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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Tiki Carving Methodology

Pages: 1 2 3 117 replies

Beautiful work!

This is where it all happens now...a humble little campaign desk with a humble shop clamp and billet clamp...here's me applying the grip checkering to a large serrated Solomon Islands style club...The only important thing to remember is to steady your piece with a clamp and draw out your checker lines in advance to make sure they all meet up from side to side of the club. Use a small palm parting tool. The second finger of your right hand will develop a permanent dent after a while, but hand work looks ten times better than power tool work when applying fine detail like this.

I thought would bump this one up.
Some real good info.


Thanx for bumpin this up Mecula! I just filled up 2 pages of notes, cuz im lookin at getting into bigger stuff. BK and Benz...keep the knowledge comin. FreddieB

On 2005-09-19 18:29, Basement Kahuna wrote:
Hey...this is starting to look like a tiki...And who's shirt is this? The close ups are of cutting in the chest contour. A deep contour makes a tiki look really proud and fierce.

BK rocks!

the "Tiki Carving Forum" is on fire and is hard for me to keep on track.

All of you are GOING OFF!!!! In an Arrrr-some way!!

Out of Tiki Control!

Back to oooing and awe-ing.


BK - You rock! I hadn't seen this thread before. What a great resource. Now I feel stoopid becuase I had the opportunity to ask you some questions but I didn't know what to ask. If I had only seen this thread before CoonTiki... Very cool stuff...Your mallet is cool too.

[ Edited by: tikigap 2006-05-02 19:50 ]



[ Edited by: nameless 2006-05-08 20:48 ]




man is that some good work there. it looks real good. i would be amazed if i got that good some how haha. keep up tht good work there.


Bump! Let's keep this one going too!

Paipo posted on Thu, Oct 12, 2006 1:01 PM

Awesome thread, thanks for the bump. It's a shame half the early stuff is gone, but there's still plenty of goodness left in it.


This was one of my favorite threads. It was very helpful to a totally inexerienced carver. I learned alot from this one. Too bad most of the pictures are gone, they were so informative. Any chance of repopulating them?



I'll bump it again, with the same question as the previous poster. Any chance of repopulating the pics? THis thread is great, I wnat ot learn more.

And the same request again...is there a proper procedure for requesting a repost of pics that I don't see in the FAQ?


Unfortunately the images that show up as red X's are lost. Shutterfly had at some point migrated/renamed many of their files and those links are no longer any good. The same images will still show up on the individual users' Shutterfly accounts, but the file names are now different than what was originally posted here. The only way to repopulate the images would be for each of the original posters to edit their old posts and replace the images. Not impossible, but it would take a concerted effort on the part of many. You will notice the same problem with the "Carving Post" locked at the top of this Forum, which is also a real shame.

Many of the old Shutterfly links have become broken, but then again many of them are still in place. And it's not just Shutterfly links that have been affected, but they have had the biggest effect because 90% of the older images posted here were linked to Shutterfly accounts. Remember, outside image hosting is inherently less reliable than using the Tiki Central "Add Images To Your Post!" feature, so we'd encourage members to use that route when posting images moving forward.

Here's a thought. For all of the Creating Forum users who have "Here's my Work" type threads, consider doing some editing to convert the images over to TC hosting. It's a little work, but the images will be there as long as TC is up & running, and you can avoid those pesky red X's.




I have tried reposting some of the pictures lost in Shutterfly and the big problem is , for me, there are SO Many pictures that I have No Idea which ones Were posted. There is No link to tell me what picture belongs to the little red X. However I may just post a Lump of pictures at the end of each segment of the thread. OR I may just post a thread of All my pictures.



I could live with that. I'm eager to try out carving, but first I have to find some wood. and get my workshop/garage cleaned out. But mostly the wood.

I too would appreciate some of the pictures. Thanks!

s!q posted on Tue, Dec 23, 2008 3:27 PM

On 2007-03-01 17:17, drslingshot wrote:
I too would appreciate some of the pictures. Thanks!

me three!


Yes I think we need to keep this thread up where it belongs, can't have it falling off the page!
BK, Where for art thou hiding my friend? C'mon, it's about time you showed us more of your carving stuff, we Gotta have it at LEAST now and then?

Pages: 1 2 3 117 replies