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Hula Hula Happy Hour ~ Third Thursdays ~ Seattle

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dogbytes posted on 02/02/2007

Hula Hula
106 1st N
Seattle, WA 98109

I propose a handy mnemonic ~ The Third Thursday~ to meet up after work (6-ish)

What luck, our first Happy Hour, February 15 ~ Tiki Central pal TekoTeko will be in town.

see you there!

mrtikibar posted on 02/12/2007

I have a post that I would link to this one if I knew how. Anyway, we're heading up and would enjoy seeing some NW TCers especially since we can't make the TikiKon. Trader Vic's, Hula Hula...it's all good.

DJ Terence Gunn posted on 02/12/2007

Aloha, Folks!
A special thanks to dogbytes (and Mr. Bytes) for supporting Hula Hula and suggesting another rendezvous. I'm taking off work that day to come in and tantalise the musical tastebuds of the attending local and (out of town) Lounge & Tiki Ohana, from 6pm to 9pm (possibly later). I'll be playing a mix of 1950s-early '70s Lounge, Exotica, Easy Listening, Pop Jazz, Soundtrack themes and cuts, Latin, Spy & Sleuth, Calypso, Hawaiian, Polyester Lounge, and Surf.

Currently Hula Hula does not have a Happy Hour menu or dinks (as far as I know), but the well drinks are $4 all night and each day, and for you beer imbibers, there's the $2 PBRs.

Hope to see you there!

Okole Maluna!

[ Edited by: DJ Terence Gunn 2007-03-12 10:04 ]

mrtikibar posted on 02/13/2007

I'm coming and I'm going to wear a really loud shirt! Bringing two wahines too. If they start doing the splits, let me know cause that's generally time to leave.

tekoteko posted on 02/13/2007

I'm coming too! Man I'm so excited about everything, mainly meeting everyone, checking out the rectangular bar, breathing clean air, you know, every day stuff!

Looking forward to meeting everyone!

(I really am looking forward to meeting everyone, but let it be known that Mrs. Bytes said she'd kill me, chop me up, barbeque me korean style, and tell woofmutt I was a bowl full of pork ribs...I don't post a lot :))

dogbytes posted on 02/13/2007

oh how i wish my home bar was back in place..all these fun out of town guests!

see you all at Hula Hula on Thursday!

sweetpea posted on 02/13/2007

I'll be there too!

dogbytes posted on 02/15/2007

see you all tonight!!

sweetpea posted on 02/16/2007

I'll be there round 5:30
(hopefully they are open...)

DJ Terence Gunn posted on 02/17/2007

What fun! A big thanks to all who attended and made the evening so enjoyable.

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 02/17/2007

It was just great meeting such pleasant Tikiphiles last night. See you all next time!

Exoticat posted on 02/17/2007

Ok, well I said I had retired from covering NW Tiki Events with my camera due to the fact that it's time consuming, but I can't resist adding a couple of photos from last night because I swear I saw little tears in Monkeyskulll's eyes when he heard my pronouncement.

Rumour has it that Mr. Dogbytes and Monkeyskull look alike so this is my effort to get them to look like one of those vintage Album covers that were kind of cheesy in nature. My models were all too willing to participate.

At first the models were unsure:

Still not "loose" enough:

Ahh now they're getting into it, even sending messages:

What on earth do they see down there?

If I could have just gotten Monkeyskull to focus long enough to cross his
hands like Mr. Dogbytes "Polynesian Dreaming" could have been a big hit.
But you know how models are...

Monkeyskull really nails the model look in this one:

Seriously serious about getting the shot:

Here Monkeyskull spoils the fun by telling Mr. Dogbytes that he's going solo on his next album:

Officially retired now. :::: hands camera to Teko Teko ::::

monkeyskull posted on 02/17/2007

I don't want to be overly critical, but it's curious how only the above, of all the shots, truly captures the gravitas of the evening. That is, with the possible exception of the impression that a hula girl is pulling out my brains and fashioning them into a some kind of revolting gray matter lei.

dogbytes posted on 02/17/2007

i leave you kids alone for just a few moments, and look what happens!! thank goodness Exoticat was there to photodocument your shenannigans.

hey, a special thanks to Keigs & Heather, Lori & Carrie, TekoTeko & MomTeko, Mr & Mrs Tikibars & Sandra and all the TC'ers who made it such a great evening!!

monkeyskull posted on 02/17/2007

BTW, I had a swell time at 4H last night and want to thank everyone who came out (even those who only did so because they took the wrong bus.)

