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i want...

Pages: 1 41 replies

pablus posted on 12/10/2006

...more tiki stuff for my car.

...a source for taro roots in Florida.


...long straws for my ohana hut.

...a book about Witco.

...A University of Hawaii shirt with a tiki on it.

teaKEY posted on 12/10/2006

My newest issue of Tikimagazine w/ TikitOny on the cover **GOT IT **
A mug that I ordered a month ago
The armchair traveler DVD with spacial carved wood case
Long straws for my Ohana Mug (with a green stripe down the sides)
glass case to better display my mugs
the mugs that my dad is making me sooner
and all my Christmas shopping done.

[ Edited by: teaKEY 2006-12-13 10:34 ]

Tiki Matt posted on 12/11/2006

peace in the middle east....

....and a bunch more tiki shit.

Capt'n Skully posted on 12/11/2006

...The Benzart Mugs and Pendants to be released!


Sophista-tiki posted on 12/11/2006

I don't know if these are things I can get on marketplace , but I want to trade a painting for a carving.

I want one more job per month
I want about 10 new customers for my "special organic product"
I want someone to install the 8 track player in my 64 bus
I want a big pile of columnar basalt to build my waterfall
I want some people to help me develop the museum
I want to sit by the ocean in one of my favorite places (short sands, Oregon)
Then on top of all of that I want someone to hang out with

Swanky posted on 12/11/2006

...An unending supply of okolehao

...to discover the crypt of tiki, where uncle Stan put all that crap he got when that tacky place closed...

...tikis so massive you can't make out what they are unless you look from across the yard, but then the palms and bananas obscure it...

...a fantastic regular tiki get together with just a handful of fans and friends where we talk story, drink the drinks with the little umbrellas and show off our latest finds.

...Crazed Mugs II: The Ultra Obscure TC References Mix

...Crazy Al's energy and talent

...Holden's energy and organization

...Bamboo Ben's energy and talent

...Squid's talents, all of them

...1/10th of Benzart's talent

...Basement Kahuna's obsessed talent

Oh wait, I can buy the products of those talents. Then just make it piles of cash... and okolehao

Hiphipahula posted on 12/11/2006

No more War.
-Good Health for the Ohana!
-An Ohana Hut Ive been #1 on the waiting list for 3 months
-A custom made Cowboy mug with a Kitty's head :lol: oh wait? that's not Tiki?
-Vacation to Hawaii. Never been.

All joking aside I suppose I want what every parent wants, My kids to be Safe & Healthy, always.

MachTiki posted on 12/11/2006

... more shelves.

TikiLaLe posted on 12/12/2006

A um a um you know a 'bigger one'

finkdaddy posted on 12/12/2006

...another visit to the Lagoon Lounge

...my stomach to stop hurting

...more rum (I'm nearly all out)

...my house to sell so I can move somewhere warm

...more and better carving tools

...a Benzart Moai

...The Bucks to get a new coach

...new shoes

Chongolio posted on 12/12/2006

I want to ROCK!

McTiki posted on 12/12/2006

A genie!

Humuhumu posted on 12/12/2006

...for our next flight to actually make it out of the Portland airport (we already missed one connection today).

...for there to be more direct flights between San Jose and Redmond, OR.

...more aloha wear... always, more aloha wear

...to find better-organized postcard bins at antique malls

...news reporters to finally learn that tiki does not automatically equate to "kitch" or "tacky," and can actually be quite elegant

...to have a few unexpected, serendipitous tiki discoveries in the midst of my already blissfully tiki-packed life

...to someday have enough money to hire Tiki Diablo to come and deck out my home in tiki goodness

...to learn all about someone who played a role developing golden age tiki from their son or daughter who happened to be Googling their family name (I love it when that happens)

...for Tiki-Ti, the Mai-Kai, and all my other favorite old time classic tiki joints to have yet another stupendously successful year of operation

...for Forbidden Island and all my other favorite new-but-still-classic tiki joints to continue disproving the "you just can't open a quality tiki joint today" myth

...for all the 'Ohana Huts to make their way to their new homes safe & sound, to be enjoyed for many years to come

...to find a Mainlander tiki mug, with all the paint intact, for like five bucks at a little antique mall set back on a dusty road in the middle of nowhere.

...for the band at the Tonga Room to, uh, be given an offer they can't refuse to play somewhere else, on the same day that Waitiki comes to town looking for a new, permanent gig

hodadhank posted on 12/12/2006

On 2006-12-11 17:40, Chongolio wrote:
I want to ROCK!

Hey Chongo, is that a pledge pin on your uniform?

squid posted on 12/12/2006

...Bush, Cheney and the rest of 'em in the Hague, up on war crimes charges. :)
(yeah, yeah, I know, no politics but Pablus asked and dammit that's what I want)

RevBambooBen posted on 12/12/2006

I want Starbucks to call and tell me that they want to turn all of their stores into tiki bars!!!

and a Bamboo Ben Mug!

and a Real Tiki Bar to Open in the OC!!!!

and a Pony!!

bigbrotiki posted on 12/12/2006

I want to see Bamboo Ben ridin' on a pony into a Starbucks to make it into a Tiki Bar!

