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eBay: Last 2 VanTiki Mugs of 2006! Music and Fire! Whoo!

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VanTiki posted on 11/29/2006

Aloha all!

Just finished updating the vantiki website and arranging the 2 new auctions for the the following amazing mugs - first up:

MEGA cinder cone! Absolutely huge - a whopping 4lb 10oz of mug! This is the one you've all been waiting for! The 2 chamber design lets you ignite the reservoir at the top while sipping with your friends from the large (24oz) chamber in the bottom. 7 3/4" high and 7" in diameter at the base. Lots of info on the VanTiki Website. Enough blabbing - here is the photo!

Next up.... The Terrifying Tooty KU! Yessir - it is a mug you can drink from and Play music with! A two-hole ocarina has been cleverly hid in the base of the mug. Check out my website for a little video of yours truly making some haunting music (hauntingly bad, that is):

Let me know if you have any questions. I will be heading to Kauai the morning the auction finishes - so It will take me a day to congratulate the winner!

Mahalo for peeking,

teaKEY posted on 11/29/2006

The Ku, is truly one of the greatest mugs made. About the video, you have to wait half way through before the sound comes on (you'll see). Great design, great execution, and great coloring.

VanTiki posted on 11/29/2006

On 2006-11-29 14:38, teaKEY wrote:
The Ku, is truly one of the greatest mugs made. About the video, you have to wait half way through before the sound comes on (you'll see). Great design, great execution, and great coloring.

Glad you like the mug! He is one of my favorites (I know, I say that all the time, but hey - I get attached!). The sound in the video doesn't begin until I actually get the mug to my lips and start blowing on the thing. The first 10 sec or so is a 360 degree "virtual preview" (fancy!)


Paipo posted on 11/30/2006

I like all your stuff, but I'd agree that Ku is something special. I love the serrated head-dress and the contrast glaze you've used on it. I think this guy will go for some serious bucks!

VanTiki posted on 11/30/2006

On 2006-11-29 17:41, Paipo wrote:
I like all your stuff, but I'd agree that Ku is something special. I love the serrated head-dress and the contrast glaze you've used on it. I think this guy will go for some serious bucks!

Mahalo, Paipo! I did really enjoy making the Tooty Ku, and was SO happy with the way the glaze accents the shapes of the mug. Sounds good too! Touch and go for a while as he dried - for a day or two his tooter stopped working! Once the clay fully dried the ocarina worked again, and after the clay was fired it developed a really nice sound. A great mug to finish the year with!

Man, Paipo - the little carving in your signature is SO AMAZING! Ug! I just wanna eat it!


VanTiki posted on 12/04/2006

Aloha all -

I wanted to give everyone interested in these mugs the heads up that I will be flying to Kauai Tuesday AM for a 4 day pre-Xmas vacation vacation. :)
I may not be able to access a computer until Friday night, so please be patient if you are the winning bidder - I am not ignoring you! If anyone has any last-minute questions about the mugs - you've got till the end of day Monday to ask.


TravelingJones posted on 12/16/2006

Shaka Y'all!

I just wanted to share, with swelled pride and appreciation, my 'BadBoyz of Vantiki' collection. Braddah H' kicked it into highest gear with new creations and multi-layered glazes! ANYONE desiring a quality 'hand-crafted' mug...VanTiki's da Man!

Enjoy the photo and I'll enjoy da mugz! SsweeeetT :D


Paipo posted on 12/16/2006

Beautiful! I am definitely going to have to add a VanTiki to my collection! I wonder who got the Tooty Ku? Perhaps some fellow in Sacramento? :wink:

Atomicchick posted on 12/16/2006

That would be a big 10-4. The king has already posted a pic on Ooga-Mooga. LUCKY!!!

teaKEY posted on 12/16/2006

Really love that black skull. But you still have to have a white also. You got one sick Van collection.

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