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SF monthly tiki parties post here

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O.k.-we need a new thread AND we need to get off our splintery tiki butts and make some plans!

How about picking one fri. or sat. a month (like the 3rd sat. or whatever) every month, and we will figure out what the event is, or where it is (being that we are the event!) If you can make it, fine, if not, then maybe next month. It would be like a regular scheduled meeting with other Centralites and the Mai Tais!

What do you think?


Tacky Tiki

and it doesn't have to be at someone's house-we can go to TV's, Mallard, Tiki Tom's, etc.

Good to see you guys are ramping up operations. The NoCals are as crazy as the SoCals (I felt right at home with y'all!)

Yeah, those damn NorCal TC'ers -- they're so HOITY TOITY!!! :)

I wish my NoCali tiki brothers and sisters the best with this idea. But human nature being what it is (even in SoCali), this might work for a month or two, but it will quickly disintegrate like a space shuttle with a plasma-filled wing.

Maybe you could try a quarterly get-together?

This rivalry is a nice change from hip-hop East Coast/ West Coast fueding.
Do you have distinguishing colors (or hawaiian prints)?
flashing tiki hand-signs (ie hang loose--SoCal, peace sign--NoCal)?

We get together often more than once a month...sniff...it's just that we miss each other so bad, we can't help it. OTOH maybe it's just for the mai tais.

On 2003-03-21 12:03, manic cat wrote:
This rivalry is a nice change from hip-hop East Coast/ West Coast fueding.
Do you have distinguishing colors (or hawaiian prints)?
flashing tiki hand-signs (ie hang loose--SoCal, peace sign--NoCal)?

There's no rivalry on the left coast my right coast brethren. We're as tight as a box of granola with a side of yogurt!

[ Edited by: Tiki_Bong on 2003-03-21 14:00 ]

Tacky Tiki is ALIVE, ALIVE.
Good to hear from you. Whatever it is, I'm game. I'm laughing at my computer.....you peepo are makin' me laff.
Poly Pop, your signature?.....one eyed sea serpent with a turtle neck sweater?

[ Edited by: jungletrader on 2003-03-21 20:36 ]

JT, just say it - It's a Dickhead Moai! In tribute to the long lost Puppy Moai Penis Ears signature....


I miss MadTiki

:evil: No More Tiki 4 You

Yeah, where IS that guy?!?!

In the meantime, let's just pick a date and go for it! Say...how about:

1.weekend of April 18-19th? anyone interested? Tonga Room? someone's house? Martin?

And in other party news, Hoiti Toitis! guess what? The second weekend in April, Bruce, Enid and I will be in LA attending the Fifth Annual Noir Festival at the Egyptian Theatre:


Check it out, the schedule's very good this year--opening night features Pat Hitchcock, Alfred's witty daughter, as special guest. Others include Farley Granger, Lizabeth Scott (who looks like a scary antique biker chick these days) and my fave Kevin McCarthy--yes, they're still around.

We plan on raiding your thrift stores and estate sales as thoroughly as possible (at least, until my passengers throttle me for my imitation "LA driving," or until the traffic just basically pushes them into frothing hysteria--whichever comes first).

Either way, we'll need a drink. And we'd love to party with you! We will even skip (gasp) a film!

More later--


On 2003-03-22 13:50, tikivixen wrote:

1.weekend of April 18-19th? anyone interested? Tonga Room? someone's house? Martin?

I'd like to host a party at the Foggy Bottom on Saturday the 19th. Will that date work for most of you Bay Areans?



Urgh. Sadly I will be in Maine on April 19th. Please please pick another weekend!

And why don't we make the next party the TC Official Drink Tasting Party for No Cal?

(I'm all for a party in the Sunset. Mmmm...easy drunk commute.)



The 19th. is also the day of Mondo Tiki and the weekend of Viva Las Vegas.

On 2003-03-25 15:27, martiki6 wrote:
Urgh. Sadly I will be in Maine on April 19th. Please please pick another weekend!

