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Aquarium stand - tiki style. -image heavy

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JohnnyP posted on 01/21/2007

Here is a fish tank stand with a little different twist. The stand we had didn't look too tiki, let alone tropical. I wanted something with some more flair. I've some of you guys carving trim and liked the look and I wanted the lid to be unique. I like the New Guinea art style so after a lot of though I decided to model the top after a PNG long house. I carved the roof finals and gable masks in loose PNG style. The trim is more Polynesian, but most tiki bars mixed styles anyways.

Even though we were trying to move to Florida, with the housing market here the way it is, it doesn't look like that will happen for a long while, so we deiced to bring a little of the tropics to us. The tank is a little murky yet, but should clear up in a few days.

Hope you like

It is visible from three sides and it sits in the center of the room. The other end hides the filter box and equipment.

A view of the roof showing the slanted ends New Guinea long house style.

Figure on one end - bird figure

The other end - human figure

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The door handle to the filter box.

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Some trim detail - shows a jellyfish centerpiece.

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I did a search here and didn't find another tiki related fish-tank stand. Since this was unique I thought I would post it here instead of on my carving thread.

Thanks for looking,


[ Edited by: JohnnyP 2007-01-20 18:05 ]

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Capt'n Skully posted on 01/21/2007

That's REALLY COOL! Did you hingle one of the "roofsides" for access to the top of the fish tank, or do you have to lift it off? Great job!!

JohnnyP posted on 01/21/2007

Both roof sides are hinged for really easy access.


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Davez_tikiz posted on 01/21/2007

Wow... very cool! Did you you a gouge for the trim, or a router? How did it go?

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/21/2007

Oh WAY cool! It the ultimate aqaurium! Well done!

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Tamapoutini posted on 01/21/2007

Oh yeah; Lucky fish!! (or is it to be a living 'menu' with lobsters & edible types..? In which case; poor fish...) Great idea!

Tama :)

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Sneakytiki posted on 01/21/2007

That is a truly 1 of a kind fish tank, very well crafted!


JohnnyP posted on 01/22/2007

Thanks for the comments,

I used a v gouge for the trim. I tried a router but I was way too sloppy with it.

I am thinking of adding thatch to the roof, anybody know where I can get thatch that comes in 24in wide rolls?


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Benzart posted on 01/22/2007

Awesome Job John, Can't wait to see it finished . Cool.

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RevBambooBen posted on 01/22/2007

On 2007-01-21 18:55, JohnnyP wrote:
Thanks for the comments,

I used a v gouge for the trim. I tried a router but I was way too sloppy with it.

I am thinking of adding thatch to the roof, anybody know where I can get thatch that comes in 24in wide rolls?


Oceanic Arts in Whittier , Ca.

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tiki junkman posted on 01/23/2007

That's one bad ass tiki tank! I'm with ya on the thatch roofing... get that thing on and lets see some new pics.


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TikiJosh posted on 01/23/2007

Nice idea. Very cool. A tropical aquarium is always the perfect compliment to any tiki bar!

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hewey posted on 01/23/2007

Nice work. Thatch roof definitely. and some clean water shots too :)

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mieko posted on 01/23/2007

That is sweet! For the aquarium geek in me - what kind of lights do you have in there? What does it take to open it?

JohnnyP posted on 01/26/2007

Thanks Rev for the lead on thatch,

Mieko, the roof is hinged on the top, to get in I just have to lift the lid from either side. the lights shown are fluorescent daylight, but will be 50/50 daylight/actinic compact florescent when I start putting in the corals.

The tank is crystal clear now, and I will post more when I get the thatch on the roof.


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GMAN posted on 01/27/2007


very nice job! that's a truly different idea. i love it. great stuff from a great artist. let's see some shots with the thatch and the clear water.

typing with just my left index finger sux,


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Bete posted on 02/01/2007

Very cool JohnnyP!

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Benzart posted on 02/01/2007

Excellent stand JP. How long did you say you have been working on it?Super Nice job. Now All you need to do is carve a Moai into one of the Rocks(Live rock?) in the tank. I KNOW You CAN DO IT!

JohnnyP posted on 02/05/2007

Thanks Gman and Bete

Benart, I forgot about this piece until you mentioned it. But this is a piece of coral I picked up from the beach in Florida two years ago. It kinda looks like a stone carved Moari god stick top.

This is exactly as I found it sitting on the sand.

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Clarita posted on 02/12/2007

Wow very nice JP! A great original idea!! Keep going the worst part is finish already beautifully!

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Sneakytiki posted on 02/12/2007

A shell or rock on the beach with natural hole(s) in it is also known as a hagstone, old time pagans believed they had mystic healing powers. I found one that has a few holes arrayed like an animal paw print, it was cool, but not tiki. That head looks pretty swell. I'm also anxious to see your progress on the tiki tank.

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