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article about me in Daily Mining Gazette, Houghton MI

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Daniel C. Boyer posted on 02/14/2007

There was an article about me in yesterday's [Houghton, Michigan] Daily Mining Gazette.

JTD posted on 02/16/2007

They must have really been digging.

[ Edited by: JTD 2007-02-15 17:01 ]

Psycho Tiki D posted on 02/16/2007

Can you dig it?


gonzo posted on 02/16/2007

You bet I dig big Daddy Im hip

ookoo lady posted on 02/16/2007

Was the article like this one on Wikipedia about your annoying self-promotion and your attacks on anyone who objects?

Daniel C. Boyer posted on 02/16/2007

On 2007-02-15 20:21, ookoo lady wrote:
Was the article like this one on Wikipedia about your annoying self-promotion and your attacks on anyone who objects?

Well, that's like a "have you stopped beating your wife?". I will say that if you'll actually read the entire thing some of what the objectors say is outright lies, some of it mischaracterisations, and some of it the basis for RfCs of my own.

Stiki Tiki posted on 02/16/2007


[ Edited by: stiki tiki 2007-02-16 08:48 ]

tikipedia posted on 02/16/2007


I was wondering where he would turn up next.

'Dig' this tradeoff we had a while back.

Ookoo Lady, I think you 'unearthed' the truth about him!!

But there is no need to get ourselves into a 'deeper hole' over this issue.

BTW, the news article about him can be found here.

The Tikipedia

[ Edited by: tikipedia 2007-02-16 10:47 ]

HelloTiki posted on 02/16/2007

It was a good article.
Can carving Tikis really promote hair growth ?
I thought carving Tikis was only a cure for impotency.

This thread is making me so hot, I need some of this:

tiki mick posted on 02/17/2007

Oh my HELL!!!

I just went and read all the posts about heraldry, and I finally see someone wierder then me (and that's saying a lot!).

But this is wierd in a Hannibal Lechter, serial killer type of way.

Daniel C Boyer, you are megafauna, that's for sure! Do you realize how pedantic you sound? Do you sit around and pontificate with your cohorts in an exagerrated Boston Bhramin accent (or is it Locust Valley lockjaw?) expounding on the finer points of dadaism? Major Charles Emerson Wichester, indeed.

Seriously dude, therapy---and soon!!

Formikahini posted on 02/17/2007

On 2007-02-16 06:08, Daniel C. Boyer wrote:

On 2007-02-15 20:21, ookoo lady wrote:
Was the article like this one on Wikipedia about your annoying self-promotion and your attacks on anyone who objects?

Well, that's like a "have you stopped beating your wife?". I will say that if you'll actually read the entire thing some of what the objectors say is outright lies, some of it mischaracterisations, and some of it the basis for RfCs of my own.
Oh Daniel,

Seeing as how we have experienced:
1.) your wrath and condescension showered upon those of us who have asked honest questions (and disagreed with you about ANYthing)
2.) how you have shamelessly self-promoted your art and even articles about you, despite not yet being a (positive) part of the TC community (despite a few, "Hey, nice, thanks for posting" comments),

you can see how we might have a difficult time believing that the Wikipedia accusations are more than 1.27% "outright lies" and "mischaracterisations [sic]." (Indeed, you may have a friend in your hometown who submitted something about you, thus explaining an anonymous source traced to your town. I'll give you that. That's about it.)

Where there's smoke, there's usually at least some fire.

Can you SEE how we might feel this way?????? Can you??

(And please understand that I am not trying to bait you here; I am trying to help you see our point of view. Honestly. But I predict that this will fall upon deaf ears, as has every other suggestion/plea.)

[ Edited by: Formikahini 2007-02-16 21:06 ]

tikipedia posted on 02/17/2007

On 2007-02-16 19:13, Formikahini wrote:
"mischaracterisations [sic]."


His spelling of "mischaracterisations" is actually correct... if you live in Great Britain.

Since he wants to show us how articulate he is, he only speaks in the King's English. None of that lowly American spelling for him.

Here, I'll make a bet with you. Try to get him to mention "harbor", and I'll bet you he spells it "harbour".

If I may say once again, and I quote: "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

What a complete phony.... and narsiscist.

tiki mick posted on 02/17/2007

I tried to hold my toungue, but finally I could not stand it anymore and had to respond to this guy, after getting several strange and unsettling PMs from him.

