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Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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Davez_tikiz posted on 02/09/2007

Just warms my heart!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/09/2007

Dave and McTiki: It's just the cutest damn thing, isn't it?

Now he has a mouth to express his thoughts and opinions from

All I have left to do on this one now is all the really hard stuff

Buzzy Out!

McTiki posted on 02/09/2007

Nice save! He would have looked fine the way I imagined him too. He's pretty darned versitile isn't he?



Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/10/2007

Bye bye sun!

Little more work while I was out this afternoon

I got to leave wood chips in another location

I marked my new territory

I'm either going to call this tiki "weedhead" or "Pot leaf face."

Now that we tiki guys got the rockabilly crowd, I'm working on the hippies. They haven't had much to do since Jerry died.

Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2007-02-09 23:14 ]

Tiki Duddy posted on 02/10/2007

hahaha buzzy man you got some creative names for that lil guy. hes looking good. the headdress thing is awsome. like how it spikes out.
great stuff always

hiltiki posted on 02/12/2007

Buzzy where are you and what is Laciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate, I have been meaning to ask for along time.( I hope you didn't explain it few years ago and I have to go and find it) You know? :)

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/12/2007

Through me lies the road to the city of grief.
Through me lies the pathway to woe everlasting.
Through me lies the road to the souls that are lost.
Justice impelled my mighty architect:
The power divine, and primal love and wisdom
surpassing all, have here constructed me.
Before I was created, nothing was save things eternal.


Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/12/2007

Rained this morning. Today's sunset shows some residual clouds

Put a few layers of clear on this sucka tonight

I get tired of people always asking me what kind of log my tikis are carved from

I left this log on to show people what kind of tree it came from.

Now people will ask me if this one is done

Stupid people

The only reason this tiki looks acceptable is uplights. Never underestimate the power of uplighting a tiki.

Buzzy Out!

hiltiki posted on 02/12/2007

So like I was saying, what kind of log did you use for this last tiki anyways? and where are my hollow coconuts?

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/13/2007

Don't mind me, I'm just seeing how this looks 2D...

Done looking. Now I'm working...

Buzzy Out!

Benzart posted on 02/13/2007

WOW, Lookit what all I have missed in the past few daze I haven't been around. I see you are up to your same old tricks with Awesome Tikis and cool Sunsets and about still a thousand words per minute! Keep up yhr good works your stuff Really is Impressive.

Tiki Duddy posted on 02/13/2007

hey buzzy "weedface" turned out really well!lol. i also like that sunrise picture you got there. one of these days you should post a pic of a full red moon for us. that would be awsome. i also meant to ask what the title of your thread translated too but now you have it posted there.
see you around

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/13/2007

Hey Benzart! Glad you decided to check in on the Buzzmaster. Yes, as always, I had`few things to share with the TC world. It was kind of slow around here this weekend, so I decided to try and fill some of the tiki void we were experiencing. I want people to log on to TC and find new Educational, Enlightening, or Entertaining posts every time they are here. And if they cannot find those three E's, then they can come over here for my pretty pictures...

Today's sunset in three phases

Hey Duddy, here's some more of weed head. Kind of like a before/after sequence

I was originally going to throw that piece of wood away. I was just testing a tool real quick, and after I started I just kept on going. Glad I stuck with it. I'm happy with the results. Tomorrow I'll slap a bunch of clear on it and show it as it is intended.

For now, I'm going back into the garage to sand some more on the tiki I keep putting off finishing.

Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/13/2007

Put some clear on my newest little guy:
This is my favorite picture of it:

It's a new tint of stain I tried for this one

It's called Red Chestnut

Looks real good on this one. I reduced it by 33%

Do not know how it will work on palm. Probably be too red.

Here's the angle that makes it a "Weedhead"

Awhile back I stated that I was going to attempt to become a "Tiki Guy". Since then, I've only managed to lose a couple pounds and I still don't wear mandals. So, I'm even further away from being a true tiki guy than when I started this quest. However, I think I may have turned a corner today. I noticed that a vital component to the Tiki Guy ensemble is a tiki pendant, displayed prominently above a booze built stomach with a hawaiian shirt backdrop. So, to proudly show that I am a true Tiki Guy, and announce this fact of my Tiki Guyness to the public at their first glances, I have constructed my first pendant, which I will now sport wherever I go, to back up my claim of being a Tiki Guy

This last little piece was not a statue. I actually constructed it as a pendant. No crappy little screw either. A real carved pendant hook on the back.

