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Formikahini at Waikiki Wally's Mar 31 (& Carnegie Hall Apr 1)

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Formikahini posted on 02/09/2007

And just like last time, it is NOT a solo performance, nor one with Robert Drasnin, nor anything remotely tiki. Instead, as it was 3 years ago on Easter Sunday, I'm singing with a big (150-175) choir, tagging along with the 24 from our school as a singing chaperone. Sweet perk.

This time we're doing Mozart's "Requiem" on the Sunday before Easter, Palm Sunday. Lots of very famous parts, used by film directors all the time to add oomph to a battle scene. I actually recommend you attend if you remotely like this kind of stuff. (Last time was John Rutter's Magnificat, which while lovely, isn't on anyone's greatest hits list yet.)

So why am I posting here in Tiki Events?
Because I get the night before off (March 31) and I want to see my NYCTC kin! Last time I did Otto's Shrunken Head, which I enjoyed very much. I'd like to see Waikiki Wally's this time. (On Friday, I get to see Spamalot!) I know it's better on a weeknight, but that's the way the coconut rolls.

Waikiki Wally's:
99 (101?) East 2nd St in the East Village between 1st and A
(Look for the neon palms and big Moai out front)
Closest subway stop - the F or V at 2nd Ave
Phone - (212) 673-8908

Time: 7:00

Sadly, Cinderella will have a curfew: 11:00, which precludes driving out to some cool Jersey spot. That's because I have to get back to see if the kids are back for their curfew! I also will have to be limited to one drink, maybe two. Top singing form is required, no matter how tasty Waitiki Wally's drinks are.

Let me know if you can join me. I'm having some non-TC friends join me again too.

The time before:

[ Edited by: Formikahini 2007-03-26 18:04 ]

tikibars posted on 02/09/2007

For Tiki, I prefer Waikiki Wally's to Ottos.

More of a real Tiki vibe, less of a rocker bar.

I love the Donn Beach clay scuptures, the big mural, and the hula dancing hostess.

Have fun on your trip!
Glad someone finished Requiem for Mozart so you can sing it!

Kanekila posted on 02/11/2007

Alice -- that REALLY cool! Holy crap, I miss singing choral music. My degree is in Voice from Indiana University (yes - the "factory"). I'm jealous. I miss singing choral music.

Anyway, enough of my whining. I just think that's cool that you're doing Mozart's Requiem at Carnegie.


Tikigoob posted on 02/11/2007

Good luck with the trip... You know how to class up any joint... So look out Carnegie... BTW "Class With a Capital "K"" is still in my playlist... I love that Hillbilly Frankenstein stuff... Amazing!!!!!


Jeff Central posted on 02/11/2007

That's great news Alice!!!

Have fun in NYC!!

Cheers and Mahalo,

kikekeki posted on 02/12/2007

Good luck to you!
Have a great night on the town!
Wish I could be there to see the show...

khan_tiki_mon posted on 02/19/2007

I checked my calendar and a trip to NYC would work for me that weekend. I'd like to meet Formikahini and any other TCers at Waikiki Wally's. Never been to Waikiki Wally's. I'll take the train to NYC and do some shopping. What time should we meet at Wally's?

Formikahini posted on 02/19/2007

Yay, KTM!

I'll let you know that time as I learn of my schedule. Something evening-ish, probably dinner and drinks afterwards?

Looking forward to meeting you (and khan-tiki-wahine?) and any others who jump on board :)

khan_tiki_mon posted on 02/19/2007

I don't know yet if my wife will come along. I just put her on a plane for Costa Rica about an hour ago. She's going to visit relatives for 2 weeks. She probably isn't going to want to travel again for awhile. What if I brought my daughter? What are the rules at Waikiki Wally's does anyone know? My daughter is 19 so not legal but could she hang out?

Formikahini posted on 02/19/2007

I'm assuming it's a restaurant, and she can therefore eat but not order cocktails. But call and confirm, and then please post the results; I have some younger friends (one 19 too!) also joining me and I'd love to make sure I told her correctly.

khan_tiki_mon posted on 02/19/2007

I'll check it out and then post info. Dinner and drinks sounds great. Looking forward to it.

inkylouise posted on 02/21/2007

Wally's is certainly a restaurant, and i have been there with kids too. Kids always enjoy seeing Wally, the bird!

If i still lived there I would have come out to join you, boo. Your concert sounds really cool...Carnegie Hall ?!?! practice, practice, practice!

Give my regards to broadway!

