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coco joes

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bigbrotiki posted on 01/04/2007

Nice. Freddie, Mahalo for the companion pieces. Da Wahine is naaaice! Judging by what I have seen over these years, wouldn't you say that HIP was a little more liberal than CCJ with the nudity of their Wahines?

As a thank you, here are two pages from an early 70s CCJ catalog (!):

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2007-01-03 20:31 ]

tedtiki posted on 01/04/2007

Those are friggin awesome.

I love the lovestick.

Sven, is that and ad for coco joes?

bigbrotiki posted on 01/04/2007

On 2007-01-03 20:20, tedtiki wrote:
Sven, is that and ad for coco joes?

Sorry, must have deleted the word catalogue when I corrected it to catalog..!

HOUSE OF KU posted on 01/04/2007

On 2007-01-03 19:45, bigbrotiki wrote:
Judging by what I have seen over these years, wouldn't you say that HIP was a little more liberal than CCJ with the nudity of their Wahines?

A lot more liberal, CCJ was even polnipplely correct for the guys

Alii Gold master #87 Tahitian Man -the heart pounding beat on the drum sets the tempo for his dancer to begin her vibrating exotic dance. 12" high

Mahalo for the Vintage Coco Joe eye candy!! HOUSE OF KU (FREDDIE)

Paipo posted on 01/04/2007

I love this thread...there's something about this stuff that makes me want more...and more! I gotta sell some more carvings to get more lava!
Anyone got this creepy looking fella that was pictured in the other thread about the factory (maybe a good idea to merge it into this one?)....I'm looking at you Freddie! The PNG inspired "gator mask" is pretty sweet too.

HOUSE OF KU posted on 01/05/2007

On 2007-01-04 02:37, Paipo wrote:
Anyone got this creepy looking fella ...I'm looking at you Freddie! Ask and you shall recieve Paipo!!

Catalog view

Actual Hawaiian Aumakua

Aloha, :tiki: HOUSE OF KU

Humuhumu posted on 01/05/2007

That's really cool, thanks for sharing the comparison with the artifact it's based on, it makes it ten times more interesting. It's a pretty faithful rendition.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/09/2007

Here's one for the CCJSI files:

Found this HIP:

But when I picked it up, I thought it was a cocojoes. I didn't even read the tag or look at the bottom, I was happy just to get it.
The reason I thought it was a CCJ was because it had this tag on the back:

I threw it up on the shelf and forgot about it. I moved it and looked at the bottom for the first time, and saw it was a hip. I quickly thought back to the early posts about the double marked ones.
looking at the tag closer, I noticed the CCJ's tag was originally longer than the HIP piece it was now on. Someone cut the bottom of the tag off with scissors, and quite raggedly at that. It is also glued on with a different glue and you can see around the top edge where it was originally placed askew and then corrected, without wiping up the glue.

Having never read the tag(oops! Guess I was busy back then) it never registered that this statue wasn't kanaloa. The stock # is close to this Cocojoes Kanaloa

but the wording on the tag is different from the one on the hybrid

What the ???????????????????????

Alright detectives, I just got off the phone with the mayor, and he wants a full report on my desk tomorrow morning. From now on , this is your only case. Now get to work, and be careful out there...

CocoJoe's Scientific Investitigations Shift Commander Buzzy Out!

HOUSE OF KU posted on 01/10/2007

Howzit Buzzy! CCJ had a couple more Kanaloa figures
Sorry, I don't have info tags to compare with the tag on the HIP Tiki...:tiki:

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/10/2007

Hey Freddie, Thanks for checking! The mayor just promoted you to lead detective...

Here are the Kanaloas that I've come across:

Also, I picked up this pendant a couple weeks back:

I was wondering what the dates signify(Astrological signs-I'm Guessing)

I saw another on ebay a while back:

The back had a different dates on it.
They look like Aries and....?(not up on astrology)

Was there a whole 12 month set of these?

Any bit of info is twice as much as I already know...

Have a great day out there,


JenTiki posted on 01/10/2007

Welehu (the archer) is Sagittarius, and those are the proper dates. Mahoe Hope (the scales) is Libra, the dates on the back were probably Sept 23 - Oct 22.

More info about Hawaiian Zodiac symbols can be found here.

aquarj posted on 01/10/2007

Hey everybody, first I wanted to say thanks for posting some cool pix on this thread and the other recent one. I've been too busy lately to take an active part in TC, but as a CJs fan I was digging these threads.

