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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Gman vs Wild - Page 1; Kotiate Warrior 183; BoatMan 184; Gman Lizard Dance 190; Screamer 193

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JohnnyP posted on 01/04/2007

On 2007-01-04 10:37, AlohaStation wrote:
What do you have a sign on your front door - "leave your old carving chainsaws HERE!"

It came in a basket, with a blanket and a note "Please take good care of my baby, you look like a nice caring home!"

GMAN posted on 01/05/2007

A.S. and JohnnyP - Naw, it was nothing that easy...but I did get a decent deal on it. The Echo has low hours and some good equipment on it. It should work well for me for my other projects. I've been runnng the RedMax for a while and it will be nice to have a smaller saw to work with.

Sam - you bet I'm gonna give 'em hell. Look for me on http://www.chainsawscultptors.com


Benzart posted on 01/05/2007

Nice couple of sawz there GMAN. You might want to loosen the chain tension a bit on the RedMax. I see a bit of blueing on the tip where it is getting too hot.. less tension will slow that down a lot.
Can't wait to see more results of the Dime, C'Mon, Fire it up.

GMAN posted on 01/05/2007

Heya Benzo,

I've got the chain pretty darn loose. It hangs down pretty good when you set it on it's belly. I can almost get three fingers between the bar and chain. I tucked the chain up in the bar for the picture :) . I took your advice and lubed the bar before I installed it, and I ran the chain fairly loose. I only ran it about 20 min and dipped the nose in a can of bar oil every few minutes.

Please don't put me in time out....really, it didn't get hot....much!

Thanks for the note. I'll be sure to watch what I do with it. There is no damage except for a little lost paint so far...... I'll try not to beat it up the way I do with sprocket tip bars.


"The saw is family"

[ Edited by: GMAN 2007-01-04 19:45 ]

Benzart posted on 01/05/2007

That Moai looks great in that spot!

Tikisgrl posted on 01/05/2007


I fixed your link but I can't find your sculptures? Can you point me a little closer?




GMAN posted on 01/09/2007


The mailman brought me some more toolz today...Happy Happy, Clunk Clunk!

Updates on the Teko to come....in while.


Benzart posted on 01/09/2007


congatiki posted on 01/09/2007

GMan yer gonna love those big Flexcuts! Now get to work with them...we expect something
new within a couple hours.

finkdaddy posted on 01/09/2007

Awsome stuff, Gman, now let's see that Teko!

tikigap posted on 01/09/2007

Flexcuts... aaahhhhhhhh! Sweeeeet!

GMAN posted on 01/10/2007

Thanks all!

The big chisels should be a big help to me in several places that are a down right pain in the a$$ with my other toolz. I also want to use them in some other places to give me a little more freedom. My Teko has been on a bit of a Holiday, hanging out in one of my big freezers with about 100 stinky shark tissue specimens. I took him out of the freezer a day ago and unwrapped him last night, so I should be able to take a few chops at his legs here in the next few days. He looks good with no additional checking. I was a bit concerned about major cracking due to the freezing as this log is only seasoned a year or so. All is well and I should be able to pick up where I left off and move forward quickly now.

I have a few choices to make and a few decisions a head of me regarding his feet/moko/finish, but I'm enjoying thinking about my options. It's good to have options!

Next carving update = soon!


Benzart posted on 01/10/2007

Well, izzit "Soon" yet? Did you Thaw the Teko yet? Don't dive in with the chisels with him frozen, you Know what will happen. You too, like Buzzy, watch for the "bird beaks" on the V-toolz, I think you are familiar with them?
Carry On.

GMAN posted on 01/10/2007

Yeah Benz, I had a run in with a Felxcut bird beak about a year ago. You wouldn't think that decent toolz would leave the factory with that type of imperfection....but they do. Maybe we should send them a form letter...one from each of us?

This new set I have here looks good to go. That was the first thing I looked at on the v-liner. Thanks for the reminder.


JohnnyP posted on 01/11/2007

You can carve frozen wood, we do it all the time up here. Don't have much of a choice.

My Flexcuts had the same birds beaks. Thanks for the advice to get rid of them before carving.

So, you've had these carving bars for a while. I think you're holding out on us.


GMAN posted on 01/11/2007



Benzart posted on 01/11/2007

I'm lookin for big chips on the floor and I guess you forgot to post that picture and thats the reason I don't see them?? :)
I'm sure you will let loose soon, don't let any of those TC guys pressure you into anything now!.

