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Tiki Central / California Events

Blue Hawiians Feb 24th, Lava Lounge last night

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bigtikidude posted on 01/06/2007

The good news is The Blue Hawiians will be playing.
The bad news is , its for the last night of the Lava Lounge.


RevBambooBen posted on 01/06/2007

Razor Blades!!!

atomikitty posted on 01/06/2007

Too bad, really nice people, AMAZING location and a BEAUTIFUL place!
Gee, I guess I won't be picking up bartending shifts there anymore!
Hmmmm . . .do I have some kind of tiki bar curse?. . . First the Lucky Tiki, now this. . .?
Suzy-The Blackwidow Bartendress!!!!!

I will be there for sure to pay my respects.

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