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Tiki Mug Stare Down!!! Coming soon By Notch

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NOTCH posted on 02/04/2007

I wanted to show you guy's my first and second tiki mug sculp's... The first one is named SKULLBO and the other ROBERTO LOCO!!! Watcha think?.... I will upload more picks later and when they are ready for sale.
Hope you like em....NOTCH (aka nacho)

Edited by: NOTCH 2007-02-03 16:30 ]

[ Edited by: NOTCH 2007-02-03 16:32 ]

[ Edited by: NOTCH 2007-02-11 18:29 ]

teaKEY posted on 02/04/2007

That Crazy Bob is first class. I'm certainly interested in that.

NOTCH posted on 02/04/2007

It's kinda like tiki bob gone mad!!!

teaKEY posted on 02/04/2007

the picture that you have posted, what is the material shown?

After seeing these mugs, I would like to know a little background info on you. Where did a guy that made these come from?

NOTCH posted on 02/04/2007

It's oven bake clay(sculpey).... All you do is mold it, bake it, finish sand, and primer. then it's ready for casting.

[ Edited by: NOTCH 2007-02-03 17:26 ]

Hiphipahula posted on 02/04/2007

I like um! :)

P.S. who were you in your last life :D You got yourself a bad ass mug collection...

[ Edited by: Hiphipahula 2007-02-03 20:46 ]

Sneakytiki posted on 02/04/2007

Those are Notch' yo av'rage tiki mugs, NICE!

Tiki Duddy posted on 02/04/2007

man those are top notch tikis you got there haha.....WOW that was lame.
great work. really like em. hope to see more
how much you sell one of those for?

Tiki Diablo posted on 02/04/2007

Cool Notch, I like 'em. Welcome to TC!

Tahitiki posted on 02/04/2007

ROBERTO LOCO is the coolest mug, great design.

KAHAKA posted on 02/04/2007


TravelingJones posted on 02/04/2007

TIKI the final frontier...

Worf K. Loco

Flip-fl :D p-fLipPp...

MONDOTIKI posted on 02/04/2007


Trader Tom posted on 02/04/2007

Both your mug designs are great! I also liked the pics I saw of your version of the Ren Clark Severed Head Mug. Keep em comin!

McTiki posted on 02/04/2007

Nice mugs indeed Notch. Youv'e done this before yes?

Welcome to TC.



KAHAKA posted on 02/04/2007

Nacho's work's been up on Tiki Central for a while. I'm stoked that he's posting stuff himself so I don't have to do it for him!! HA HA NACHO!

You mighta seen this before:

NOTCH posted on 02/04/2007

Thank you for your feedback everyone. I will give you a sneak peek of the ren clark tribute mug!!!!
Attack Of The Ren Clark Clones!!!!!

Hiphipahula posted on 02/05/2007

Hey Nacho, Those look great! I saw a pic of you holding one of them earlier all finished. How long till we can get one & what will be the price range?

NOTCH posted on 02/05/2007

Thanks Hiphipahula... Thay will be ready in the next few weeks and because it takes time to paint each one the price is a reasonable 65 bucks and there will only be 100 numbered mugs made then the mold will sadly be destroyed...

teaKEY posted on 02/05/2007

I got to ask, are they molded directly from an original, or did you hand craft the positive mug that was used for the mold? I certainly would want one of these. If there is a list, put me at the top.

NOTCH posted on 02/05/2007

Hay TeaKEY... I molded it from scratch just by looking at BOT. It took me around 1&half hour's. I will put up a new thread when thay are ready for sale with more picks. TeaKEY your on the list Thank's

hewey posted on 02/05/2007

These mugs look great :)

Humuhumu posted on 02/05/2007

Nacho is one of the Forbidden Island regulars, and he brings in stuff he's working on every now and then -- and it's always unbelievable. He plays it pretty cool... either he genuinely doesn't realize how much more talent he has than your average joe, or he's just a low-key kinda guy.

Here's some pictures of prototypes of the Ren Clark head he's been working on. I posted about it on my blog a while back, when he'd just completed the sculpt. It's pretty amazing, especially considering he's never seen one, except in photos.

Pics of the paint prototypes of the Severed Head
Pics of the Severed Head & Nacho Bob sculpts

:down: Martin breaking in the head at Forbidden Island:

Looking forward to seeing more, Nacho.