It's not a big pendant, it's just that I don't have a Mai Tai gut to scale it down.

You have to be committed to wear something like this. A true proud Tiki Guy...If you see me at Albertson's wearing this, you will say, "Hey look at that Tiki Guy over there..."
Mission Accomplished!!!

Now I'm going to make a fez from an old rum barrel...

Tiki Guy Buzzy Out!

McTiki posted on 02/13/2007

Buzzy's sport'n wood! In public even!


Tiki Duddy posted on 02/14/2007

YES buzzy! the tiki guy lives!! that guy turned out great. i really like how you did those "before/after" pictures. i didnt know he was so small. i thought he was about a ruler tall. looks great on that necklace you made there. im looking forward to next project man. KEEP IT UP

4WDtiki posted on 02/14/2007

We now expect you to sport that outfit to the next chop.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/14/2007

4WD: That outfit is my Sunday Best. Speedo Saturday coming up...I have to get an early start on my tan this year.
McTIKI: I do not understand all the particulars and legal aspects of house arrest, but in this case my public defender said technically I'm not out in public, the windows are shut, so it's perfectly legal to show off my wood as I see fit. Except when children are present.
TDuddy: In Canada, like Mexico, you're an adult at 15, right?


After a marathon, I'm 98% done sanding this guy.

I want to hollow out the back a little more so it isn't as heavy. I'm still undecided on the stain.

As long as I have uplights it doesn't matter what color it is.

Late? Early? It doesn't make any difference to me anymore...

Buzzy Finally Out!

Babalu posted on 02/14/2007

Whoa, Tiki Guy....your bling is bigger than my bling!

I don't know dude, old weed head there might also be able to double as a floatie....you should consider rocking him with the Speedo too. Nobody will ever kick sand in your eyes at the beach again if your sporting that bad boy.

hiltiki posted on 02/14/2007

Buzzy your upright tiki looks amazing. Great work.

Clarita posted on 02/14/2007

Wow! Red Chestnut aka Weedhead is so great! If wearing this don't make you a Tiki guy I don't know what could make it... maybe you need a 24/7 tropical drink in your hand...No maybe not... Congrats!!

Cammo posted on 02/14/2007

Absolutely perfecto work, Buzz. We're all jealous as hell. That stain is ace.

I think in Canada you're an adult at 17. I grew up there, and we used to go believe it or not watch strippers and drink beer (not that weak Yankie stuff, "Brador" beer was like 6.5%) during lunch hour in high school! The Fireside Bar was a 6 minute walk from our school.

That may be because we were pretending to be 18, though. The bartender and girls didn't care, we were often the only ones in the place. We also used to get hammered with our Physics and Math high school teachers on ski trips, they seemed to think we were adult enough to get slooshed with. We'd bring warm ski socks in our suitcases, they'd bring a full bar with 4 kinds of wine, an ice chest of coolies and mickies of whiskey. Their room was an open party every night of the trip.

I don't think you could do that nowadays, but thank you Mr. Granville for that whiskey & soda.

Tiki Duddy posted on 02/14/2007

hahaha cammo, sounds like you had some pretty cool teachers! and BUZZY that guy you got there is spectacular! you sure gave him some awsome designs. the chin, the nose, well....pretty much every part of him is cool and different. i cant wait to see what marvelous stain you treat him with, whatever it is im sure its gonna make him look even better.
GREAT work!

....lol sportin wood.
ps...its 18 lol

hewey posted on 02/15/2007

Thats a BIG pendant mate... one day you might be a tiki guy... keep trying - one day... MAYBE

:) :) :) :)

KAHAKA posted on 02/15/2007

Awesome stuff... I love the little squirt.

