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Some new photoshop pics (with moai!)

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finkdaddy posted on 01/07/2007

Aloha! I wanted to start a new art thread for the new year, you know, fresh beginnings and all that.
Here is the link to my '06 art: My '06 Art
or my '05 stuff: My '05 Art

Here is the carving I started on the first day of the year. There is a ways to go on it yet, but it's far enough along now that I'm somewhat sure I wont screw it up.

Here's one with my old buddy, Chase

Here's to all of you who gave me advice, encouragement, and support over the last couple of years and here's to another great year of Tiki Central! :drink:

My thoughts were so loud I couldn't hear my mouth...

[ Edited by: finkdaddy 2009-08-18 14:50 ]

GMAN posted on 01/07/2007


Tamapoutini posted on 01/07/2007

Wow! AND following the curve of the bone - Double Wow!! A couragegous undertaking; tangly-tastic!


finkdaddy posted on 01/07/2007

Thanks Gman, you and I both know I couldn't have done this without you. :wink:

Tama, I tried to use the curve to my benefit. Things got a bit scarey in the center where the bone was thinner. And yes, it was a tangley mess to try and visualize!

Thanks a bunch guys!

Bowana posted on 01/07/2007

That's a great looking piece, Finkdaddy.

Davey Jones, eat your heart out!

Benzart posted on 01/07/2007

Your O'pus is looking Great Finky. I Love how you tackled the separation of the arms. Can't wait to see how you finish him. Gonna be Really sweet!

congatiki posted on 01/07/2007

all you bone guyz knock me out...and finkdaddy...you REALLY do us proud in the northern ranges
of tiki! whenever i get my hands on a bone I wonder if I could do what you do...and then I
give the bone to the dog. Wonderful again!

hewey posted on 01/08/2007

Wow man! Great looking carving. Looking forward to another year of your awesome art. Ive also got a great idea for mounting #1 to highlight him nicely, Ill post pics when I get around to it

JohnnyP posted on 01/08/2007

That dude is great. It must have taken a long time to layout the octopus on that shape of bone, and still have it look so good.


finkdaddy posted on 01/09/2007

Thanks guys! Each of you is an amazing artist, so your opinions mean a lot to me.
I'm anxious to finish up my octopus, but I'm still waiting for some new tools to arrive in the mail. So in the mean time I carved up this little Tangaroa figure. I'm going to continue soaking him for another day or so, then sand and polish the high spots. Thanks for looking!

congatiki posted on 01/09/2007

Dammit finkdaddy...a love that fat bugger! I always love that sideways Tang and one of
my favorites is the pair that Tikibeat did a while back. Now I can add this one. Love it.
Now i gotta go back to football.

GMAN posted on 01/09/2007

Nice one Finky! That fat little bastard looks like me! Keep soaking him and add some coffee at the end to sharpen the color. I likee! I'll trade you for something?


finkdaddy posted on 01/09/2007

Thanks Conga! Yeah, he was fun to do. I might try another one tomorrow too, or maybe I'll do another hook, or a fish, or maybe... :wink:

Thanks for the advice Gman, I'll try the coffee. I can't stand to drink the awful stuff, so maybe this will be a better use for it. Of course I'll trade you, but after this, everyone, no more trades! I'm laid off from work and I need the money! :lol:

JohnnyP posted on 01/10/2007

Nice Tang, it already looks old, from the picture it looks like ivory or whale tooth.

Waiting for tools.... What dija get? Sounds like more great art is on the way.


Loki posted on 01/10/2007

Finky, lookin' great bro. Start giving yourself some credit, youve earned it BIG time.

Benzart posted on 01/10/2007

Yeah, I Love this fat little bastard too, he looks so Neat and Happy Excellent stuff Finky!

GMAN posted on 01/10/2007

Get in my Belly!! The Fat Bastard Tang rocks!

finkdaddy posted on 01/10/2007

:lol: Thanks guys!

hewey posted on 01/10/2007

Nice tubby guy you got there mate :)

finkdaddy posted on 01/10/2007

I don't know if this is really a Hei-Tiki or not, but I started this earlier today. I thought I was finished with it, but when I took it out of it's tea-bath a million little flaws showed up! I'm going to leave him alone tonight and try to clean him up in the morning.