GMAN posted on 01/12/2007

No pressure Ben. I'm on it. I have a busy weekend coming up, but I'm off on Holiday Monday so I should be able to swing some time in the shop. Big chips will fly and there will be smiles all around. But first....the boars.....the Silence of the Hams!


JohnnyP posted on 01/13/2007

All right, enough with Ms. Piggy, when are you carving again?


GMAN posted on 01/14/2007

JohnnyP - I'll be carving tomorrow...after I get a F$#%%^! screw removed from my brand new truck tires. $1,000 bucks in rubber and I pick up a screw the first week out.......

-G Dammit

JohnnyP posted on 01/15/2007

I feel sorry for your neighbors tomorrow! You are going to be letting out and venting some pent up frustration with a bunch of saws running, and we get to see some nice looking carvings later! :)

JohnnyP posted on 01/15/2007

You need a rack like this to display your boar's tusks.

From JP Meyer Oceanic Art.


GMAN posted on 01/15/2007

JohnnyP - Thanks for the pic, I would have to smack a few more boars before I could put something like that together. That could take a while.....

As for the neighbors listening to the humm of my saws today....nope. One of my neighbors across the way lost his wife the other day and they were having a service today. They had company coming on and out all day and I didn't want to make any noise. So, I spent a few hours in the side yard using some chisels. I didn't do a whole lot, but I did work on his legs, feet, back, and a few other difficult spots.

Benzo - Here are a few big chippies for you :D

Although I still have a lot to do on him, please welcome the "Barefoot Assassin" to the ohana.

I took these while I worked this morning...

and I took these after lunch.

Thanks for stopping by....


finkdaddy posted on 01/15/2007

"The Barefoot Assassin", what a great name! He's really coming together nicely. I'm glad to see you getting good use out of those new chisels. I love how the feet are looking so realistic. Don't stop now!

Benzart posted on 01/15/2007

Man Lookit you GO! You're gonna wear out those chizzles in a week at this rate, did you buy the extended warranty on them?? Lookin real good and I see you are cleaning out places where you only had fits before, Cool!
:) :) :)

congatiki posted on 01/16/2007

now we're cooking...GMan back to wood! This looks great my friend...the body flow is really
cool...personality is oozing out of this feller. And....to top it all off....GREAT TOEZ.

hewey posted on 01/16/2007

Coming along nicely :)

McTiki posted on 01/16/2007

G! This guy is rock'n ! finish him up and send him over here ASAP!

I'm diggin the toes!



benella posted on 01/16/2007

Very nice details.
Is that cedar?


Heath posted on 01/16/2007

Excellent work Gman! I'm really enjoying watching this guy come to life.

J Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/1eb994d4622062b463b229683f045e26?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
JohnnyP posted on 01/17/2007

On 2007-01-15 14:47, GMAN wrote:

I thought this was a family site?

You are gettin' wicked with the chisels. This could be your best piece yet. Thanks for all the pictures, it took a while on dial up, but worth every second.


G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/09845a0a5fdbf142ab6c6c187b75b9fc?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GMAN posted on 01/20/2007

Finky - These feetz were made for sneakin'....sneakin' around to git you! The new gouges are pretty nice. My others are a fair amount smaller, so these will come in handy on the big stuff.

Benz - Yup, I got the 3 year 30,000 mile warranty on them Flexcuts. I imagine they will get a lotta use round here.

Conga - Now we're cooking with Crisco! I'm glad you like his toez! I figured you could appreciate them!

Hewey - Thanks!

McTiki - Sure, shoot me your address and I'll send him right on over. Careful though, he's a biter....

benella - Yepper, he's made from cedar.

Heath - I'm glad you are enjoying watching the progress. Stand by, as I have lots more to do.

JohnnyP - You need a high-speed connection mate!

surfintiki posted on 01/20/2007

Dang! He looks intimidating! No..wait, that's the dog in the background. Oh but he is too.
I soooo wish I could be outside chipping away. Enjoy!

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/09845a0a5fdbf142ab6c6c187b75b9fc?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GMAN posted on 01/24/2007

Thanks Surfin....but my dog Earnie is a sweetie, and is not very scary at all. He's a lover not a fighter. Yep, you are correct, we are having super carving weather down here. It's the best time of the year. C'mon down!