Let's see...
I have tickets to ths SF Symphony on April 12 and 26 (mmm....Mahler). Saturday the 5th is OK, unless you have to get up early the next day for the Alameda flea market.

What do you think? give me input!



Ack- Father in law getting married on the 5th, plans for the 12th (SF Beer Festival- there is more to life than rum. There's rum & beer! But that's it.), 19th already mentioned, 26th no good for cindy.

Sorry I'm not much help. Friday nights?


On 2003-03-25 17:44, martiki6 wrote:
Sorry I'm not much help. Friday nights?

Unless you want to push it into early May, I can rev up my organization skills and host all of you on a Friday night.



Friday nights are good

How about Friday, April 18th at my place in the foggy Sunset?

Do you like Belgian waffles?


ps. I spotted Martiki and his wahine driving on the Bay Bridge earlier this week!


The 18th works for me- what about you all?

On 2003-03-30 17:37, TikiHula wrote:
The 18th works for me- what about you all?

Actually, the 18th will not work for a lot of people -- Mondotiki and Viva Las Vegas are that weekend.

Can I expect to see y'all at my place on Friday April 11?


Cocktails, ohana and waffles at Cynner's Foggy Bottom in San Francisco
Friday, April 11, 7:30 pm


  • Hand feed the mighty Sluggo!
  • See the newly redecorated Turquoise Kitschen!
  • Tiki Swap Meet - bring your superflous accoutrements to sell and trade!
  • Chinese New Year leftovers on Ocean Beach!
  • Talk story as you consume pupus, sushi, and hot fluffy waffles!
  • Endless feline entertainment!

To RSVP and get directions, e-mail me privately at [email protected]. thanks!



I'm sad, we missed it. I wish a new post had been made--I would have seen that. I mean, we were already in SF! Grrrrr!

Unless this is all a Secret Plot to Keep Me From Attending. I'm beginning to suspect this is the case.

I guess I need to dump the regular forum and just stick to the events. If you all PROMISE to actually post here and not in the other forum, and then tell me afterwards.

I'm actually angry about this.

On 2003-04-14 17:44, TikiMama wrote:
I'm sad, we missed it. I wish a new post had been made--I would have seen that. I mean, we were already in SF! Grrrrr!

Send me your e-mail address and I'll put you on the list for next time. I'd like to host another gathering sometime in June (or when I can obtain more fireworks, whichever comes first).



Having hosted not one but two (actually two and a half) lightly attended parties that were announced here on TC, I'd just say it's actually not so bad if it's small. It's kinda nice just to have a small soiree without having big expectations for blowout-sized arrangements.

But anyway, how about this...

Anyone who'd like to be directly notified by email for SF bay area gatherings (even non-locals, if you're into that kind of thing) could post to that effect with their email address on this here thread. So then if someone in greater SF is gonna host something, they could just search back for this thread to get "the list" to send to, along with whatever blanket announcement they post.

(who had fun at Cindy's party, playing with the sparklers on the beach)
(who still plans to post about a Villa Hotel / Bel-Mateo Bowl evening in the near future)


tikimama angrily said "

I'm sad, we missed it. I wish a new post had been made--I would have seen that. I mean, we were already in SF! Grrrrr!

Unless this is all a Secret Plot to Keep Me From Attending. I'm beginning to suspect this is the case.

I guess I need to dump the regular forum and just stick to the events. If you all PROMISE to actually post here and not in the other forum, and then tell me afterwards.

I'm actually angry about this "

---mr smiley adds "I'm glad you didn't find out about the party I had the previous weekend in which I was giving out the TIki Bob mugs that I got from the construction workers who were working in the basement of Tiki Bob's."

Mr. Smiley quickly adds that he is only kidding!!

Have a nice Tiki Day!

[ Edited by: mrsmiley on 2003-04-15 19:19 ]

Mr Smiley! That was just downright mean. But kinda funny. :P


I thought it was KINDA mean and DOWNRIGHT funny! UGH UGH!

