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Triple Threat Tiki Pendant

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Swamp Fire posted on 12/21/2006

Swamp Fire Tiki Pendant.
Teamed up with Benzart and Gecko to create this resin pendant.
Price on my web site will be $20 plus shipping.
TC price is $15 includes shipping.
e-mail or PM me if interested in purchasing.

Size is 2 inches tall, 1.25 wide on string. Signed by all 3 of us on the back.

Concept drawing

Resin Pendant


Benzart posted on 12/21/2006

Now Heres a Sweet, Mean looking pendant. Nice one Swampy!

[ Edited by: Benzart 2007-01-08 05:01 ]

squid posted on 12/21/2006

Cool beans collaboration you nutbags! MORE!

TravelingJones posted on 12/21/2006

SsweeetT! I'm game in for two!! :D Really cool to see the collaborations...GO TEAM TIKI!!! :tiki:


alohacurrent posted on 12/21/2006

On 2006-12-21 14:07, TravelingJones wrote:
Really cool to see the collaborations...GO TEAM TIKI!!! :tiki:

My thoughts exactly. I'll take one Doug

Benzart posted on 12/22/2006

Hey guys this is a BenZart too. Swampy designed it, I carved it, and Gecko poured it.

Queen Kamehameha posted on 12/22/2006

I am in for one!!! thanks


rdtikidog posted on 12/22/2006

i would also like one. fantastic work! i hope more collaborations are in the works.

Swamp Fire posted on 12/23/2006

On 2006-12-21 20:40, Benzart wrote:
Hey guys this is a BenZart too. Swampy designed it, I carved it, and Gecko poured it.

Thanks for clarifying that Ben.

This guy is not very photogenic, he looks better in person at least that's what the girls say.

hiltiki posted on 12/23/2006

I would like to have one please.

Karbora posted on 12/24/2006

This is a great looking pendant. Please count me in!

TravelingJones posted on 01/06/2007

On 2006-12-23 10:29, Swamp Fire wrote:

On 2006-12-21 20:40, Benzart wrote:
Hey guys this is a BenZart too. Swampy designed it, I carved it, and Gecko poured it.

Thanks for clarifying that Ben.

This guy is not very photogenic, he looks better in person at least that's what the girls say.

Hey BoyZ! I'm diggin' my new 'Swamp Fire Tiki Trio Pendant' :D -BUT- has BenZart been moonlighting "on the islands"???

I know where to get a BIGGUN! Look kinda familiar???


This auction is for a unique tiki mask. It will not be made for production, and you can only get it here!
I do have 1 smaller one available, but it too is one of a kind. This mask measures 19" x 8 1/2" and weighs about 10 lbs total. It was hand carved in the islands from a native hard wood called Suar. The color of the wood is natural. I have put a sealer on it to bring out the color of the grain.

Well fellas they do say imitation is a sincere form of flattery...all da way too da bank dat is $$$CHA-CHING$$$!


Paipo posted on 01/06/2007

Huh? Was the original concept drawing posted in Benz's thread too? It's pretty obvious he's given his "Polynasian" carvers the exact picture from the first post. Good spotting Jonesey!

Benzart posted on 01/06/2007

Hey Swampy, I had nothing to do with this! I'd say that Smokin Tiki liked your design so much he "Borrowed" it to have his bali carvers reproduce. It had to come from your original drawing, not my sculpt because there were parts of mine that were different where his are dead on! I would visit mr Smokin Tiki

[ Edited by: Benzart 2007-01-08 05:04 ]

Benzart posted on 01/06/2007

I sent Smokin Tikis an inquery about where he got the design. Wonder what he will say??

RevBambooBen posted on 01/06/2007

I've heard that the more tikis you possess, the more good will come your way?

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/06/2007

I was going to buy a pendant, but this mask looks to be a better carving and is much more reasonably priced...

I'll bet the two of this design he is selling are only the samples sent back to him for quality control and final inspection before ordering an entire container of them. Usually when you order "original" pieces to be manufactured overseas, they send a couple of samples in different sizes and finishes for you to check out to make sure they are correct before mass production.What usually takes place is that the manufacturer will produce these samples to make sure the carving is faithful to the original design and most importantly, be designed to be made quickly and cheaply. After viewing these original samples, the manufacturer and "designer" negotiate a bulk price and discus what can be altered or changed to maximize the profits. They even change the design on some masks to make it so you can ship more per square inch by making them flatter or thinner. It would seem strange to order and produce only one mask overseas. I bet there are many, many more on the way already.
He could have done one of two things:

#1 Received the sample, saw it would be too expensive to mass produce, and sold the one off on ebay.


#2 Received the sample, ordered 1000+ more units, and sold the sample on ebay as a preview of things to come.

My money is on #2

On second thought, I'll just buy mine at the swap meet next summer when that design is played out, and super cheap!

Buzzy out!

Paipo posted on 01/06/2007

Fair enough.

[ Edited by: Paipo 2007-01-08 01:26 ]

Benzart posted on 01/06/2007

Well I know Jason and he wouldn't do anything like that

teaKEY posted on 01/07/2007

The wood carving has nothing to do with the necklace and everything to do with the Swampfires design.

