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Mug Hunt in Los Angeles , Ca

Pages: 1 4 replies

palapala posted on 01/14/2007

Does anybody have any places that they could reccomend for me to look in Los Angeles for vintage collectible Tiki Mugs, Santa Monica Specifically or any other place in the area?


Stiki Tiki posted on 01/14/2007

there's a good place in san clemente, I think it's called Tiki Farm or something...
Heard there's high dollar mugs at a swap meet where they do the rose bowl....

Koolau posted on 01/14/2007

There's a space in the Orange Circle Antique Mall (I think that's the name) in Orange that has quite a collection of vintage mugs. The dealer isn't asking outrageous prices, but don't expect bargains.

The antique mall on PCH in Long Beach, just west of the traffic circle, also has several dealers with vintage mugs, but I cleaned them out of the Toby Designs stuff last month.

And tomorrow is the second Sunday of the month, so you can't go wrong hitting the Rose Bowl Flea Market in Pasadena.

christiki295 posted on 01/16/2007

On Abbot Kinney, in Venice, there is a stores, on the north side of the street, at the East end, just across and west of the Brig.

Cant remeber the names. sell vintage Hawaiiana.

There used to be Cabana Joes, but unfortunately that is gone.

christiki295 posted on 01/16/2007

Not vintage, but Soap Factory/Wacko has a very large selection of Tiki Mugs.

Also, go to Purple Orchid and pick up one of their mugs. The Purple Orchid signature mug may be considered vintage in not too long.

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