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Todays Guilty Purchase

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Turbogod posted on 03/27/2003

Psychedelic Republicans Trading Cards


SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 03/27/2003

Now I've gone through tons of copy in my line of work, and after seeing what the product was, this just made me laugh my a** off:

"Geriatrics and children alike thrill to the wholesome challenge of purchasing the entire collection. Mind-expanding traditionalism was never more fun!"

Geriatrics!? Wholesome!? Mind-expanding!?

Too funny!


Basement Kahuna posted on 03/27/2003

Has anyone ever seen the movie "Psych-Out" with a young Jack Nicholson? See Nicholson as a Haight-Ashbury flower child saying things like "....Do ya wanna try "Kalideoscope" again or do "Red River Dream"..Er do ya think that would throw off the groove of the sequence?"

Turbogod posted on 03/28/2003

Yeah I have Kahuna. It's got a deaf girl looking for her brother Bruce Dern. I sampled alot of stuff from that movie a long time ago. There's that one scene were the guy freaks out with the saw. And the Rednecks in the junkyard. 2 thumbs up.

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