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Ren Clark Severed Head mug 4 sale

Pages: 1 2 51 replies

Hot Rod Tiki posted on 01/30/2007

Time to part with this Ultra rare mug. I really dont wanna sell it on ebay, I would rather someone here have it. It aint cheap though. email me at dhm756@yahoo.com for more details

TikiLaLe posted on 01/30/2007

You know what they say: 'Cheap mugs are not good. Good mugs are not cheap."

McTiki posted on 01/30/2007

Amen! :)

foamy posted on 01/30/2007

On 2007-01-30 06:34, TikiLaLe wrote:
You know what they say: 'Cheap mugs are not good. Good mugs are not cheap."

Oh, yeah? Who says that? That's so wrong I don't know where to start.

[ Edited by: foamy 2007-01-30 10:35 ]

dibroc posted on 01/30/2007

I enjoy my " cheap mugs" as much as any others.

Hot Rod Tiki posted on 01/30/2007

On 2007-01-30 10:44, dibroc wrote:
I enjoy my " cheap mugs" as much as any others.

So do I(enjoy ALL mugs)I am sick about parting with this one, I will email a pic and price to all who have asked. I really feel that someone here will do the mug justice.

McTiki posted on 01/30/2007

I remember when they were all inexpensive. The more people that start collecting just drives the margin. Supply vs Demand.

I remember when they could be found in the wild because A. Peoples didn't know what they were, or B.they were considered low brow/bohemian "vases". Now your'e lucky to find a Leilani in months of hunting.

Now if your talking limited edition (new} stuff, again, supply vs demand.

I'm happy with what I have found and wish everyone just starting or filling holes the best of luck!




Tikinomad posted on 01/30/2007

So how much? I probably can't afford the asking price but I just gotta know how much?

TikiLaLe posted on 01/31/2007

Ease back cupcakes .....

Hot Rod Tiki posted on 01/31/2007

I was hoping to get $2000.00 for this mug. I have only seen one other one in "da real" I will entertain serious cash offers, I have many mugs, and I really would like this to go to someone here that has a full love of all TIKI. I will not go to the auction site for a few more days, I do need to sell this mug.
email me at dhm756@yahoo.com If you are serious and would like pics.

teaKEY posted on 01/31/2007

"I really would like this to go to someone here that has a full love of all TIKI. I will not go to the auction site for a few more days"

Well anyone that is willing to pay 2,000.00 for this mug would have to be a full lover of tiki.

Hiphipahula posted on 02/01/2007

You know what they say: 'Cheap mugs are not good. Good mugs are not cheap."
who said it? I say not necessarily...

I love cheap mugs, I love expensive mugs, to a point. I DIG well designed mugs. Tiki Mugs are not Fine Bone China or Lalique Crystal by any standards. What makes a good or bad mug, cheap or expensive? we all have opinions, as a collector I would like to represent the Ren Clark Severed Head in my collection because of it's rarity & rich history. I think it's ugly I also think it's made rather in expensively as are so many. This brings us back to "Cheap mugs are not good. Good mugs are not cheap." I am not willing at this time & market place to spend $2,000 on any mug, and isn't the going rate on this mug about $1,300.00? I guess we will find out at some point. Chances are this time next year some other mug will probably be all the rage & will be triple the price by then. Only speaking for myself, I would rather spend my 2k on some 1 of a kinds, customs, art mugs or some other good & cheap mug. I will have to find that Ren Clark in the wild.... Good luck to all head hunters out there!

tikicleen posted on 02/01/2007

i can appreciate that you want this ultra rare mug to go to a tc'er who is just as passionate about collecting tiki as yourself. i commend that, in fact. what i have a problem with is doubling the price from what you paid for it. if you are looking to make that much money off of your mug, then ebay is really the place you should turn to.

Unkle John posted on 02/01/2007

Hot Rod, if you sell it on eBay to set a reserve and ofcourse take all the precautions to get that piece to the owner in the condiditon it left your hands in. I know you've probably thought of that, just wanted to remind you. If I had the money, I'd pay double for it with out a blink of the eye. But I'm strapped just like you and I wish you well selling it. I know it must be a hard thing to do.

Hot Rod Tiki posted on 02/02/2007

On 2007-02-01 08:03, tikicleen wrote:
i can appreciate that you want this ultra rare mug to go to a tc'er who is just as passionate about collecting tiki as yourself. i commend that, in fact. what i have a problem with is doubling the price from what you paid for it. if you are looking to make that much money off of your mug, then ebay is really the place you should turn to.