Oh, and FYI, I'm quite sure the photo below was taken during Poi Polloi's bizarre and disturbing "Glow Stick Dance."

Exoticat posted on 02/17/2007

thanks to everyone for a fun night!

[ Edited by: exoticat 2007-02-18 12:10 ]

mrtikibar posted on 02/20/2007

You guys have a great new bar up there. And it's big! Thatch, in Portland, which also opened recently, is really nice but it isn't big enough to do large events. Are you going to tie Hula Hula in with the Seattle Home Tour?

DJ Terence Gunn posted on 02/20/2007

Initially I wanted to, but there are just too many factors about Hula Hula that irritate me -- especially the quality of the drinks. -T.G.

[ Edited by: DJ Terence Gunn 2007-03-12 10:03 ]

DJ Terence Gunn posted on 02/20/2007

On 2007-02-20 11:25, mrtikibar wrote:
Thatch, in Portland, which also opened recently, is really nice but it isn't big enough to do large events.

From what I've heard from folks who've been in the confines of Thatch, Thatch isn't even big enough for SMALL events!

Exoticat posted on 02/24/2007

Organizing photos and here's one that should have been posted earlier of Sandra, as it's a nice pic:

Wish I had gotten Mr. TikiBars and Kitty (exotikitty) but I was on the verge of photographer retirement so already slackin'. :)

dogbytes posted on 03/12/2007

smack dab in the middle of March ~ Third Thursday ~ see you all on the 15th @ Hula Hula! we'll be there 6-ish.

monkeyskull posted on 03/12/2007

I would not miss 4H. See you there.

dogbytes posted on 03/15/2007

see ya at Hula Hula ~ tonight's bartender is Shannon, she knows her stuff, so talk with her for drink recs.

we'll be there before 6..

dogbytes posted on 04/19/2007

wow, already ~ third thursday is upon us. who's in?

woofmutt posted on 04/19/2007

While I love a good firm maybe I guess I should let my yea be yea and my nay be nay lest I fall into condemnation...So, yea, sure, I'll be there.

PS: Later on fer the very first time there is also Rockabilly and Real Country record spinnin' that night right there at the very same joint.

sweetpea posted on 04/19/2007

I'll be there later, my friend Tom is gonna be the DJ spinnin wax.
Probably make it around 8:30 to meet up with the Rockabilly folks
but depends on how late you kids are staying, I could be pursuaded to git on down there earlier.
Lemme know!

tiki-riviera posted on 04/19/2007

I woud love to hear some rockabilly music, but I will
have to be a maybe, depends on how the bun in the oven is

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 04/19/2007

Shucks, man. Deb's got a big presentation tomorrow & works late tonight, so I'm supervising the shenanigans of Tiki Joe tonight. Have fun everyone!

woofmutt posted on 04/20/2007

Wow! This was AWESOME!!! Oddly it felt very much like sittin' by myself at the bar...Oh wait...THAT'S WHAT I DID!

Eventually Sweetpea showed up and I decided that the evenin' shouldn't be a total wash so we had the 2007-2008 Jet City Mucky Mucks election of officers! With just two people present the nomination and election process when real quick and I am happy to present yuh all with the results...

Super Royal Princess of Fabulousness and All Things Cool...Sweetpea

King Of Absent Presence...Woofmutt

High Muck In Charge Of All Things....Dogbytes

Officer of Audio Pleasures...Selector Lopaka

Secretaries Of Squirmy Gurgling Things...The Tiki Rivieras

Royal Maker of Goodies...Dogbytes (Wow! Two separate titles! Way to set the example fer Trader Pup!!!)

Librarian of Matchbook Covers...Puamana

Unknown Shadow of Mysterious Ways....Exoticat

Creative Light Force of Tiki Goddess Energy...Sophista-tiki

Dark Lord of the Exotic Unknown...Monkey Skull

I think there were more offices elected but the rum and tonics and Pabsts got the best of me and the DJ's sinful rock-n-roll beats got to Miss 'Peas feets and the resta the night is a blur.

sweetpea posted on 04/20/2007

Everything WOOF says is true...

BTW, where the heck was everyone that said they were going ???
Hope everyone is A-OK!

dogbytes posted on 04/21/2007

we wimped out at the last minute. our HVAC guy showed up an hour late, and then we just couldnt get the momentum to go out..

geezlouise, we're just too old to start our evening out at 8:30 on a school night! but we love Hula Hula, so we might go earlier (around 6)...

no matter who voted: im not in charge. but i will make snacks. (who's birthday is next, i want to make another tiki cake!)

tiki-riviera posted on 04/21/2007

Hip hip hooray for Tiki Cake!! Dogbytes Tiki Cake is excellent! I would
love to see you take one and smush it in Rachel Ray's Face!!

