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House of Tiki Website Update

Pages: 1 2 replies

TikiShopPua posted on 01/14/2007

Aloha Ohana!
We know you've been waiting a long time for our website to get up and running, but Wes is the Kahuna Procrastinator. So, in the meantime, the sneaky tiki menehunes have pimped House of Tiki out on Myspace. Head down to http://www.myspace.com/tikishop and browse our site. Not only do we have pictures of our signature merchandise, but if you add us as a friend we can keep you up-to-date on all the latest tiki shop happenings (like when we get our real website going).
And remember, if you're surfing out our way, stop in and ask for your TC Instore Discount!
Mahalo and Malama pono!

Pua (and the sneaky tiki menehunes)

nitropic posted on 01/14/2007

Since I'm stuck out on the Atlantic I am really looking foward to the website going up, hope it's not to much longer!
By the way, I really dig those incense burners, but the Moai is kinda trippin' me out!

TikiShopPua posted on 01/20/2007

Whoa N! That kinda tripped us out too. Makes me wanna burn some incense! ::wink::


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