Im sorry if I offended you by testing the waters with a high price for this mug. I KNOW that this mug will fetch the 1300 to 1500 that should be the going rate. You should have no problem with what I payed for the mug, because it is really none of your business. Once again I am sorry to have offended by selling MY mug.

bigbrotiki posted on 02/02/2007

Wow....and to think that this mug was one of the last items I snuck into the BOT just before it went to the printer...Martin McIntosh actually mailed it to me from Australia, and it got here in one piece, and on time to photograph it. And after a while I sent it back...with a hundred bucks insurance I think :)

Hot Rod Tiki posted on 02/02/2007

On 2007-02-01 18:41, bigbrotiki wrote:
Wow....and to think that this mug was one of the last items I snuck into the BOT just before it went to the printer...Martin McIntosh actually mailed it to me from Australia, and it got here in one piece, and on time to photograph it. And after a while I sent it back...with a hundred bucks insurance I think :)

BigBro, I am honored that you read this post. Its funny to think that a TIKI mug could/would go up in value the way that many do. I need to get some things in my life in order and parting with a few of my beloved mugs will certainly help.
I wont post my for sale stuff here anymore. Thanks

dibroc posted on 02/02/2007

Hot Rod ,why would you stop posting your "for sale items here"? This tiki market place and I think set up for just that reason. I hope not cause you felt offend by anyone who say you are asking too much for the mug( as for that all opions are welcomed here if said in the polite way as it was). This is a free and open market and you can ask any price you want. I for one want to thank you and all other TCers who give us first crack at their items regardless of price, it is our choice to pay or pass on the item. My comment was just that "cheap" mugs are still wonderful to have in the collections as well as the hard to find high dollars one.

Hot Rod Tiki posted on 02/02/2007

On 2007-02-02 07:17, dibroc wrote:
Hot Rod ,why would you stop posting your "for sale items here"? This tiki market place and I think set up for just that reason. I hope not cause you felt offend by anyone who say you are asking too much for the mug( as for that all opinions are welcomed here if said in the polite way as it was). This is a free and open market and you can ask any price you want. I for one want to thank you and all other TCers who give us first crack at their items regardless of price, it is our choice to pay or pass on the item. My comment was just that "cheap" mugs are still wonderful to have in the collections as well as the hard to find high dollars one.

dibroc, your post was not one that I "took offense" to, trust me on this one, for every Ren Clark type mug I have in my collection I have a 100 leilani's(cheap mugs)I value them all immensely, When I put this back up here, I knew that there would be someone that would put their .02 cents in that would be negative. I would never try to diminish someone who bought something, and put it up for sale for more than they bought it for. I believe this has a name, its called capitalism. I used to spend a great deal of time on here, with great interest, but attitudes like the person who made the comments about how and where this mug should be sold, have driven me away from here, I was hoping that it changed, but it hasn't..

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/86d78b27bb5e74e3fc870cbea777d871?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
midnite posted on 02/02/2007

Wow....and to think that this mug was one of the last items I snuck into the BOT just before it went to the printer

And to think it's not even tiki! Bah ha ha, that's a little can of worms for all newcomers to the party. Speaking of party, Jimmy B. is on the turntable, pineapple Mai Tais at the bar. Actually, I sort of like a little pineapple juice in a Mai Tai. Wanna fight me over that? Huh, HUH!?!

Oh, Ren Clark mug, yeah. Well, it seems my "private message" offer of $40, and that's American dollars, was rejected. It's worked before, but I'm not naming names. Looks as if on this one I have to fight the good fight, which is entirely against my nature, mind you. So, we're off to the races, you bastiges have to get through me to get to this severed head. Who's up to it, eh?

Yes, it's time to bring him out, certainly been a while. In this corner, with dividend checks in hand and mugs of which even he is unaware. The master of the bid, the supreme lord of intimidating dance, ruler of several primitive South-Asian tribes (the good ones with pretty girls in 'em), potentate of the portable, expert marksman and all-around swell. Again, for the newer members, ask around so you don't get bit. It's Koalacharms time, mateys!

I'm the Koala, you're not.

Bidder Numero Dos, the Australian assassin!
el koalaman

ps Crap! my superior bidding has little effect on this reserve. No worry, I will return, from the pawn shop (never much liked Mother's jewelry anyhow, plus...she's dead. What she gonna do, put a hex on me?). I'm already cursed, brother!