Exoticat posted on 04/23/2007

i haven't been in here in awhile because I've been busy working on things I can't disclose...so forgot. Woofmutt, a quick phone call to me could have ended your suffering (or more likely increased it) so consider casting out a reminder in the future when you feel the evening has that kind of air that makes people flake out and not show up (the majority of NW nights?). it's been awhile so I'm kind of itchin' to go again... I'm glad sweetpea finally showed up.

p.s. I got a new phone and I can actually hear incoming phone calls...not kidding!

woofmutt posted on 04/28/2007

I keep fergettin' yer restraining order expired in 2006 and I can call yuh now without the cops gettin' involved. Of course my order against yerself is good through the end of the year...The law works in hilarious ways.

PS: "* I've been busy working on things I can't disclose...*" Exoticat

I wouldn't feel right givin' away trade secrets but as Exoticat's patent is now secure I thought I'd drop fun lil hint fer folks: Robot Monkey Mai-Tai Maker

Exoticat posted on 05/02/2007

i thought you said you were too drunk to remember that conversation!!! i renewed your restraining order. We now only need to be approximately 3' apart at all times. That's a lot closer than 3 miles like before.

dogbytes posted on 05/10/2007

May 17th is the next Third Thursday! and i think a special guest from Vancouver BC will be joining us! see ya next week!

Pepe le Tiki posted on 05/10/2007

Who could that be?

Exoticat posted on 05/16/2007

I think it's someone "special". I'm going. :)

dogbytes posted on 05/16/2007

remind me to bug the manager ~ i heard Hula Hula is having a mug made for them!

see ya there!

woofmutt posted on 05/17/2007

I am afraid of sayin' "Yeah I'll be there" cuz I have been stood up before. (See above.) And also, if I say I'm gonna be there tonight and then no one else shows up then I'm gonna get all paranoid. Well, more paranoid. So I ain't sayin' anything.

dogbytes posted on 05/18/2007

seriously. we'll be there. Frank-todd & i, pepe le tiki, puamana, exoticat... i think mr & mrs riviera are gonna stay home with the 2 day old tikibaby.

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woofmutt posted on 05/18/2007

I just gotta say that America's tougher attitude with our neighborin' countries has really paid off in that fer once our Canadian visitor was very well behaved. So put that in yer bongs and huff it all yuh namby pamby "Let's be nice to our neighbors!" types!

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tiki-riviera posted on 05/18/2007

On 2007-05-18 07:54, woofmutt wrote:
I just gotta say that America's tougher attitude with our neighborin' countries has really paid off in that fer once our Canadian visitor was very well behaved. So put that in yer bongs and huff it all yuh namby pamby "Let's be nice to our neighbors!" types!

I'm not making nice with our neighbor country to the north unitl they start making
quarters that fit in our vending machines! I hate when I'm buying a coke and
those dang quarters slide right thru and come out in the coin return.

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Pepe le Tiki posted on 05/19/2007

A big 'Mahalo' to you Jetcity folks!
Ok...I was well behaved (this time only) because I was surrounded by such fine 'home-made apple pie' hospitality from y'all. The truth is, I can be easily bought with vintage shopping excursions, breakfasts, gifts of art and cocktails in Tiki establishments.

As for Canadian vs US quarters, both work fine in our coke machines so I think it's more your problem than ours.

E Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Exoticat posted on 05/20/2007

Thanks for the fun time, everyone.

If you didn't go, you missed out on free art night...that's right, Woofmutt was spontaneously creating art in the dark and giving them out to attendees. What a thoughtful guy (want to make him blush or stammer). :wink:

Thanks to Dogbytes for sharing her garlic fries with everyone...(those are addicting). I brought a baggie full of chocolate for everyone but forgot about it as it was in the depths of my purse. Oh well.

Great seeing everyone again and it's always a treat when a Canadian road trips on down.

Until next time...

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dogbytes posted on 06/19/2007

Todd n i will not be at Third Thursday at Hula Hula on June 21 ~ hope to catch you fine folks next month!

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tekoteko posted on 06/23/2007


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woofmutt posted on 06/23/2007

Since it was bumped and nothin' else is happenin' in this town....

I also was NOT at Third Thursday at Hula Hula. I did have a swell time out in the yard with a six pack of Pabst, honky tonk music, and home made hamburgers. (The burgers did NOT have any Terriaki sauce on 'em, thank-you!)

So, everyone up fer NOT goin' next month too?

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