[ Edited by: inkylouise 2007-02-21 10:23 ]

tastysp posted on 02/22/2007

Congrats on Carnagie!
I'll try to escape Otto's and trek down to the "competition" and say Hi!...maybe birdnap Wally and hold him for ransom bwah ha haha!!!

Formikahini posted on 03/20/2007

Bump to update:

We are meeting at Waikiki Wally's on Saturday evening, March 31.

It's looking to be a rather nice group. I may call to reserve a table. Ask for Alice Berry's table when you get there.


Formikahini posted on 03/27/2007

Bump (to catch any NY or NJ stragglers who haven't seen this thread yet!)

Karbora posted on 03/28/2007


Congratulations on your return to the Hall....how amazing. I know you will enjoy the performance and a night in the big apple. Always good to have you on the East Coast! Hope to see you in a few weeks at Hukilau :)

paranoid123 posted on 03/29/2007

I'll be there. Here's the address if anyone needs it:

Waikiki Wally's
99 East Second St
in the East Village between 1st and A

sneakyjack posted on 03/29/2007

Wish I could - I'll be out of town

Hold down the fort for me!

On friday eve (march 30) - tiki centralites (a few) will be there with a crew for a gathering - I hope they don't wreck the place!

Martiki-bird posted on 03/29/2007

We’ll be there on Sat.

My husband & I were planning to go Wally’s on Sunday to celebrate my b-day (4/1 is the big 4-0 for me), but we need to push our plans up a day. So, if you’re up for meeting new folks, let us know (drop me a PM).

Oh, and very sad news about Wally-bird: someone broke into the Plexiglas enclosure and stole him! We found this out last week. Poor thing, this just breaks my heart.

Gina & Damian

Formikahini posted on 03/31/2007

On 2007-03-29 09:26, Martiki-bird wrote:
We’ll be there on Sat.

My husband & I were planning to go Wally’s on Sunday to celebrate my b-day (4/1 is the big 4-0 for me), but we need to push our plans up a day. So, if you’re up for meeting new folks, let us know (drop me a PM).

Oh, and very sad news about Wally-bird: someone broke into the Plexiglas enclosure and stole him! We found this out last week. Poor thing, this just breaks my heart.

Gina & Damian
Super that you can come, and I'm so BUMMED about Wally! What CREEPS to take him!!

See you there!

tikichaser posted on 01/31/2008

How are the drinks at Wally's? Any recommendations? Otto's was cool, but the Zombie I had was pretty bad (just like you'd get in any chinese restaurant - pretty much pineapple juice and rum). Mayve this was the particlar bar-tender. Decor is cool, but you need the good drinks to back it up! Looking forward to trying out Wally's... We need a Tiki-ti in NY!!!

leisure master posted on 01/31/2008

Nicole and I will be there for sure! It will be great to meet up!

BTW, did they change the name back or something?

Last time I was there (about 2 months or so) it was changed to "Wally's Pacific Grill" or something like that. Also, the place was packed with kids with loud crappy music playing (like techno) and the young "cool" bartenders were sure to roll their eyes everytime you ordered something other than a beer or rum & coke.

The inside looked the same, but we were 2 drinks and gone that night. And not 2 good drinks.

Sorry to be a downer, but just lettin' ya know what happened.

Formikahini posted on 01/31/2008

Unfortunately that was last year!
Darn that we didn't know each other then. Maybe I'll get to go back with the kids next year?

leisure master posted on 01/31/2008

...that's what you get when you check in at work and don't read the thread carefully!

F - you are welcome in my little town anytime.

KikiTiki posted on 02/01/2008


I won't know until about a week before if I have to work that night or not,
but even if so could still meet you all about 9ish. I wish the drinks there
were better, but the decor is a lot of fun.
That's great about Carnegie Hall!

Kiki and Fang (David)

KikiTiki posted on 02/01/2008

Isn't March 31 a Monday????

On 2007-03-20 14:08, Formikahini wrote:
Bump to update:

We are meeting at Waikiki Wally's on Saturday evening, March 31.

It's looking to be a rather nice group. I may call to reserve a table. Ask for Alice Berry's table when you get there.


Isn't March 31 a Monday????

paranoid123 posted on 02/01/2008


Unfortunately, this is a bumped thread from almost a year ago.

I did go last year, I had a lot of fun, and met Gina and Damian for the first time! Too bad there aren't any pictures from that night.

Formikahini posted on 02/01/2008

There are pictures (and they're great!), but I'm a big fat loser who still hasn't posted them!


rugbymatt posted on 02/01/2008


You're not fat!


and hey, at least you know what year it is!

[ Edited by: rugbymatt 2008-02-01 11:02 ]

paranoid123 posted on 02/03/2008


Post em!


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