Cammo posted on 02/15/2007

Anybody ever seen the movie "How to Steal a Million" with Audrey Hepburn and Peter O'Toole? Peter pretends to be a big time crook to impress Audrey. When the chips are down, he actually has to try to go through with a big heist at the Paris Nation Art Gallery. His plan is to sneak in with a boomerang, and simply keep setting off the motion detectors in the Gallery over and over until the guards finally write it off as a malfunction and throw up their hands in (French) disgust and turn the alarms off!

To his astonishment, the plan actually works. He then simply walks with Audrey over to one of the paintings , picks it up and strolls off with it.

The thing is, I kind of feel like that's what's happening with the House of Buzz thread here on TC. It's always being posted with new stuff, the same people hang out here like the local pool hall, and Buzzy is always on about something he hates (slow drying gloss coat, rain) or something he likes (sunsets, getting wood) that the Lords of Tiki Central have given up like those French Guards in exhaustion and -


Nobody seems to check! I don't want to be the first to try it, maybe I'm wrong, but somehow I get this feeling. You can mouth off all you want here!

Anyway, Buzz Dog, maybe you should take a break for a few hours or so. Relax. Carve some Spam for a while. Take a breather, Champ.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/15/2007

To all my regulars: Welcome back! It's great to "see" all of you again. Thank you very much for all your kind praise and continued support. Happy hour 24-7 in the house of buzz...
Kahaka: Hey, thanks for joining in on the fun and I'm glad you appreciate my work enough to take time out of your day and comment.
Cammo: I'm going to answer you, but I'm going to wait another post until it's on the top of the next page so your important points do not get lost in the volumes of garbage that have accumulated on this thread.

Stained this guy:

Gotta run I'm a busy guy.
Buzzy Out!

Cammo posted on 02/15/2007

Buzz, don't get me wrong, this is in fact the only thread I ever check out with any frequency on TC anymore. It's like taking an 18 hour 6-DVD set expert home schooling course in Tiki Everything. You are a master chopper! You get the gold medal in wood!

I've just noticed that the rules seem a bit looser over at the House of Buzz thread, y'know? That's a good thing. It's actually taking on a personality of its own, seperate from anything else. You've custom-detailed your own thread.

And that stain is the one. You found it. The ultimate Tiki color, no guff.

Thanks for posting everything, sunsets and all, and being a good sport to dweebs like me!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/16/2007

Dear Sunset and Tiki Fans: You can skip down to your stuff after all these words
People who read stuff on this thread: continue on for more of the same...

On 2007-02-14 23:04, Cammo wrote:
The thing is, I kind of feel like that's what's happening with the House of Buzz thread here on TC. It's always being posted with new stuff, the same people hang out here like the local pool hall, and Buzzy is always on about something he hates (slow drying gloss coat, rain) or something he likes (sunsets, getting wood) that the Lords of Tiki Central have given up like those French Guards in exhaustion and -
Nobody seems to check! I don't want to be the first to try it, maybe I'm wrong, but somehow I get this feeling. You can mouth off all you want here!

We just have to make sure not too many people catch on. You know what happens when the hipsters take over a dive bar. It's a hipster bar that used to be a dive bar that now has a cover charge. And drinks go up $3...
I think all topics are on topic on this thread. I will justify it as follows:
Fact: I am a tiki guy(as proved by wearing my new pendant in public yesterday)
Therefore, by extension, everything that I do, say, see, hear, feel, or think is related to tiki, and is up for conversation on this thread. Please one and all, say what you will.
Remember how much fun it was to watch the coco monkey burn at the hands of the mini tiki fight club? That was inspired by interaction...
I love all my regulars here. We've had a great time here, and many more good times to come. I still think people shy away from here because I'm that guy who said mug collectors are bottom feeders and that "judge me by my mugs quote..." a while ago. That was fun too! Well, for me and a select other few, that is...
I'd like to do what Hiltiki said and go live 24-7. Get a TC camera in here...Cammo, you had a great idea about the helmet carving cam. I'd love one of those.
Things are different here, in the House of Buzz, that is for sure.
Newcomers welcome.

We all cheeer!! at House of Buzz when the sun goes down because drinks are 2 for 1 for the next half hour:
Hip, Hip...