Thanks for looking!

Benzart posted on 01/10/2007

He looks great Finky. I'd say he is Hei-Tiki for sure. There were so many different versions and renditions of the form that it's pretty much an "anything goes" deal as with the Moai or any other tiki. But then again, I am no expert on the Hei-Tiki.
Stil,,Nice one!

tikigap posted on 01/10/2007

Hey Finkman! I agree with Benz - certainly it's hei tiki, if I can call my crap that. The octopus is really nice with the stain.

"Chase" is a great name for a cat too! I hope you find employment soon (Unless, of course, unemployed is what you want!).

Nice work... keep it up.

finkdaddy posted on 01/10/2007

Thanks Ben and Tikigap! I was real unsure of the markings I put on that Hei Tiki. I finished him up first and started to stain him, but he looked so plain that I had to draw something up on him. He's OK, but today I'll start something new. If my new cup burrs ever arrive I'll start finishing up that octopus. It doesn't have any stain on it yet, the color you see is because the bone was smoked before I carved it. After It gets sanded, polished and stained it will look real sweet. :wink:

Chase is the coolest cat that has ever lived. I would get rid of my kids before I'd get rid of him. In fact, he's been with me longer than most of them!

Ben, what do you use to sand low, flat areas like the space between the legs on the hei tiki I just did? I'm pulling my hair out on this one. (what little I have left!)

Thanks everyone!

finkdaddy posted on 01/12/2007

Here's something new I tried today. The carving itself wasn't too difficult, but the inlay sucked. Don't ever ask me to do it again. Seriously.

The three I still have. The octopus is still waiting to be finished.


hewey posted on 01/12/2007

The hei tiki is good, but that sword fish is awesome man! Great pose, inlays well planned, well executed etc. :) :) :)

Octopus, sowrdfish - where you getting these crazy ideas from man? :)

JohnnyP posted on 01/12/2007

On 2007-01-11 17:35, hewey wrote:

Octopus, sowrdfish - where you getting these crazy ideas from man? :)

I think we could all guess!

The marlin carving is great, looks like a Guy Harvey pose.

Why wouldn't you do another inlay? I haven't tried yet, but could assume fitting them is difficult.



finkdaddy posted on 01/12/2007

Thanks Hewey! The fish I just did on my own, but I started the octopus because you, Jentiki, and Gman told me too! :)
Thanks JohnnyP! You're right, it's actualy a marlin and not a sword fish, so I changed the topic name. :blush: Of course I'll do an inlay again...someday. If you have any ideas on how to make it easy though, I'm all ears because it's a pain in the butt, and only sort of worked out! :wink:

GMAN posted on 01/12/2007

NO more secrets for you! You're getting too good! You are now officially cut off!

Sweet billfish. I likee!


finkdaddy posted on 01/12/2007

No, pleeeeeeaaase don't cut me off! :( At least not until you've shown me how and the hell you guys sand your stuff. :wink:

Thanks Gman, I owe it all you you! :drink:

Tamapoutini posted on 01/12/2007

On 2007-01-10 07:59, finkdaddy wrote:
I was real unsure of the markings I put on that Hei Tiki.

Hey Finkdaddy. Most definately a Hei-tiki!
Benz is right; there have been 100's of versions/variations (even in pre-contact times) and has virtually become public property in NZ as long as a little 'sensitivity' is shown...

I like some of the stylisation you have done; contemporary Maori art can be very far removed from the Old Stuff, but there are often small elements of great significance that are incorporated to remain 'authentic'.

Your surface patterning is nice, although as above I would suggest finding out what some of the tattoo designs denote. I feel the same of all indigenous cultures we emulate, not just Maori...

*To get into those leg-holes etc when sanding, fix the piece in a small benchvice & cut small strips of sandpaper (say, 3 x 1/2"). Done that? Right, fold the strips lengthwise in half, or preferably in thirds - basically to increase the strength & to have sanding surface on both sides. Hope Im making sence..? Feed the strip through the hole & work back & forth at different angles, youll get the hang of it. Its actually quite a nice/relaxing process...