No updates for the Tekoteko, but I have been working on some other projects. I'm waiting on news from two projects using my art, but but being worked by other artists. And, I'm working on relaunching my website and extending the focus from just my gyotaku to including all types of my Oceanic Arts.


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Benzart posted on 01/24/2007

Gee, Man, Where you been. Been Mising you 'round here!

J Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/1eb994d4622062b463b229683f045e26?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
JohnnyP posted on 01/25/2007

It is too darn quite in this thread.

Hello, Hello ........... echo .......... olleH ,olleH

[ Edited by: JohnnyP 2007-01-24 18:16 ]

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GMAN posted on 01/26/2007

Benzo and JohnnyP - I'm here, just laying low. I'm working on some other stuff. I'll be back to working on my tiki stuff soon.


B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5ce256db052ec2794b36100793feff5e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Benzart posted on 01/26/2007


Tamapoutini posted on 01/26/2007

You're not giving all the G-love to that OTHER site are you..? :lol: :wink:

J Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/1eb994d4622062b463b229683f045e26?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
JohnnyP posted on 01/26/2007

On 2007-01-25 20:39, Tamapoutini wrote:
You're not giving all the G-love to that OTHER site are you..? :lol: :wink:

Checked him out over there and he isn't there either. Gman is MIA.

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5ce256db052ec2794b36100793feff5e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Benzart posted on 01/27/2007

We'll have to check him out and see who he is two-timing with.
If he has Ink under his fingernails, he has been Rubbing fish (don't ask!)

If he smells like barbequed pig, we know he's been dancing with the Up-Country Pigs (again don't ask)

If he has sand in his shoes, then he has been out in the dunes racing his Sand-Rail (You can ask, But we Won't tell!

Ofcourse, If he had sawdust everywhere we would probably be seeing pictures SO, we can count that one out.
Which will it be??

hewey posted on 01/27/2007

On 2007-01-26 18:53, Benzart wrote:
We'll have to check him out and see who he is two-timing with.
If he has Ink under his fingernails, he has been Rubbing fish (don't ask!)

If he smells like barbequed pig, we know he's been dancing with the Up-Country Pigs (again don't ask)

If he has sand in his shoes, then he has been out in the dunes racing his Sand-Rail (You can ask, But we Won't tell!

Ofcourse, If he had sawdust everywhere we would probably be seeing pictures SO, we can count that one out.
Which will it be??

Maybe he's just bludging! :) :) :) Come on man, TIKIS!

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/09845a0a5fdbf142ab6c6c187b75b9fc?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GMAN posted on 01/27/2007


"It uses the trees....like a chameleon"

Hmmmmmm SPICY!!!

finkdaddy posted on 01/27/2007

I can't wait to visit. You know I'm gonna have me some o' dat pork!

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/09845a0a5fdbf142ab6c6c187b75b9fc?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GMAN posted on 01/28/2007

Finky - I'll have plenty of BBQ whenever you make it. :D

All - Life has been in the way lately and I have not been able to get any tiki carving time in. I threw my back out yesterday and couldn't do anything but whimper and eat pills.


Image Missing: http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b5d733b3127cce945d26af857300000010108Cbs2zdmxcs

"The saw is family"

[ Edited by: GMAN 2007-01-31 15:47 ]

finkdaddy posted on 01/28/2007

Very nice. It has a very old look to it. Lot's of class.

I hope your felling better soon, because I might need someone to help me move dressers. :wink: Just kidding... :lol:

I'll take you up on that BBQ offer, I happen to be a terrific cook! Mmmmm, pork.

My thoughts were so loud I couldn't hear my mouth...

[ Edited by: finkdaddy 2007-01-28 13:59 ]

hewey posted on 01/29/2007

Piggies! :) My girlfriend wants to get a pot belly (miniature) pig and call it bacon! Problem is they smart and they like digging so we not getting one in a rental... She's got a pig collection a few hundred strong. So Ive claimed some shelves for tikis, and shes claimed some for piggies...

anyway... mate, rest up. Injuring your back isnt worth it. That little guy (who isnt so little) is very nice by the way.

Dont annoy Gman by the way, I hear his long pork makes a delicous BBQ!!

congatiki posted on 01/29/2007

Hey is this a plot against us tiki guys...I screwed up my back too. Get well GMan...looks
like pig chasin' has been going well. Did you hurt your back rasslin' a piggie?
Nice bone!

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