June is almost here and I'm getting ready to set the date for another party at the Foggy Bottom. What weekends in June work (or not) for you?



Anytime is good for me...what about everyone else?

On 2003-03-21 09:59, Tiki_Bong wrote:
I wish my NoCali tiki brothers and sisters the best with this idea. But human nature being what it is (even in SoCali), this might work for a month or two, but it will quickly disintegrate like a space shuttle with a plasma-filled wing.

Maybe you could try a quarterly get-together?

So..., how's things going?


Funny Bong....we're just trying to keep up with you SoCal Jones' :)

Ok, this isn't really a strictly "tiki" party, but we're tiki people, so I think that sort of counts.

In classic Hermann-Gregg fashion, we are also tragically late on getting this together, but if anyone is looking for something to do on Saturday night, feel free!

Craig and I are celebrating our birthdays (his is June 15, mine June 19) by having a Petaluma Pub Crawl (Mr Smiley mentioned this exact thing to me a number of months ago, great idea). You've heard me say Petaluma rocks, please allow me to prove it.

More info about the party and stops to be found here:


Please email me with any questions: [email protected]. We have crash space available (Martiki has already claimed the guest bedroom, but we have futons) and the crawl will be on foot (it's a small town).

Hope to see some tiki faces!

The Petaluma Pub Crawl was a blast! Happy Birthday and thanks to both TikiMama and Melintur!

I noted the TC folks were pretty much the most hardcore, late-night partyers. Big surprise...:wink:

Here's a link to the pictures on Shutterfly--have fun!

As I noted on another thread, you may particularly enjoy the action shots of Mrsmiley wielding his impressively long plunger at the Orbit Room.

Also, it seems to me that dead animal heads are a very consistent feature of most Petaluma watering holes. Andersen's or whatever it was called almost rivaled Foster's Big Horn in Rio Vista, and the drinks were excellent there too.

Why is every bar in Petaluma also a liquor store?

Maybe some day we'll have to have a Vallejo bar crawl...believe it or not, there are a lot of nifty old dives in this town.




Must have more bar crawls up here--'hic'

I second that.

Maybe we could take over the entire Islander Motel in Vallejo.


On 2003-06-16 19:31, tikivixen wrote:
The Petaluma Pub Crawl was a blast!

Dang it! I wish I coulda made it!


On 2003-06-16 19:31, tikivixen wrote:
Also, it seems to me that dead animal heads are a very consistent feature of most Petaluma watering holes.

We in Petaluma have a long tradition of decorating with dead things. It's just what we do. Martha has milk glass, we have dead deer.

Thanks to Martiki, Rebecca, Enid, Mr Smiley and of course Tikivixen (who took the only pics of me that night) for hauling ass up here for a fab night. We are the hardcore group, apparently others on the crawl were incapacitated all day the next day (amateurs!).

It was an inspiring night--going with a group gave us the courage to hit bars we never have (and now I'm glad, and for sure going back). I encourage everyone to do this in your town, it was so much fun!

Well, I am all tickled pink that the law firm I've been working as a short term independent contractor has officially hired me as a new employee! (and now uncle sam is taking a large bite out of each month's check, but we'll figure that out later...) it is, however, the dream job I've been searching for my whole life. yay!

Thus, I have two celebratory ideas:

  1. I should host a International Tiki Day (8/9) party at my East Bay condo? Anyone down for that? I have my own bartender/chef now and am infusing rums as we speak. I live within minutes of Bamboo Island in Pleasanton, as a frame of reference, which is a bit far from SF, but not as far as Modesto... (and only 30 mins from oakland!)

  2. Martin suggested we have a once a month thing at Trad'r Vic's, which is an excellent idea. I need to go there soon anyway to celebrate the new job. Any input on whether it should be: 2nd tuesday of the month; 3rd wednesday; 4th friday - ?? I'm pretty open. Plus, maybe we can pick a date, and alternate TV's with the Tonga, so that both the east bay and the foggy city people are equally represented (how's that for democracy?)

how does this sound to everyone?


