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re: Kauai vacation

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Tikitatt posted on 03/02/2007

My wife and I will be vacationing in Kauai March 8 - 12 and would like any suggestion on what to do.



RevBambooBen posted on 03/02/2007

Drive up to the Botanical Gardens above Hanalei and see if you get chased by crazy dogs!

They're tire biters!!

Good for a long laugh!!

If the don't come out, rub sausage on your rental.

But go to Tahiti Nui first. ( no matter what anyone says. )

Tikitatt posted on 03/02/2007

Bamboo Ben,

How are you doing? I talk to your business neighbor all the time. Next time you see him offer him a capt'n and coke. See what shade of purple he turns... Hey, I'm looking to get an indoor/outdoor minibar for my house. Sorta vintage tiki yet new. Here's my personal email address. HBTikitatt@yahoo.com. I would like to be able to move it inside/outside with lockable wheels. I check my email address daily. How many bottles of rum will it cost or are you willing to barter?



christiki295 posted on 03/02/2007

Whatever else you do, dine at Tidepools at the Hyatt in Poipou.
It is a Tiki Mecca!

christiki295 posted on 03/02/2007
Tikitatt posted on 03/02/2007

Sounds great. I've never heard of Tidepools at the Hyatt in Poipou. Is that near the Hilton? I'm really looking forward to going but have a feeling it's going to be a small vacation as if we where visiting Catalina Island. Great island but after a days trip you've seen it all....



Tikitatt posted on 03/02/2007

Great thread...

Thanks again...


dogbytes posted on 03/02/2007

dogbytes kauai trip

lucky you! if you valet park at your hotel, ask the guys where they like to eat. always good tips from the locals! have fun!

Moki posted on 03/02/2007

We've been there three times. Just got back from two weeks in Hanalei last night! We love it there. When you go to the Tahiti Nui tell the bartender (Darcel) Moki says "Hi" and that I miss her already. The hawaiian duo on Thursday is great, as is Surf Jones who plays on Wednesdays and The Road Warriors on Friday. Music usually starts kinda late 9:00ish, but it's a fun group to hang with.

Surf Jones also plays at the Sushi Blues in Hanalei on Saturday night. And another incarnation of them called the Take off's plays in Poipu on Sundays. You can find their info on MySpace. BigTikiDude knows how to find them if you can't.

Take the time to find Hanalei Bay. It's a great place to swim and relax in the sun.

And we went to the botanical gardens above Hanalei, but didn't see the tire biters. Dang!! Guess we just need to go back with sausage next time! Ha Ha

Oh and if you're looking for some fun during the day, check out the Kauai Back Country Adventures. The tubing was great.


Tikitatt posted on 03/02/2007

Well so far it's gone from doing a nature walk and kayaking~ which I love, to living up the life. I love the idea of asking the valet or even a bartender what they like to do for fun. I always believe in taking care of the valet and of course you must always take care of the one who gives you the best hangover. But never thought of asking them what the locals like to do. It's only five days but what the hell. When in Tiki do as the Tiki's do....



christiki295 posted on 03/02/2007

Courtesy of Bongofury:

One of 2 large Tikis in front of the window into the kitchen at Tidepools restaurant (Hyatt).....this place had great decor.....lotsa bamboo, tapa, outrigger (in the bar)

christiki295 posted on 03/02/2007

On 2007-03-01 22:20, Tikitatt wrote:
Sounds great. I've never heard of Tidepools at the Hyatt in Poipou. Is that near the Hilton? I'm really looking forward to going but have a feeling it's going to be a small vacation as if we where visiting Catalina Island. Great island but after a days trip you've seen it all....



The Hilton is towards the Coconut Coast, just north of the airport.
Poipou is on the sunny, southern side of the island, about 30 minutes away.

Kaua'i is far larger and more diverse than Catalina.
You could do something different every day, if you desire, on Kaua'i.

bamalamalu posted on 03/02/2007

Hi, yes, have no fear - You will run out of time on Kauai long before you run out of good things to do!
There are some other threads here with some Kauai info, so keep looking around.

I don't remember if it's mentioned, but the Ultimate Kauai Guidebook is very helpful. It's about 15 bucks and has info on all sorts of activities, beach descriptions, restaurants, and lots of maps to get you there (the same authors have similar books for other Islands as well)



Tikitatt posted on 03/16/2007

My wife and I would like to thank everyone for the suggestions given on this board. We had a fantiki time! We did find the gardens, but unfortunately we were rained out and did not see the tire biters. Oh well, maybe next time. We visited the Tahiti Nui and took in some tropical drinks and the decor. The sunset dinner cruise up to the Na Pali coast was amazing and on the way back to port we learned the true meaning of "aloha bags".

My favorite part of the trip was the helicopter ride where I got to sit back while someone else flew and watch my wife take in the sights. As a student pilot, I normally do not get to enjoy the sights myself. All in all, it was a relaxing trip filled with too much booze and too much rich food. Ok, have to go to the gym now. Mahalo and see you at Tiki Oasis 7.


KauaiTikiTower posted on 04/02/2007

Kauai is a fairly large island (60,000 pop.). It is the same size as Maui but totally different. There is a famous saying "if you love Kauai, send your friends to Maui". We fell in love with the north shore so much we bought a vacation home there. Kauai is more like how Oahu was 50 years ago. If anyone want tips on where to go and what to do on this great island feel free to e-mail me @ supragntsteve@yahoo.com. We vacation rent our home and remodeled it in vintage Hawaiiana style. You can see the pictures at http://www.kauaitikitower.com. We give great rates to fellow tiki enthusiasts.


sandiegodan posted on 05/08/2007

I was there this past summer. Did all the main touristy things, plus laid around some deserted beaches....it was great.

Just be careful if you try to climb to any waterfalls...there have been some deaths recently from people trying to climb down to the bottom following certain guidebooks

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