Oh man! Sun's starting to set on the other side of that building now. Soon no more sun on the water pictures. Only fog over La Jolla...

Let's get to the tiki stuff now...

On 2007-02-14 06:25, Babalu wrote:
Whoa, Tiki Guy....your bling is bigger than my bling! Nobody will ever kick sand in your eyes at the beach again if your sporting that bad boy.

You got me thinking: This badass pendant may look tough, but it may scare the ladies. I want something like honey to attract all them sweet honey bees.
So I'm carving another, Listen up Ladies, Nine Inch Tiki pendant. Oh yeah. It's going to be tapered, so it points down to another nine inch tiki god hanging below...

House of Buzz: It's Ladies Night, Every Night.
Buzzy Out!

GROG posted on 02/16/2007

GROG just stopping by to catch-a-"Buzz".
Heard it was 2 for 1 night and decided to drop by.

Good stuff.

Later Hombre.

[ Edited by: grog 2007-02-16 08:57 ]

Babalu posted on 02/16/2007

LIVE! - From the House of Buzz!

This should be done....period.

Dude, I think you going to need a side kick in order to make this concept a little more interesting...what about ole poochie there? I bet he would work for biscuits...do you think he would still chase the little school children if he had a grass skirt on?

At any rate, you have to see if he is up to the "Tiki Dog" thing......I can't see how a "Tiki Guy" can walk around town without a "Tiki Dog" in tow. Hey, girls like dogs man...some Old Spice wouldn't hurt either boss.

Oh Captain, my Captain....

Surf tiki posted on 02/16/2007

Awesome pendant. It's what Flava Flave would wear if he were into tikis. You've taken the tiki pendant to the next logical step: tiki gangsta bling. Maybe you could put some CZ stones in the new one for eyes.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/16/2007

Such a beautiful day today...

Do you guys think it would be too much if I spray painted this guy gold to express the ultimate in tiki bling?

I need to go work outside today.

Right after lunch, and maybe a nap...

Buzzy Out!

HOUSE OF KU posted on 02/16/2007

You can be known as "Da Man wit Da Golden Tiki" :blush:That would be a Great stage name...HeHe... Now get that power-nap in and go back to work... :tiki: Aloha, Freddie

[ Edited by: HOUSE OF KU 2007-02-16 19:59 ]

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/17/2007

Yo Freddie! It was only a matter of time before I launched my "Alii Buzzii Goldii" series...

Sunset without the tiki:

Sunset with the tiki through a hidden cavity in the stick I'm carving:

It looked like a small crack. As I was whittlin it down, the crack got bigger. I found it on the other side and it made a big natural tunnel when I further cleaned it. Glad I was carving the other end because this would have been hard towork around. The danger of ficus...

I was thinking about hollowing out the top a little bit and stuffing an old flint lighter top in there. My first tiki lighter pendant...Since it's made to attract women, I could hang out on the sidewalk in front of tiki bars and offer women a light. How suave would that be: A mack daddy pendant that lights the ladies up, in several ways...

Da Man With Da Golden Tiki Lighter Buzzy Out!

Benzart posted on 02/17/2007

Oh Yeah, I can see teh fad now , "get yer TikiBic's Here" Free Tiki Bic's. Tiki Bic's for food, yada yada yada.
cool idea. On painting the tiki gold?, I would go get stuff called "Rub'n Buff". Comes in gold, silver, copper and all the cool metals and looks prety good too.
I think I've had it with the sunsets so don't post any more for at least another hour, then back to normal. Buzz-Master, get back to work now, Less talk, More work. More work means more tikis and more tikis means happier benzart. Wear the bling carve the tiki, be the Buzz Master in the House of buzz that tiki built.

[ Edited by: Benzart 2007-02-19 16:08 ]

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/18/2007

On 2007-02-16 18:49, Benzart wrote:
I think I've had it with the sunsets so don't post any more for at least another hour,
then back to normal.

Hey Ben Look over there for a second :right:

Hour's almost up, let's talk tiki and YOU for a second

More work means more tikis and more tikis means happier benzart.