Swampfire hasn't chimed in yet so maybe he gave the design out and then everything is good that way.

"I was going to buy a pendant, but this mask looks to be a better carving and is much more reasonably priced..."
They are both different but I would want to give my money to the owner of the design.

"#2 Received the sample, ordered 1000+ more units, and sold the sample on ebay as a preview of things to come."
If this was true, it would be a good thing if all TC artist tried their hand at doing the design and therefore making the ordered units less unique

" On second thought, I'll just buy mine at the swap meet next summer when that design is played out, and super cheap!"
Harsh, A good design doesn't get played out. If so, tiki is doomed.

Swamp Fire posted on 01/07/2007

I've been talking with Jason (smokin tikis) about doing a very limited run of my design in a mask form, 20 masks. We have been going back and forth on the carving and he had two prototypes done for my approval. Jason called to see if he could sell the two prototypes and I said that would be cool with me. Thanks for keeping a keen eye out.

Paipo posted on 01/07/2007

Ah well, there you have it. I assume the worst when I see someone's artwork used with no credit given.

Benzart posted on 01/07/2007

Sorry I couldn't tell you guyz about this, but it was not my product to divulge. When I contacted Jason and he let me know what was going on, I was Very happy that he was on the up and up. I Knew in my heart he wouldn't do anything shady, Especially with Tiki Centralites!
So as paipo said, There you have it. I'm glad Swampy let us know what is going on.

Smokin' Tikis-Jason posted on 01/08/2007

Hello TC. I was amazed when I talked to Doug today and he informed me of the maelstrom occurring around his design. I have been working on his sample for a mask for over 6 months now and the prototypes have been hand carried back here by me. There will only be a limited edition of these done, and Doug will be in charge of them. I didn't put his name up on my description on E-bay because these are not the final product, and I didn't want to try and make an extra buck off his reputation. You won't find these at the swap meet I promise. And Ben..thanks for the quote off my E-bay...that was a shameless plug to make a buck! LOL. Take it easy, see you all in Aug. - Jason Joffe - Smokin' Tikis

SoccerTiki posted on 01/08/2007

On 2007-01-06 20:00, Paipo wrote:
Ah well, there you have it. I assume the worst when I see someone's artwork used with no credit given.

Is that the same as an apology to Jason???

Paipo posted on 01/08/2007

On 2007-01-07 19:37, SoccerTiki wrote:
Is that the same as an apology to Jason???

For what it's worth, sure. I got my wires crossed on this one and I'm sorry if I offended Jason. He's obviously a pretty straight-up guy and has gone about this the right way.
Having had my designs copied by another carver from online photos, but without my permission or any credit (not from here, this is going back a while), I went ahead and assumed the worst seeing Doug's name wasn't mentioned anywhere on the listing. Due credit is important when you're using someone else's intellectual property.

TravelingJones posted on 01/08/2007

Aloha to all :D

Sorry Swamp Fire, I didn't mean to derail your pendant sales in marketplace. I saw the Smokin'Tiki auction and could see he sells alotta tiki. I knew it was your design and no credit. I too thought the worst. I understand this to be a Tiki Community, you are an artist and Ohana. My attempt was to alert you and others of potential scam...see the massed produced east coast "alien tikis" that are suggested to be from exotic restaurants past. My apology to Smokin'Tiki-Jason as well. :D


Benzart posted on 01/08/2007

Yeah, Me too! I don't usually jump into things like this, but seeing as how I was in it up to my neck anyway, I decided to jump in. Knowing Jason, I couldn't believe he would do anything like the scenerio that was brewingand a quick exchange of emails confirmed my beliefs, thet he is a stand up guy. But Now I had another real delima as I Couldn't tell everyone else what was going on because it was a deal in the works and not my information to pass along. I was about to email Swampy when he beat me to the punch. Now don't go thinking this is some Hollywood Publicity stunt to sell more stuff!!
I Love TC and how we all look out for each other,, COOL!

Smokin' Tikis-Jason posted on 01/08/2007

Hey you guys don't worry about it. It's great that you're all looking out for each other. I'd appreciate it if someone let me know if one of my designs was being copied. Just to show there's no hard feelings I'll bring up an offer I gave out a couple of years ago on TC. To any member who purchases any of my tikis on E-Bay you will receive 20% off. So feel free to spread the word. Take it easy - Mahalo - Jason

SoccerTiki posted on 01/08/2007

Jason is a stand-up guy! Big WoooHoooOOOooooo's to you!

Sam Gambino posted on 01/09/2007

Those pendants are something else, Doug - very cool.... The concept drawing alone is a butt-kickin' piece of artwork!

Queen Kamehameha posted on 01/09/2007

On 2007-01-08 18:42, Sam Gambino wrote:
Those pendants are something else, Doug - very cool.... The concept drawing alone is a butt-kickin' piece of artwork!

Got mine, it's amazing !!!!!


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4WDtiki posted on 02/22/2007

Doug, are these still available? I'd like one, if so.

Swamp Fire posted on 02/22/2007

Glad you like it Queen!

Thanks for asking 4WDtiki. I just sent you a PM.

Pages: 1 33 replies