BPBuzzy - those pendants are indeed part of a full astrological set. I have 11 out of 12, that I was gonna post pics of some day. As I recall, only two have tikis, including one of the ones you posted. The other one is Leo / "Hilinaehu".


HOUSE OF KU posted on 01/10/2007

On 2007-01-10 11:00, aquarj wrote:
As I recall, only two have tikis, including one of the ones you posted. The other one is Leo / "Hilinaehu".

-------------------------------------------------------------- Complete Zodiac
Mahalo Randy for checking in, when you get a chance, how's about showing us some of your Lava "Gems" from your collection :) :tiki: Freddie

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/11/2007

Freddie: As we say out here, "Muchos Thankos!"


Paipo posted on 01/11/2007

All these great designs with a really distinctive style - someone out there must know who sculpted this stuff?

HOUSE OF KU posted on 01/11/2007

One of the "old timer" carpenters I was working with said he used to work at Coco Joes back in the day and he remembers one of the sculptors name being "Andy", he couldn't remember the last name.:( Maybe BigBro has that info in one of those awesome Lavaflow newsletters? Freddie

[ Edited by: HOUSE OF KU 2007-01-11 14:39 ]

HOUSE OF KU posted on 01/12/2007

On 2006-11-26 16:53, Paipo wrote:
Not the most comely of wahines, is she G - Guess what Paipo, she has sisters...

Aprox 1 in. fertility goddess pendant
Sorry Folks...last but not least her sister................

Last chance to turn away......................................

Aprox 5 1/2" ashtray...I've seen a larger version, about 9"...CCJ didn't have alot of topless women, but these seem to have gone under the radar :) I think this one is called "Come and get it" :oops: Aloha, Freddie

[ Edited by: HOUSE OF KU 2007-01-13 04:51 ]

ookoo lady posted on 01/14/2007

Here's front-and-back photos of some bigger Coco Joes pendants. They're about 2.5 inches across.

The ones with the asian symbols say "double happiness" and "long life" on the back. I've seen another on e-bay that said "health".

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/14/2007

...and "love"
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HOUSE OF KU posted on 01/14/2007

On 2007-01-02 12:22, Paipo wrote:
...the Lovestick is my new favourite piece -
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---------------Heres the companion piece Paipo,
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Aloha, Freddie

HOUSE OF KU posted on 01/14/2007

Some variations on the Ku pendant --------------------------- Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/3182/45aa0698.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=94dddfc4cf52093776bee6d40024d034
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Aloha, Freddie :tiki:

aquarj posted on 01/15/2007

Thought I'd contribute some more images to this thread. Some nice stuff on here! First some followups to some earlier posts...

Here's another one of the chinese character pendants, this one for good luck.
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And some more of the "fertility girl".

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Here's the biggie ashtray that Freddie referred to. She's called "Twinkle Toes" on the paper label.

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Some more of them - note the smaller one on the left with the magic sparkling nipples! I really like the two in the middle - they're by HIP, and sort of a before and after.

Someday when someone does the great book on lava tourist stuff, they'll go into some of the interesting variations on the stamps they put on the bottoms of the figures. Coco Joes seemed to have some special stamps they used for some of their more unusual ones.

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This stamp is a little different, and only seems to be on a few figures. Kinda looks like the seal of some secret society.

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The amoeba stamp with handwriting seems to be on some of the nicer Legends in Lava kind of stuff. The one on the left is the chrome dome guy that Freddie posted, and the one on the right is a nice big lava girl figure.

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Here's the upright view of the lava girl on the right from the above pic. I like the ones that have that theme of an alluring female emerging from a lava background. Here's some more...

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The one on the right has the "secret society" stamp on the bottom.

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And here's some more ones I thought I'd post.

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Dig the finish on the Alii Gold series.

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I think the one on the left is a coaster; not sure what the one on the right is.

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Side view of the two from above.

Hope you enjoy these! Seems like there's always new discoveries with these, so keep em coming!


Paipo posted on 01/15/2007

Keep it up, I'm loving all this stuff....except this!

The horror!

HOUSE OF KU posted on 01/15/2007

Mahalo for posting those lovelies Randy!! I've seen some thats still on the wish list :D A couple more HIP (Rascals) before and afters Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/3182/45ab4f2c.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=76e36e4657981d2116c22d86dc9a52bd

I personally like this CoCo Joe Logo---------------------------Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/3182/45ab4fea.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=91af1cfc62115ecb861e6605ac63b630
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Is it me, or does that look like a pair of boobies?? Aloha, Freddie :tiki:

HOUSE OF KU posted on 01/15/2007

On 2007-01-15 01:41, Paipo wrote:
Keep it up, I'm loving all this stuff....except this!