Hot Rod Tiki posted on 02/03/2007

On 2007-02-02 14:44, midnite_tiki wrote:
Wow....and to think that this mug was one of the last items I snuck into the BOT just before it went to the printer

And to think it's not even tiki! Bah ha ha, that's a little can of worms for all newcomers to the party. Speaking of party, Jimmy B. is on the turntable, pineapple Mai Tais at the bar. Actually, I sort of like a little pineapple juice in a Mai Tai. Wanna fight me over that? Huh, HUH!?!

Oh, Ren Clark mug, yeah. Well, it seems my "private message" offer of $40, and that's American dollars, was rejected. It's worked before, but I'm not naming names. Looks as if on this one I have to fight the good fight, which is entirely against my nature, mind you. So, we're off to the races, you bastiges have to get through me to get to this severed head. Who's up to it, eh?

Yes, it's time to bring him out, certainly been a while. In this corner, with dividend checks in hand and mugs of which even he is unaware. The master of the bid, the supreme lord of intimidating dance, ruler of several primitive South-Asian tribes (the good ones with pretty girls in 'em), potentate of the portable, expert marksman and all-around swell. Again, for the newer members, ask around so you don't get bit. It's Koalacharms time, mateys!

I'm the Koala, you're not.

Bidder Numero Dos, the Australian assassin!
el koalaman

ps Crap! my superior bidding has little effect on this reserve. No worry, I will return, from the pawn shop (never much liked Mother's jewelry anyhow, plus...she's dead. What she gonna do, put a hex on me?). I'm already cursed, brother!

I laughing my ass off Mid Knight, You have a way of bringing this down to what it really supposed to be. FUN. Don't worry 'bout Koala man, he flew his people over to my compound, and my guard dogs, Hogan the German and Buffy the Vampire slayer Retriever, foiled the attempt to score the severed head at a less than reasonable rate(of return for me, of course)It appears that you are running the show at the auction, and If you can pawn ALL of grannies jewels and Snap on Tools, and if the sun shines where it has never shined before, and you score the Non tiki, tiki mug. I have my driver deliver it in the stretch. Carry on.

TD Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/80dd723b294399e4a6de00edc2cafb52?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tiki Diablo posted on 02/03/2007

oh man, I like Kohala Charms. Frank call me homie, lost your #. Good luck Don, hell, I remember when you could buy a merc crank for cheap. hehe

Hot Rod Tiki posted on 02/03/2007

On 2007-02-03 00:00, Tiki Diablo wrote:
oh man, I like Kohala Charms. Frank call me homie, lost your #. Good luck Don, hell, I remember when you could buy a merc crank for cheap. hehe

Danny, Halibrand rearend or Severed head... One of lifes cruel choices, And make no mistake about, Frank(kohalacharms) IS the real deal, I wish more guys in this HOBBY were as soild as Frank.

dibroc posted on 02/03/2007

Ron was mine for but a brief moment in time.

Hot Rod Tiki posted on 02/03/2007

On 2007-02-03 09:41, dibroc wrote:
Ron was mine for but a brief moment in time.

You meant Ren? Dont despair you still have time.

Mai Tai posted on 02/08/2007

So now what? Are you going to relist the mug?

Hot Rod Tiki posted on 02/09/2007

On 2007-02-08 15:53, Mai Tai wrote:
So now what? Are you going to relist the mug?

Hard to say, I might just take some offers. I approached selling this mug in the wrong fashion, and it cost me at the auction, I wont make the same mistake twice...

bigbrotiki posted on 02/09/2007

As the Scamps say:

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/35/45cbc119.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=5c581a20a0c504b91a420a83d58fa7d3


Hot Rod Tiki posted on 02/09/2007

On 2007-02-08 16:33, bigbrotiki wrote:
As the Scamps say:

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/35/45cbc119.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=5c581a20a0c504b91a420a83d58fa7d3


BigBro, You made me laugh twice in one thread. Your humor is tireless

BT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9f6e5f6c285ad89e9a5cff67d82405b8?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Blue Thunder posted on 02/20/2007
Hot Rod Tiki posted on 02/20/2007

WOW, Now I can get that condo in Maui..All BS aside, This person got a GREAT mug at a FAIR price.

Anyone wanna buy a Witco fountain or TikiBar?..

Hiphipahula posted on 02/20/2007

On 2007-02-01 01:01, Hiphipahula wrote:

isn't the going rate on this mug about $1,300.00? I guess we will find out at some point.

Glad it all worked out for ya! Congrats to the winner! Fair price & kudos for Ooga Mooga's price guide that is intended for fun but can be helpful.