TIKI-TONGA posted on 02/05/2007

Excellent work Nacho! Please add me me to the list for the Ren Clark repro and for the others as well.

kingstiedye posted on 02/05/2007

nice work. please add me to the list.

hiltiki posted on 02/05/2007

Please put me on the list as well, thanks.

AlienTiki posted on 02/05/2007

the mug looks great.
Please add me to the list.

[ Edited by: AlienTiki 2007-02-05 15:05 ]

TravelingJones posted on 02/06/2007

Suffrin Severed HeadZ Nacho! PLEASE add me to your distinguished list O'muggies!!! :D


Trader Tom posted on 02/06/2007

Like I said before, great mug designs! Looks like a line is forming, though. Count me in!

NOTCH posted on 02/06/2007

AWESOME!!!!!! Once again Thank all of you for your feedback.. I will be announcing in the next couple of days the sale of the severed head tribute mug and will put up the list of TC member's in order.. Also give you inside scoop on how and y i made the mug.....OUT-----NOTCH!!!

[ Edited by: NOTCH 2007-02-05 22:05 ]

nitropic posted on 02/06/2007

That mug is so sweet, the sculpt looks dead on and the paint is primo! Add me to the list of takers!

TikiLaLe posted on 02/06/2007

I guess you can say that's another 'Notch' in your belt !

tikicleen posted on 02/06/2007

hold the boat, we are doing "the list" already?!

well sign me up then, it was great to see it in person at fi the other month! really excellent sculpt and paint. nacho is one mad-talented fella. :wink:

Mai Tai posted on 02/07/2007

Like others have mentioned, Nacho is a top notch artist (no pun intended there). And yet he is such a down to earth and cool guy! He's a Forbidden Island regular, and has brought some of these beauties in for us to gawk at and drool over. And to think that he carved such a great tribute for the severed head mug from just a photograph or two!!! Here's a pic of his severed head prototypes in front of a guitar that I'm going to have Nacho pinstripe. And another pic of his giant tiki bar going into Forbidden Island's back yard sale.

Nacho, so glad to see you finally posting here on Tiki Central. Oh, and by the way, if this is the list for the severed head mug, then sign me up!!! :D

NOTCH posted on 02/07/2007

Thanks Mai Tai for the mad props....your on zee list!!!

Sneakytiki posted on 02/07/2007

Nacho, please put me on the list for one of these severed heads, MWAH HA HA!

Chongolio posted on 02/07/2007

Notch! Yeah! Dude those heads are cool. Can you make one two stories tall that is also a snack bar?


NOTCH posted on 02/07/2007

Chongolio don't give me any ideas....Lol. Where's my hammer?

[ Edited by: NOTCH 2007-02-07 09:43 ]

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Clarita posted on 02/07/2007

Aloha Notch! Your Gigantic Tiki Bar is amazing! I can't believe how you manage to make him! And Roberto loco is so cool too! Sorry for my english...
Best wishes keep Rocking!!

Tiki Candle Maker

[ Edited by: Clarita 2007-02-08 09:59 ]

[ Edited by: Clarita 2007-02-08 10:00 ]

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NOTCH posted on 02/08/2007

Heres a link to the list for the Severed Head Tribute mug!!!!

[ Edited by: NOTCH 2007-02-07 20:05 ]

[ Edited by: NOTCH 2007-02-23 17:10 ]

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NOTCH posted on 02/24/2007

ROBERTO LOCO!!!!!!Coming soon!!!!!!....
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Tipsy McStagger posted on 02/24/2007

put me down for one of those tiki bob from the black lagoon type mugs!!....nice job!!

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Trader Tom posted on 02/24/2007

Add me to the list too, please!

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Tikisgrl posted on 02/24/2007

Is this the start of the Roberto Loco want list? I would like to go on the list please & thank you! Cool mug!


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teaKEY posted on 02/24/2007

its number four but five or seven seem to be the lucky numbers

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TravelingJones posted on 02/24/2007

Ay Carumba! Flip-flOp-fLipPp...lista loca por favor!!! :D

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TIKI-TONGA posted on 02/24/2007

One Roberto Loco. por favor!

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POCKETIKI posted on 02/25/2007

I'm not sure that your buyer list has started yet, but as others are showing their intent to buy, add me to the list so to speak. You have come up with a corker here, I always thought the original 'Tiki Bob' was a bit too cute for his own good, ha, ha! Roberto Loco kicks butt!

Keep up the Sculpeyin' - Trader Jim (Make mine a MAI-TAI!).

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