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Help with Palau, palease

Pages: 1 4 replies

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 01/24/2007

I am looking for an image of a tiki that is "Palauan". Are there any? All I can find are images of the stone face monoliths. TCer Tangaroa had a post from 2.5 years ago, but no images come up on either of my computers and the links provided are now bad.

Maybe someone still has some images in their computer??

P.S. I took a small break to double check google before posting and still can't really find anything.
Mahalo, NoNaMe

Limbo Lizard posted on 01/25/2007

Try doing another Google search: Palau,storyboards
Dig around a bit and you'll find examples of woodcarved storyboards that Palau is known for. Might find the Palauan imagery you seek. Not sure about free-standing tiki type figures from Palau, though.

Swanky posted on 01/25/2007

Here you go!
From THIS page.

Swanky posted on 01/25/2007

There is a figure on the right holding up the house it seems.

I searched images for "palau house" and it lead to some site sof interest.

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 01/25/2007

On 2007-01-25 10:34, Swanky wrote:

There is a figure on the right holding up the house it seems.

I searched images for "palau house" and it lead to some site sof interest.

Thanks for the responses!!

Nuts! I saw that hut and didn't study it well enough. A man and woman.
Thanks Swanky.

I wanna make a pendant that is Palauan specific for a Palauan cook. I am guessing that there are more specific (to Palau) stone faces than wood tikis. I also guess that it wont matter too much.
Too bad the stones are wrecked.


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