Dangergirrrl, if Unga Bunga doesn't get somethin' goin' down in Monterey, I'm in for 8/9. I'm 1 hr and 15 min. drive from Pleasanton. Where's Bamboo Island?

Were you the one that suggested some time ago
to have a tour at the Munktiki studio down here in Monterey? Anyway, as Jungle trader knows, I know the Nielson family, and can arrange such a tour\meeting with a tiki mug buying\signing at my tiki bar pad, and then ramble to Hulas and take over their tiki room, which is a cool place.
JT, help me out on "checking the waters" on such an event, regarding would TCers actually show up for an event like this.
You’ve got the seniority of knowing if it can solidify. I can deliver the Munktiki family, no problem.

Unga Bunga, 8/9 is now less then a month away.
Seniority schmuck yuck. All I know is there are more TCer's in the Bay area then Monterey so the turn out would be better imo for a Bay area shindig. Prep and planning is the key. It's getting late now. I'm not sure if there's a lot of interest for anything on 8/9 up here, nobody is responding. But I know that if someone doesn't grab the bull by it's ba......I mean horns, nothing will happen.



Well, I promised that I would be posting again soon with another idea for Tiki Day, but things have been crazy around here lately so I haven't got to it.

What I was going to suggest (since the boat thing fell) is that we do another giant bus like the tiki crawl, only this time (perhaps) we hit some TCers home bars. We need a good turnout to make this worthwhile but I think it would be great. I imagined something like this: We'll spend most of our time on the bus, and just stop in at folks places. Rather than everyone going crazy with making drinks, each place has a different punch made up in advance. So it's a Punch Tour! Of course, there would be punches on the bus as well.

DG299, it would be great to include your bar in the festivities. Thanks for stepping up to the plate! Only thing is it's an hour from the city. But we could start in the east bay, so that would be fine. There may be other home bars in the east bay. (hint: :) :) :))

So...what do people think? Sound like good times?

DG299, the thing about Vic's was not that we were going to go there monthly, but that they would be having a specially priced once a month happy hour with cheap appetizers and the like. It hasn't materialized as of yet. I'll talk with them soon to see if they're still interested. Of course, that doesn't mean we can't just go!

I definitely think that a munktiki tour and Hula's trip is in the immediate future. I just don't know if it's a good idea for Tiki Day, because of the lack of people in that area. But I want to talk with you further about this Unga. There will DEFINITELY be a Monterey happening in the near future!

JT- I'll be in Turlock on Thursday so I'll give you a call. Hopefully we can meet and shoot the shit for a bit.

I'll be away from my email for a few days, but I'll try to check at Kinko's when I get a minute. Let's not let 8/9 fall through the cracks people.


On 2003-07-15 08:02, jungletrader wrote:
Unga Bunga, 8/9 is now less then a month away.
But I know that if someone doesn't grab the bull by it's ba......I mean horns, nothing will happen.

Ya, work has been such a bit..., I mean a bit crazy, time has flown by. S.F. is a much better prospect. Monterey is too far to drink and drive (boys and girls, anywhere is too far to drink and drive).I still haven’t gotten to the Tonga room anyway. the Nielson's (Munktiki clan) are coming over to party next week, I will get some better insight from them on a better date\idea.
Anyway, on tiki day we will all be raising a mug together in spirit. Have A Happy Tiki Day Everyone!

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2003-07-15 12:58 ]

I"m down with whatever fun stuff you guys can think up for T Day in the Bay Area. But if it doesn't go forward, I'm making up a big mess of pupus and drinks at my "beyond my means" condo and anyone who wants to show up can show up. If we run out of food and drink at my place (perish the thought!) we can crash the Bamboo Island....



Hey all you N. Cal tiki-files....so is anything going on this weekend for Int. Tiki Day? I just moved into a new apartment last weekend, otherwise I'd be hosting....
I'll have a get together as soon as I get things set up in the tiki room!


We're sharing a brain, Mike- No Cal people should check their emails.

Pages: 1 46 replies