Hope this helps.

Tama :)

*Oh yeah; that marlin is the bomb! Youve somehow captured a lot of movement; very 'alive'

pdrake posted on 01/12/2007

just did on your own?

i did the marlin last week!! you bastard!! you killed kenny!

hehehe, i think it's great. i want it. let's work out a trade.

Benzart posted on 01/12/2007

yeah, you killed Kenny(the hei-tiki?)
Go to Harbor frieght and get the little pack of abrasive rubber point burs. They come in a pack of 5 or 6 for a couple bux. Use those for hard to get too spots. You can also look for "Cratex" rubberized abrasives which come in a few shapes and grits.

finkdaddy posted on 01/13/2007

Thanks all! Ben, I'll be looking for those abrasive bits this week. I think there is even a Harbor freight near us.

I spent a good chunk of yesterday adding the suckers to my octopus. Lot's of work to do yet, but it should be worth it. :)

Thanks for looking!

crazy al posted on 01/13/2007

Holly Crap!!!
that good SH!T
nice nice nice!!!

Benzart posted on 01/14/2007

Finky, the Ray finally came and it is REALLY AweSome! As Usual the pictures do Not show the true deal. This is Beautiful, Thanks Big time.
OH Yes I see your Cup Burs came, Excellent job on the suckers. The whole Octopus is Way Cool. I think you were not expecting it to be so difficult, but you really handeled it well. PROUD!

[ Edited by: Benzart 2007-01-13 17:04 ]

hewey posted on 01/14/2007

nice suckers on that sucker

GMAN posted on 01/14/2007

Nice job sucka! :wink:

Bowana posted on 01/15/2007

That rocks! (Rocktopus?)

How are your eyes?

finkdaddy posted on 01/16/2007

On 2007-01-14 19:19, Tikidav wrote:
How are your eyes?

:lol: My wife asked me the same thing while I was hunched over with my glasses off, squinting with my dremel in my hand. I've got to get me one of those magnifiers!

Thanks also Hewey and Gman, I can always count on you guys. :wink:

Here is another I did today. This is the last piece I'm going to make from the white bone, since I like the way the smoked bone finishes so much better.

I worked a bit more on the octopus too. He's gone through a pretty intense tea bath and polishing.

As always, thanks for looking!

JenTiki posted on 01/16/2007

More beautiful bone work! I think the octopus is my favorite to date. Keep 'em coming!

GMAN posted on 01/16/2007

HOLY CRAP! Fink that eel is absolutely awesome! OMG! Dude that is so killer!

finkdaddy posted on 01/16/2007

Thanks Jen! Yeah, I'm pouring everything into that octopus. I'm glad you like it!

Gman, Thanks a ton! I'm having a lot of fun now with these. :D

hewey posted on 01/16/2007

That eel is awesome! Love the poses/outlay of this latest stuff, looks great!

How about something like an eel or a snake wrapped around a tiki? Sounds like one of Tiki Shark Arts paintings!

Heath posted on 01/16/2007

So you did the eel today?


One day?

Damn, keep up the great work!

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Benzart posted on 01/16/2007

Fantastic eel Finky, perhaps your best to date. You Gotta d MORE of this Stuff!

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McTiki posted on 01/16/2007

Fink! The eel and puss are exquisite! Very very nice detail and design.



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AlohaStation posted on 01/16/2007

The eel is excellent. You need keep them comin - no matter what material you use.

finkdaddy posted on 01/17/2007

Thanks guys, it's always good to hear such nice things. :D

Here's another Tangaroa for you. I love the look of that smoked bone. OK guys, I've set up the joke, now let 'em rip! :wink:
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/1930/45ad6e08.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=a9f5651db4ddda424daa0543fa0cbb32
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Tang and eel together
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I have a question for you all. I know there are a lot of stories about Tangaroa being the god of the sea. I've seen Tangaroa in a few different forms such as the one above, but also as a twisty snake-like sea creature with arms and other ways too if I'm not mistaken. Is it safe to say that they are all different depictions of the same god, Tangaroa, or are they all different things?

Thanks again!

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