The horror!

Boohoohaaahaahhhha :) Sorry, Paipo...I had to get her into the lineup early....I hope this vision isn't seared into your memory bank, flashing up at will when you're trying to sleep. :roll:

ookoo lady posted on 01/15/2007

Here are my pen holders. I remove the pen holding part, and hang them on the wall like plaques. I've posted most of these before, but those shutterfly links eventually turn into little red x's.

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Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/16/2007

Dear All My New Cocojoes Friends:
If any of you have time in your busy schedules, could you post more pictures of these Alii Gold series tikis?
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Thank you very much,

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/16/2007

Here's all my Coco Joe's HIP stuff:
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Buzzy Out!

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[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2007-01-17 15:41 ]

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Stiki Tiki posted on 01/17/2007

whoa that's impressive for a newbie collector! about time ya got a hobby...

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hiltiki posted on 01/17/2007

Wait a min Buzzy, where is this all coming from??? I know it's Santa Claus isn't it? :wink: :wink:

bigbrotiki posted on 01/17/2007

Wow....what a happy family!

HOUSE OF KU posted on 01/18/2007

On 2007-01-16 15:27, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

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------------------------------------------------------------------Hey Buzzy, do you have more picts of the figure on the left? Never seen that one yet :roll: You have a pretty solid collection....Looks like someone has Lava Fever...HAHA Welcome to "Da Club" Some Alii Gold----------------------------------
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Aloha, Freddie :tiki:

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[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2007-01-17 15:41 ]

Paipo posted on 01/18/2007

Wow, nice collection Buzzy! Did you pick most of them up "in the wild"?
Edit: gotta get one of those moai!

v TC Thread v
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[ Edited by: Paipo 2007-01-18 02:04 ]

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/18/2007

Top of the morning to you Freddie, one more for the list:
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Does it sound strange to hear me say "I love this guy!"

Paipo:The key is to establish a good trade network...have people do the hunting for you :)
Sit back and trade away.

bigbrotiki posted on 01/18/2007

If there's one HIP (or?) guy I really covet, It's HIM (pic from Tiki Quest):

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Anyone wanna trade? :) I have lots of rare items in my museum....

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/856085a6b177777159245b14ec04ed71?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TikiJosh posted on 01/18/2007

On 2007-01-16 15:27, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
Here's all my Coco Joe's HIP stuff:

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Pretty impressive collection you've got there. I gotta ask you about the one on the left in the picture here. Is that a Pele? I've got a Coco Joe's Pele, but she doesn't look like that....
Thanks for sharing!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/19/2007

BigBro: I remember a couple months back a person on ebay had about 5-6 of those for sale. A couple brown ones and a couple like this(and maybe another one was copper?):
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About a month later he posted 3-4 more

Tikijosh: I do not have any tags, but I think I remember seeing one with a legends book attatched to the back
Here is the lovely lady:
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Buzzy Out!

Paipo posted on 01/19/2007

HOUSE of KU / Freddie has a hookup on the Tiki Carvers I think. Keep on posting fellas....I'm building a wishlist!

bigbrotiki posted on 01/19/2007

Damn! Where was I? Not searching under CCJ/HIP, that's where I was...Oh well, ya just can't cover it ALL.: Witco, CoCo, Kelbo, MiMo...it's just too much.

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/856085a6b177777159245b14ec04ed71?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TikiJosh posted on 01/19/2007

On 2007-01-18 16:40, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
Tikijosh: I do not have any tags, but I think I remember seeing one with a legends book attatched to the back
Here is the lovely lady:
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Wow! She's amazing. Doesn't look anything like the Pele I've got. Now I'm going to have to keep my eyes out for it. Thanks again for sharing, and thanks for the extra pictures!

HOUSE OF KU posted on 01/19/2007

On 2007-01-18 12:08, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
Top of the morning to you Freddie, one more for the list:

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Does it sound strange to hear me say "I love this guy!"

Mahalo for all the picts Buzzy, I can set my phaser to stun and look for this piece now. Freddie

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/26/2007

Aloha Lava Buddies!
Picked up these three items in trade earlier last week. The lono leaner has an appointment with my oven for the Freddie approved straightening technique. I wanted to try to straighten out one that I already had a duplicate of, so I took this one to to boil, burn, and ruin. His buddy on the shelf says, "I'm glad I'm a little straighter than he is." He doesn't know, that if it works,he is next.
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When I actually do this, I will observe proper scientific method, and document all aspects of this folly...er, important scientific survey, and publish my findings on this thread for peer review.

