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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Hawaii Kai

Pages: 1 2 replies

bay_bay_kid posted on 01/16/2007

I am from the city of new york and there was a Restaurants call the ( Hawaii Kai )
can some one tell me is it sill there and if not is there some like it in the city

thank you

sneakyjack posted on 01/17/2007

There are many links here on TC to Hawaii Kai use the search at top right of page. But the Hawaii Kai is gone it was up on Bway and 50th - I think near the winter garden. I've heard it was in some movies but You need to check the posts here on TC.

To answer whats around NYC like Hawaii Kai - well nothing but 2 Tiki type bars are:

Ottos Shrunken on 14th street and ave A lower east side (monday eves is all tiki)
Waikiki wallys on 2nd street and 1st ave look for the palm tree neon on top - go for drinks and to look around! hey have mugs as does Ottos!

Below are some Chinese food / tiki decor and drinks
New Jersey has some great places like Chans / Lees Hawaiian Islander.
And in Queens is King Yum
Staten Island has Jade Island

And Brooklyn has The Zombie Hut - for drinks

just search tiki Central and you'll find pics and address and ???


bigtikidude posted on 01/17/2007

Otto's also does a surf music night on one Sat night a month,
I beleive its the 1st Sat. of everymonth. But I live in So. Cal. so check with them to be sure. But its semi tiki related music.


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