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Behold the booty of the voodoo lounge!

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monkeyskull posted on 08/17/2004

New plunder that haunts Pete's Monkey Skull Voodoo Lounge:

Sculpture by Woofmutt, that gives a nod to the gothic side

Bar stool by Tiki Matt

Too cool for words sign by Tikitronic

[ Edited by: monkeyskull on 2004-08-16 23:28 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 08/17/2004

How great! How it makes me happy to see these kind of talents brought forth! As a modernist, I am especially partial to woofmut's white face. But just these three pieces are a great cross section of the different styles within the Tiki revival: Modern, classic, cartoon.

When and where will someone open the Tiki Central Lounge, all furnished with TC member's art!!? The Hale Tiki kind of is that already, but what would be great would be a phyisical representation of TC. An internet cafe where one can spend hours drinking TC cocktails and peruse TC posts.

Satan's Sin posted on 08/17/2004

Monkeyskull --

All pieces fine, fine, superfine! When you start running out of room, can I have the castoffs?

My favorite is the cartoon sign. Perfect.

Bigbro --

I hereby nominate Caliente Tropics Resort for a "physical" representation of TC. If I were a mgr there -- one who's already well aware of TC and appreciative of TC's support, say -- how much of a stretch would it be to set aside some space in the lounge or reception area and set up a couple of computers (on appropriately tikified desks) and then solicit artwork, etc., from TCers to hang on the nearby walls, etc? And then be sure to have the cocktail waitress cruise by this "TC Internet Cafe" from time to time to check on refreshment status? This doesn't seem like a very big project but it also seems highly appropriate, but this is only my opinion and I could be wrong. Heck, maybe some TCers might donate the computers, if asked. Hotel's already paying for its own high-speed access; wouldn't cost anything more to hook on a couple more PCs (I may be wrong about this). I'd love to see the TC logo done up in "real life," complete with neon tubing, hanging over the entrance to said place.

Tiki-Toa posted on 08/17/2004

bigbro cool concept and SS very cool idea for the place to locate it at!

Monkeyskull how hard is it to get Tikitronic to do a sign?

Tiki Matt posted on 08/17/2004

Monkeyskull -
Great stuff! I'm glad I had a part in your collection! I concur with the rest, the sign is extremely cool.

How was the party?

Humuhumu posted on 08/17/2004

That woofmutt plaque is swank! I love the one I have. Here's another picture of Tikitronic's sign:

He does great work, I also love the plaque that puamana & Selector Lopaka won at the NW Tiki Crawl, and the sign he did for Melintur & TikiMama.

virani posted on 08/17/2004

great art, I really love the woofmutt sculpture. It would have been great in the Milky's bar in "clockwork orange".

monkeyskull posted on 08/17/2004

On 2004-08-17 13:09, Tiki Matt wrote:
Monkeyskull -
Great stuff! I'm glad I had a part in your collection! I concur with the rest, the sign is extremely cool.

It wasn't hard at all for me -- Tikitronic immediately had a rough feel for what I was after and quickly roughed out some sketches for me to choose from. He did note that his internet service would be down for a bit, but I expect he'll be online again shortly.

How was the party?

The party was great fun. And that's just the parts I remember!

Tiki-Toa posted on 08/19/2004

Monkeyskull dude I am dying PLEASE tell me how to get in touch with Tikitronic! Found the link to your site, very cool, love the witchdoctor on the home page, love the Party Rules (would love to see someone carve those on a plaque to add to the great decor of your lounge) congrats on throwing an excellent party.

Tikitronic posted on 08/19/2004

Funny - at the party I managed to miss Woofmutt's sculpture - that rocks!

Tiki-Toa - I should be pretty easy to get ahold of - I'll pm you with my email address in a moment...

Benzart posted on 08/19/2004

Woofmutt, Really great work, I know you have more hiding somewhere. Bring it out and post it up.
Bigbro, the TC Louinge sounds fantastic. Imagine a watering hole where you could relax with TC'rs and participate in the Carving of the month. A Piece that everyone adds a bit to on each visit.
We need a group Carving and Art Project.
Dreams do come true.

Primo Kimo posted on 08/30/2004

Neat-o work by Woofmutt, Tiki Matt and tikitronic. I will have to contact you for the phase two decor waive.

On 2004-08-17 00:26, bigbrotiki wrote:

When and where will someone open the Tiki Central Lounge, all furnished with TC member's art!!? The Hale Tiki kind of is that already, but what would be great would be a phyisical representation of TC. An internet cafe where one can spend hours drinking TC cocktails and peruse TC posts.

Sven, Baby, here we are. The Kahiki Moon is currently decorated exclusively with TC member art and creations. We're just waiting for Bigbrotiki to visit Vermont and make it official.

P.S. Wireless Broadband access points already installed!

[ Edited by: Primo Kimo on 2004-08-29 18:20 ]

monkeyskull posted on 01/29/2007

I've added a directory to some of the swell artists whose work I am lucky enough to have in the Monkey Skull Voodoo Lounge.

Davey Wong - "Tiki Beat"

dogbytes posted on 01/30/2007

thank you for providing a shoplifting list for me and Mrs. Sticky-fingers Riviera ~ the website is great! your koi are getting big ~ when's the BBQ?

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