Daniel, I sense a lot of anger and frustration in you. Your PMs to me were more then a little wierd. When you told me you had an electronic device called a "tube wiggler" and wanted to "attach it to me", I was perplexed. I don't even know what you are talking about, or what a "tube wiggler" even is.

But when you mentioned you wanted to give me a "twenty dollar half-and half", and that you knew of "certain private clubs for sophisticated gentlemen in the city" that you "wanted to take me to", I have to admit that I was flattered but also deeply disgusted. If that's your way of trying to ask me on a date, man you are barking up the wrong tree!

I am married, with children, for god's sake!!

tiki mick posted on 02/17/2007
Daniel C. Boyer posted on 02/18/2007

On 2007-02-16 19:48, tikipedia wrote:

On 2007-02-16 19:13, Formikahini wrote:
"mischaracterisations [sic]."


His spelling of "mischaracterisations" is actually correct... if you live in Great Britain.

Since he wants to show us how articulate he is, he only speaks in the King's English. None of that lowly American spelling for him.

It's actually the correct spelling no matter where you live. I could be a poor speller and try to justify it by calling it "Michigan spelling," but that wouldn't change it.

I don't know anywhere else in the world where misspelling and ignorance and such sources of pride as they are in the USA. I'm not really critical of misspelling, but taking pride in it is a little weird.

[ Edited by: Daniel C. Boyer 2007-02-18 06:53 ]

Daniel C. Boyer posted on 02/18/2007

Oh my HELL!!!

I just went and read all the posts about heraldry, and I finally see someone wierder then me (and that's saying a lot!).

You've got to be kidding. Heraldry is kind of a weird subject in general (to people who aren't familiar with its idiosyncratic [ooh! ooh! a "big" word!] way of thinking), so you wouldn't think that posts about it would be normal.

Daniel C. Boyer posted on 02/18/2007

2.) how you have shamelessly self-promoted your art and even articles about you, despite not yet being a (positive) part of the TC community (despite a few, "Hey, nice, thanks for posting" comments),

[ Edited by: Formikahini 2007-02-16 21:06 ]

But my "not yet being a (positive) part of the TC community" isn't true. Sure, my positive contributions to the Tikiroom forums have been very slight (I am just beginning here), but if you'll check my posts I have, for example, pointed out some personalised tiki-related ZazzleStamps people could see or buy, and the very slight tiki reference in Never Been Kissed. (Along these lines, tiki is at least somewhat referenced in Runaway Bride.)

tikipedia posted on 02/19/2007

On 2007-02-18 06:52, Daniel C. Boyer wrote:
I don't know anywhere else in the world where misspelling and ignorance and such sources of pride as they are in the USA. I'm not really critical of misspelling, but taking pride in it is a little weird.

Once again, your pomposity stands out. Now you presume to know more about spelling than Noah Webster. Maybe we should throw out the Webster dictionary and replace it with Boyer's dictionary. The only words and phrases in that book would be "I","me","I'm","myself","self-serving" "look-at-me" and "Daniel C. Boyer"."Modesty" would certainly be omitted.

I think you should hang out with Madonna. Her phony "look at me, I'm cultured" British accent and your wannabe "look at me, I'm cultured" British spelling is a laugh riot.

And please keep in mind... we are laughing at you, not with you.

The Tikipedia

[ Edited by: tikipedia 2007-02-18 21:36 ]

Daniel C. Boyer posted on 02/19/2007

On 2007-02-18 19:24, tikipedia wrote:

On 2007-02-18 06:52, Daniel C. Boyer wrote:

Now you presume to know more about spelling than Noah Webster.

I think this being true practically goes without saying (Webster just changed the spelling of words he didn't like, and I think we can all agree that simply changing the facts of a subject when they aren't to your liking could be characterised in a number of ways, but one of them probably wouldn't be "knowledge"). Did you know the main reason for "American" spellings being adopted is that the "reformers" believed that American schoolkids were too dumb to be capable of learning the correct spelling (check in particular how the spelling of Ouisconsin had to be changed to "Wisconsin" because "simple" Americans [and in particular schoolchildren] -- why is it that this negative word "simple" is used in the U.S. almost with pride, as if being not too smart, as if being ignorant is a good thing? -- wouldn't be able to learn how to spell it correctly)? Lest anyone think I am agreeing with this, I don't believe American schoolkids are any dumber than those in any other country, but I believe if this low standard is set in terms of expectations at the outset, the kids will tend to live up to it.

Stiki Tiki posted on 02/19/2007

all right who fed the troll?

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