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Pottery Barn house stuff. Warning: Non-collectables.

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Ikit posted on 03/26/2003

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suzywong posted on 03/26/2003


I LOVE Pottery Barn! Thanks for posting. I have one of the hula girl pillows from last season.......

"Oh, Oliver. Oliver, how could I have been so careless? I should have covered the entrance to the cave better. Those children are going to ruin everything. I've got to get rid of them." Prof. Whitehead 10/6/72 Brady Bunch
"Tiki Caves"

[ Edited by: suzywong on 2003-03-26 05:56 ]

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Suburban Hipster posted on 03/26/2003

Thanks for posting, Ikit.

I have last year's hula girl plates. These all look great.

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tikifish posted on 03/26/2003

We do the ads for PB here in Canada. But do I get even one measly little hula throw pillow? Nooo....

What happened to the good old days of advertising, when us creatives were showered with drugs, gifts, and free trips? And possibly a palm tree shower curtain?

Sigh. I was born too late.

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Chacha posted on 03/26/2003

Hula girl plates?
D'oh! I missed out yet again!
I'm going to call the outlet and see if they have any of last year's stuff (while I'm debating which of this year's stuff is a "must have").

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Suburban Hipster posted on 03/26/2003

Chacha, the hula girl plate set included five designs, two of which are on this year's bath towels as shown in Ikit's post. The five plates came in a thatched basket.

I've got mine hanging on the kitchen wall, but I wish I'd bought more to actually use. Let me know if you find them anywhere.

Ikit posted on 03/27/2003

I would have loved to see those plates! I will keep an eye out for them or something similar though.

Honestly I did not know where this post belonged and am glad it was accepted here since it's "Tikimess" is peripheral.

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Trader Tiki posted on 03/27/2003

I am so friggin' there

Is it popular and widely available, yes. But is it camp? You'd better believe it!

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TikiBud posted on 03/30/2003

Also, if you have a Garden Ridge store near you, they have a lot of plastic plates, cups etc. all with various tropical/tiki designs.They have kids tiki cups( w/lids) as well!

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Kim posted on 03/30/2003

Luminoir & I were in Meier & Frank yesterday, exchanging some stuff, and saw that Tommy Hilfiger has a Hula line of bedding & sheets-- they call it Stinson Beach. There are batik-print sheets and hibiscus comforters! Cool, but waaaayyy too expensive, even on sale, for us.

There was another maker that had a nice green duvet cover with a bamboo pattern, but I don't recall who it was... again, out of our price range.

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