behind Sports Arena
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Just sunny enough to work on this:
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On 2006-12-18 14:26, Benzart wrote:
I would have told you that stain makes all the knife cuts show up Loudly but I figured you knew that already, plus I haven't been around much recently.

No. I didn't know. I'll let you take credit for all my successes with the hookknife, but the failures, THOSE ARE MINE! Don't try to take the blame away from me by claiming you weren't here to stop me. Mieko's right, I could have sanded it more,done a better hookknife job...But it's a process, and this is only one step.
There were only 7 mistakes, and it was my 4th little piece. I was way happier with it than I expected to be. It's funny, the marks look worse on the computer screen than they do when I hold it. I need some different rotary bits because the one I was using couldn't quite fit where I needed it.

Back to Work...

Sunset on the Way, Buzzy Out!

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[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2006-12-18 15:45 ]

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hewey posted on Mon, Dec 18, 2006 5:57 PM

Nice smooth tikis :)

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Why thanks, Hewey. The secret is sandpaper...

Meanwhile, back at the Buzzy Ranch:
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I only managed a couple minutes of work time on him last night.

Buzzy Out!

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I've done about as much as I care to on this one
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Had some interesting carving challenges, despite the apparent simplicity of the piece. Do I like it? Not yet.
Let's do some staining, it's still early.

Buzzy Out!

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I used sedona red and toned it down 50%.
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Tomorrow I will make this star shine...

Buzzy Out!

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The stain turned out exactly the tone I wanted. I finished it up by rubbing on some polishing compound. Here's the finished product:

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Buzzy Out!

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Hey Bay Park, Lookin Good. This last ond has a very "Modern Art" look to it and how did you hide the knofe marks?? I love watching your energy come thru your carvings. Another "well Done" earned!

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Thank you for your kind words, Mr Benzart.
Here's a sunset:
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Here comes the cold...

Buzzy Out!

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Buzzy it is freezing here, 39. I can't believe it.....

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Waiting on the Christmas eve sunset photos! Don't hold out on us Buzzy!

BPB Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/85f835c4a041ade725da8309a9c4be36?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

On 2006-12-24 21:49, Tornhalo wrote:
Waiting on the Christmas eve sunset photos! Don't hold out on us Buzzy!

Sorry. Missed the Xmas Eve sunset.
Hope this makes up for it.
Sunset, December 25, 2006
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If you look real close, you can see Santa flying home in the last picture.

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