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Easter Island Article in January 2007 Magazine

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croe67 posted on 12/28/2006

My latest issue of Conde Nast Traveler arrived & has a great Easter Island travel article with some nice pictures as well. It's not mentioned on the cover of the magazine at all, so you'd never know it's there! Anyway - it's worth the read & really makes me want to visit before a possible proposed casino is built (BOO!!!)

Here's the link to the article online:

Happy Reading!

hala bullhiki posted on 12/30/2006

awsome, thanks for the link

tikibars posted on 12/30/2006

Ugh. Yuppie travel.

She pimps the Explora resort that is ruining the island, and doesn't even mention staying in a Residential, which is the only way to go.

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