Hot Rod Tiki posted on 02/20/2007

On 2007-02-19 22:40, Hiphipahula wrote:

On 2007-02-01 01:01, Hiphipahula wrote:

isn't the going rate on this mug about $1,300.00? I guess we will find out at some point.

Glad it all worked out for ya! Congrats to the winner! Fair price & kudos for Ooga Mooga's price guide that is intended for fun but can be helpful.

Here,Here. thats a very nice thing to be said.

CJ Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/c8f9af3aabe568b9d70465cb32693c12?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Coco Joe posted on 04/20/2009
bigbrotiki posted on 04/20/2009

Wow, that one looks in good condition! Even has the OMC sticker on it. If it only could talk and tell us the story of its inception...

It's gonna be interesting to see how much this baby brings in this economy, compared to the fat years.

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e3b340e36ae48a441d08fa8eb6e4e53?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TIKIVILLE posted on 04/20/2009

now that it's posted here it's sure to draw more attention!

TS Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/343d327a461f68f1f46576809a2f5f9d?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tiki Shaker posted on 04/27/2009


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leleliz posted on 04/27/2009

Looks like the economy downturn didn't affect this auction too much. Pretty amazing!

bigbrotiki posted on 04/27/2009

On 2009-04-20 11:44, TIKIVILLE wrote:
now that it's posted here it's sure to draw more attention!

I am suffering from a lack of THAT attention! :)

BK Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/cbe4d0b20172e20787abd20510f9f7a0?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Big Kahuna posted on 04/27/2009

I'm sorry! I don't get it! Yeah, it's a cool mug, but how is this justified?

[ Edited by: Big Kahuna 2009-04-26 23:31 ]

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leleliz posted on 04/27/2009

On 2009-04-26 23:29, Big Kahuna wrote:
I'm sorry! I don't get it! Yeah, it's a cool mug, but how is this justified?

People will fork over whatever they are willing to pay if they want something bad enough - esp if its something they truly covet. I am pretty sure we can all look at something we have spent money on --whether it be a collectible or a modern day item and try to justify the amount we spent on it to ourselves or others. It boils down to if we want it we will buy it. Its just that the dollar amount we are willing to part with is as varied as what we are willing to spend those dollars on.

Each to his own.

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NOTCH posted on 04/27/2009

Holy Guacamole!!! Looks like the economy going strong for that guy!
I for sure thought it was going to sell for allot less than that! WOW!
Looks like I will never get My hands on a real one! but to tell ya the truth,
I like My version Better.....Maybe I should make another run of them Severed Head Tribute Mugs.
Cheers ~ Notch

Hot Rod Tiki posted on 04/27/2009

On 2009-04-27 00:06, NOTCH wrote:
Holy Guacamole!!! Looks like the economy going strong for that guy!
I for sure thought it was going to sell for allot less than that! WOW!
Looks like I will never get My hands on a real one! but to tell ya the truth,
I like My version Better.....Maybe I should make another run of them Severed Head Tribute Mugs.
Cheers ~ Notch

I sold my original mug on eBay, and was fortunate enough to be able to buy one of NOTCH's mugs, and to be honest. I like his much more. VIVA la NOTCH.

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1961surf posted on 04/27/2009

I would venture to say for the hardcore collector this would be known as the
"Holy Grail" .

[ Edited by: 1961surf 2009-04-29 11:07 ]

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/3d007b8fb8d32717fc94a3753c43b7dc?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TikiPug posted on 04/28/2009

On 2009-04-27 14:57, 1961surf wrote:
I would venture to say for the hardcore collector this would be known as the
"Holly Grail" .

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/991/49f65f1c.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=6e366840603c024b6944a1a8a90c1bf9Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/991/49f65f34.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=4518b47b77e6f895f5d7da432e4d5271

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1961surf posted on 04/28/2009

Ok ..I am college educated and can't spell !

Hiphipahula posted on 04/28/2009

Congrats my friend! you know who you are. I'm next! Enjoy!

TR Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/6dd2c35f7a329586bdcba99b62571b72?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tiki Royale posted on 04/28/2009

On 2009-04-27 00:06, NOTCH wrote:
Holy Guacamole!!! Looks like the economy going strong for that guy!
I for sure thought it was going to sell for allot less than that! WOW!
Looks like I will never get My hands on a real one! but to tell ya the truth,
I like My version Better.....Maybe I should make another run of them Severed Head Tribute Mugs.
Cheers ~ Notch

That would be fantastic Notch.

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