And I wanna be home...(specifically, I wanna get home one day earlier so I can make it to the Tiki Ti Christmas party and the Tonga Hut event, boohoo...sniff)

MakeDaMug posted on 12/12/2006

...a full time duster.

shakatiki posted on 12/12/2006



MachTiki posted on 12/12/2006

... a new drug.

kikekeki posted on 12/12/2006

World peace...or is it whirled peas? (corny, I know, but I couldn't resist :D )

a Bamboo Ben mug

not a pony, a miniature horse that can run around inside my house and sleep on a bed in my room next to the dog(who will be bigger than the horse)

and a Bamboo Ben mug :sheckymug:--hear that Holden? The masses(2) have spoken! :D

MachTiki posted on 12/12/2006

... candy

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Atomicchick posted on 12/12/2006

A bigger house so I can have the room to display all my mugs.

Another Chihuahua or an English Bulldog.

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virani posted on 12/12/2006
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tikigreg posted on 12/13/2006

On 2006-12-12 12:47, virani wrote:
the original theremin, the RCA AR-1264 : http://cgi.ebay.fr/RARE-ORIGINAL-RCA-THEREMIN-AR-1264-WITH-ORIG-SPEAKER_W0QQitemZ330061845186QQihZ014QQcategoryZ38033QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Klaatu, Barata, Nikto!

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Swamp Fire posted on 12/13/2006

A monkey that does'nt have to wear a diaper when out of his cage.

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GROG posted on 12/13/2006

It's a loincloth and GROG live in cave, not cage!!!!!

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GatorRob posted on 12/23/2006

... Trader Vic's to announce a new location in Orlando.

... Basement Kahuna to give my new tiki lounge the full on tiki treatment.

... the money to actually put up the walls of my new tiki lounge, which only exists on paper and in my head right now.

... someone to discover a way to destroy a hurricane.

... the Mai-Kai to start playing exotica and lounge music in the bar and dining rooms.

... Beachbum Berry to move into the house next door, looking for a new drinking buddy.

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Unkle John posted on 12/23/2006

A severed head mug new or reproduction.

A cool graphics job I can do from home so I can get off of unemployment and not have to face filing for bankruptsy.

Money to fix that damn car of mine, or a cool vintage ride.

A monkey... not a little sister like I got 25 years ago. though I did have fun teaching her to mix drinks and smoke, it just wasn't the same.

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Texas Tikiphiles Unite!

[ Edited by: Unkle John 2006-12-22 21:36 ]

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hiltiki posted on 12/23/2006

Sorry everyone but squid I am with you on that one...
Also I would like to win the lottery ticket.

MakeDaMug posted on 12/23/2006

... to get somebody to replace Lupe that is another Lupe.

... to spend more time in Mugoomba and hope that the old fish don't kill the new fish.

... to create the world's best ever Mai Tai and have everybody say "WOW".

... to have a pet Monkey that is potty trained.

[ Edited by: MakeDaMug 2006-12-22 22:38 ]

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pappythesailor posted on 12/23/2006

a real tiki joint in Worcester County (or a time machine).

all the troops home safe.

all the Starbucks (who don't want Bamboo Ben to tikify them) to burn to the ground.

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thistle posted on 12/26/2006

I'd like-

-My DH home safe & sound from Iraq sometime this spring (he leaves for his 4th 'trip' Jan. 2nd)
-to figure out a place in the sunroom to hang my pufferfish lamp
-a humidifier for my orchids
-to design the perfect tropical garden for a marginal climate & to have it be beautiful by summertime
-a visit to the beach (Topsail Island, NC, where I grew up)
-& a black pearl necklace (which I would get only if I had that winning lottery ticket)

What I received for Xmas-

-a large TV, to occupy my children
-a wireless router, so we can use the computer & Xbox live at the same time
-alot of tiki stuff I bought for myself
-some quiet time at home with my family (my kids are in pjs for 2 days straight now)

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thistle posted on 01/05/2007

Mmm, I hate to be a thread killer-my DH shipped out recently, & to occupy my time, I'm tikifying the sunroom-got the humidifier for my orchids, a cute monkeypod table off ebay, some frames from IKEA for my Flounder prints, & some shelves to put up tiki mugs. All I want now is for the cats to stop throwing up on the rugs...LInda

teaKEY posted on 01/05/2007

Whats a DH and my cats throw up just a few days ago, whats up with that

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thistle posted on 01/05/2007

a DH is Dear Husband (or I can think of other suitable acronyms..) & my animals (I have 2 cats & a dog) seem to love to challenge me-I just got a new bedspread, against my better judgment, my dog loves to lay on it & lick & chew his foot (he has allergies),there's always a big wet spot in the morning (he also gets me up at 1:00 a.m. to go out in the yard & pee)...Oh well, I still can't imagine life w/out my pets (sort of like having kids)

Hiphipahula posted on 01/05/2007

Thoughs are with you & your DH who shipped out! Bless all our Ohana serving the U.S. of A.

Hiphipahula posted on 01/05/2007

I want SHAG mugs that ain't busted :D
-First Limited Edtion Shag Tiki Mugs.
-Second Limited Edition Shag Tiki Mugs.
-Bahooka Sacrificial Chalice
Just for starts........

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kingstiedye posted on 01/05/2007

...tabou tiki room mugs that don't arrive smashed! :x :x :x

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GROG posted on 01/05/2007

GROG want:

to work less and make more $.
have time to work out and lose weight.
not have high cholesterol/blood pressure.
new vehicle.
Tonga Hut thread to die.
and chocolate.

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Basement Kahuna posted on 01/12/2007

If you build it, they will come!

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tikimary posted on 01/17/2007

I have some extra bottles of Okolehao that a friend brought back from Hawaii last year.

I can meet at Forbidden Island and trade ya for it/them.

Pages: 1 41 replies