The focus of this post however, is one of the pendants that I got. No marks, and it doubles as a pendant or a magnet. Talk about versatility.
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Either that is a magnet holder, or a place to hide your stash.
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Any of "Da Lava Club" know anything about this bent guy?

Membership has it's privileges-Da Lava Club!
Buzzy Out!

HOUSE OF KU posted on 01/28/2007

Aloha Buzzy! Nice looking pendants...I've never seen the bent one (tiki) before :oops: The closest one is this one...Unmarked of course Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/3182/45bc82fa.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=569814d21ef22e3593fd1403272f3933
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A few more, older CCJ pieces to set the hook deep :), Sorry "B" Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/3182/45bc851e.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=edc7faad5235cae31d90c44b319f2357
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I left these in as found condition. Looking forward to the
"Back Surgery" also...Mahalo, Freddie :tiki:

[ Edited by: HOUSE OF KU 2007-02-02 10:53 ]

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/28/2007

On 2007-01-28 03:23, HOUSE OF KU wrote:
Aloha Buzzy! Looking forward to the
"Back Surgery" also...Mahalo, Freddie :tiki:

The subject is a male Lono figure(COCOJOES HW26-017 c.91), 8.75 inches in height, born on Jul 06 of some year during Cocojoe's years of operation. He came to the Buzzy Back Fixin' Kitchen Clinic due to a disfigurement of his lower back.
The initial examination by Buzzy showed a displacement of approx 3" from true square:
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Buzzy advised the patient of his options: the boiling pan of water or the oven, and due to the tag on his back, he chose the oven.
The oven was preheated to 220f.
The volunteer sat in the 220 degree heat for 10 minutes, where the heat was then raised to 230 for 10 more minutes.
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It was observed that the tiki was slightly pliable at this point. He was returned to the oven for an additional 4 minutes
After the additional time, he was placed on his back with a heavy pyrex tray to keephim straight while cooling
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After a substantial cooling off period, the tiki was again measured to see the progress:
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About a half inch off. Good progress for one attempt.

Published Findings: This method was easy, and it worked very well. Two and a half inches of bend were corrected. There was no cracking or deterioration of the piece during this process. The tag was left on and remains in preprocedure condition. I would recommend this method, but take no responsibility for you forgetting your tiki in the oven.

My one concern would be cracking a black one if I tried it...

Buzzy Out!

HOUSE OF KU posted on 01/29/2007

Aloha Dr. Buzzy! If you want him even straighter, you could put a little flat spacer(1/8-3/16) under the base of the Tiki,or wherever the bend starts,during the cooling phase, with Pyrex weight in place. It should be a little past level before it cools to compensate wanting to bend back again...Freddie :tiki:

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/856085a6b177777159245b14ec04ed71?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TikiJosh posted on 01/30/2007

Nice bit of back surgery there! So, how's the pyrex weight work? The tiki looks face down with the dish on his back (makes sense). If he's pliable, wouldn't doing a face plant mush his nose or the front of the base, or is it not that pliable?

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/31/2007

On 2007-01-29 16:51, TikiJosh wrote:
So, how's the pyrex weight work? The tiki looks face down with the dish on his back. If he's pliable, wouldn't doing a face plant mush his nose or the front of the base, or is it not that pliable?

Hey TikiJosh,
The tiki will bend, but it is not pliable to the point of being able to reshape the piece. It just gets it "soft" enough to bend easily by hand. It has some sort of memory, so it wants to go back to the bent position as it cools. It gets harder as it cools too, so when it started hardening a bit, I put the pyrex on top to keep it straight while it was cooling. After about ten minutes, it is warm, but will stay straight without the plate on top as it returns to room temperature. I did another thinner one, and I just held it in my hands straight for about ten minutes, and it turned out fine. The plate works well when it is too hot to hold.

Sold for $159.49 on ebay a couple of days ago :o :o :o ...
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On 2007-01-28 03:23, HOUSE OF KU wrote:
A few more, older CCJ pieces to set the hook deep :), Sorry "B"

Da Damn List!

Buzzy Out!

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/856085a6b177777159245b14ec04ed71?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TikiJosh posted on 01/31/2007

Oh, I gotcha. Hot enough to bend, but not so hot and soft that it gets mucked up when you put a pyrex dish on it. ha ha. Good to know that tikis can be fixed this way. Thanks for sharing!

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