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7' Snoai in Denver

Pages: 1 2 replies

ZuluMagoo posted on 01/24/2007

Tiki Fink and myself created this 7' snoai here in Denver yesterday. You can see the rest of the story and the pics in the Denver thread.

Lake Surfer posted on 01/24/2007

Very nice! Love the night shots too!

We've only got 9 inches on the ground... and its very dry. Until the temps get above 30 there's little chance of getting anything to stand.

tikihai posted on 01/26/2007

Great Job on the Snoai...I get cold just looking at it...Not quite as cold here in SoCal, but we did get a freeze and I lost some 30 year old bananas, a mango tree and octopus plant

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