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King Kukulele Presents: Tiki Taix 3rd Anniversary on February 23rd, 2007.

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King Kukulele posted on 02/21/2007

Friday February 23rd, 2007 10PM No Cover

The 3rd Anniversary Show! Tiki Taix is 3 and we'll be celebrating in style.

Special guest Ali Lexa, radio personality and ukulele player deluxe. Best known for his band Lexotica, Ali Lexa hosts a regular series on local public radio station KPFK. To celebrate Tiki Taix’s 3rd Anniversary Ali will pull out some rare jazz and lounge classics.


The Polynesian Paradise Dancers will be traveling to Japan, but not before they grace us with their hula magic at Tiki Taix once again. The mystical Akemi repeatedly wins every contest between traditional drums and the drums of Riki Kon Tiki.


The youngest travel reporters in the world report on their recent voyage to Kauai with photos of hulas and tikis and the drama of their brush with a live volcano!!


King Kukulele celebrates 3 years of Tiki Taix magic with the Friki Tikis along for the ride. The name of the game is fun fun fun and if the gods are smiling, we may have a visit from Tiki Tarmu our vibraphone player all the way from Romania.


Part II “Duke Kahanamoku – This Is Your Life!” from 1957. See Duke’s siblings singing Hawaiian songs, he is surprised by Waikiki swimming coach “Dad” Center and they tell the story of Dukes first success in swimming.

Join us for this one night only event. We'll be at Tiki Taix 1911 Sunset Blvd. in Echo Park, Los Angeles 90026 One block north of the lagoon.

Al-ii posted on 02/22/2007


tiki mick posted on 02/23/2007

I wish this was in orange county, King!

You rock, dude!!

I love watching you perform!

Consumate professional!

CheekyGirl posted on 02/23/2007

In! And stopping at the Tiki Ti before hand too!

SoccerTiki posted on 02/23/2007

Looking forward to a Ray's Mistake at Tiki Ti first!!!

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