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Chongolio's Flea Market is now open! More stuff added 1/20

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Chongolio posted on 11/25/2006

I have set up Chongolio's Flea Market as an outlet for my art and the things I am willing to depart with as I prepare for my move to Hawaii. I have already started posting items with links to purchase through Paypal. I figure I will give the TC ohana, friends, family and Coconut Wired listeners a chance to help out and get first grabs at some stuff they might want. I have already posted some new and recent art and I am going to try and post a few more new things over the weekend and weekly thereafter over the next few months until its all gone or it's time to board the plane. Things for sale will include tiki knick knacks, a few mugs, furniture, art supplies, decorations and decor, surfboards, skatebords, stickers, records and of course there will be plenty of my art available as it gets created. Please don't contact me and ask what I am going to be selling and when because I don't know. This is kind of an experiment in progress. I may not have the time to post here on TC when I add things and I will be selling stuff that is not tiki related but may be of interest to some of you. To easily and quickly keep up to date on what up for sale, subscribe (it's free) to my Fleamarket page and use a RSS reader to keep updated on new listings. Trust me there will be bargains to be had! If you are not hip to RSS, follow the RSS Link and read up. It's cost nothing, worth a few minute to learn about and can be of great use beyond my humble offerings.
Thanks for taking the time to check it out.

Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

[ Edited by: Chongolio 2007-01-20 08:31 ]

Monkeyman posted on 11/27/2006

Moving ?????

You will be missed on the Mainland...

California is losing a top notch resident :(

Coco Loco posted on 11/27/2006

MM, AGREED! Here's Chongo's post about moving in case you missed it.


On 2006-11-27 13:13, Monkeyman wrote:
Moving ?????

You will be missed on the Mainland...

California is losing a top notch resident :(

[ Edited by: Coco Loco 2006-11-27 13:40 ]

tikicleen posted on 12/01/2006

could this be the best kept secret on tc right now?

i just got an original framed PAINTING from chongolio at a ROCK BOTTOM price with shipping included! an ORIGINAL P A I N T I N G people! he has more, starting at a mere 30 BUCKS.

sure sounds like a nice holiday gift for the tiki person in your life, (or yerself, in my case)

if someone doesnt buy up the 30 dollar jobs soon, i may be forced to purchase them. consider this your first warning TC.

Matt Reese posted on 12/01/2006

Congrats on the moving plans. I hope you still manage to come back from time to time. I have to stop typing now......sniff...I need a tissue.

Chongolio posted on 12/11/2006

More stuff added check it out! A tropical bird and plant decorations, a die cast Woody Wagon and more stuff is going to be added later tonight. I am also going to put up some freebies that can be yours if you pay for the shippin' Take a look at:
Chongolio's Fleamarket

Big 'ol thanks to the fine folks who have already helped out and picked up some of my art.


Chongolio posted on 01/20/2007

Aloooha fine folks of TC,
I have some new Tropical infused artwork up for grabs at my MyFlea Market. Here is whats new and ready to adorn your favorite wall:
Tropical Dreamz $100.00 (price incudes shipping in the US)


Cocobilly $65.00 (price incudes shipping in the US)[

Thanks for takin' the time to give it a peek-a-boo

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