BenZart, we down here in SD are sending you an extra dose of happiness today. Figured you could use a little more :) :) :) :)
A few new tikis were "born" today

As well as a couple new carvers

Welcome HB Tiki
A couple people left before the traditional group shot, but Ben, these are`for you.

In a way, all this started with you coming out here back in Oct. I personally thank you, and hope that things like this pay you the tribute you deserve for your influence on the tiki community here. This isn't thanks enough from me to you, but it's a start...

More chopchop pictures HERE

I finished this guy up at the event today:

I'll clear seal it and the big guy in the garage tomorrow

I'm tired...
Buzzy Out

Tiki Duddy posted on 02/18/2007

hey buzzy cool that you posted those chopchop pictures for us. looks like alot of fun. and your new lil guy looks great.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/19/2007

Hey TD: Yeah, you're going to have to come down here and check one of those out some day.

Here's the one I finished yesterday with some clear on it

I'm also waiting(actually killing time)while this one is drying for another couple coats

Are you asking why I didn't open with the sunset for today's update?
Here is the storm coming:
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It just started pouring while I was posting.

Rhymin and stealin...
Buzzy Out!

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haikai posted on 02/19/2007

Aloha Buzzy,
congratulation! Your last marquesan Tiki is great. The base part is realy well done.
I see you are always bussy. Greetings and lot´s of fun, Haikai

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/19/2007

Hola Haikai, Thanks and great work on your end too. I'm not too busy today...
It's raining hard right now
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This poor guy has to await another day
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I do not have any dry wood today. Maybe I should clean my house.

Best picture I can get of the guy I finally finished last night
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and here he is with his new partners in crime
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There's a little tiki on the right who got cut from the photo and he's pissed

Rainy days and mondays always bring me down.
Double dose today.
Carpenter Buzzy Out!

hiltiki posted on 02/19/2007

Rainy days get me down too.
Buzzy I love the picture with all the tikis in there. The different colors and texture and design makes it look like they are all vintage 50's tikis. This is really nice.

Tiki Duddy posted on 02/19/2007

hey buzz man. great stuff. i like the stain you gave your new guy. nice red tinge to it. looks really good. too bad its raining like that. its supposed to rain here tomorrow maybe it will take away some of this snow yet too. man i cant wait for summer. i think thats the first time ever too.
great stuff always

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congatiki posted on 02/19/2007

Real nice job on the big feller Buzzy, great carve and excellent finish. Always fun to visit
Buzzy land to see what you're up to. The latest little feller is cool too.
Conga out!

Benzart posted on 02/20/2007

More Super Excellent Stuff Buzzy, You are really getting More than good.
Man Oh Man, Thanks for the Spiel about the ChopChop, I Really wish I could have been there. And Don't give ME any credit for the Oki Oki, it was Moki&Ric and Matt who did all the work and set it all up and Moki was the main doer. You guys need one of those every month, Spread the tiki carving wealth around, make more tikis and make More SAW DUST. You know for every pile of sawdust you make, there is a tiki there somewhere and I'm Proud to see you sticking with the Hook and doing so well with it.
Where's the Sunset?
Oh and I Love the "Tiki-henge". Those guys at Stone-Henge didn't do it all. They left some for you to do too.
Thanks for all the pictures on the other thread, just need names to go with all those new faces.
:) :) :)

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/20/2007

Hiltiki, TDuddy, Conga, and Benzy: Thanks guys! Hope I can continue entertaining you with the tiki universe as seen through my eyes.

The sun came out right at the end of the day yesterday
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I pretty much wasted the whole day playing with dolls yesterday. Eventually, I started to go insane and had to carve something real quick to stave off the demons in my head. All my wood was in the rain, so I dug the end piece out of the trash from my last piece.
This is what I see at night
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Here he is after I worked on him for the evening
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This is the piece that had the cavity in it through which I took a sunset photo. I lined it up so that I can string a line through it and call it a pendant
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Sun's out, so's Buzzy!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/21/2007

Just need to check this guy's progress:
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Sometimes I can see stuff on the pictures that I cannot see in real life

Thank you for your understanding.
Buzzy Out!

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surfintiki posted on 02/21/2007

Oh yeah, he's gonna be a great one! (I wanna move to San Diego...:( )

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