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Tiki Central / Tiki Marketplace

New Seasonal Target Tiki

Pages: 1 3 replies

rugbymatt posted on 03/04/2007

Just went to the local Target yesterday and they have several tiki themed items in the houswares department for this season. The best was a big 1 - 2 gallon ceramic tiki hut drink dispenser with a littel plastic tap near the bottom. There were also some plastci plates and drinkware, a cool hut style silverware & napkin holder made of thatch, a nice set of hula girl S & P shakers in a reed holder with a little built in umbrella. No big stuff in the lawn & garden section yet for this season.

stuff-o-rama posted on 03/04/2007

I went by the Target in Santa Maria, CA, in the garden center they had some cartoony looking tikis with flames, tikis with hibiscus flowers and one 3 foot resin tikis that looked like a traditional Heiau Tiki for $99. They only had one left on the floor and it looked like it went a few rounds with Mike Tyson. My initial thought was to grab it, but when I saw how fragile and nicked up it was, if it couldn't survive being a floor model it probably couldn't handle the heat in the summer time. Maybe tucked into a corner inside at a home bar.

rugbymatt posted on 03/05/2007

Thanks, I'll keep a eye open if that Cali stuff turns up here in PA.

rupe33 posted on 03/05/2007

There are also some string lights this year that are shaped like little tiki huts. They're a variation on the round bamboo lights they've had before - essentially they've just added a faux grass roof onto them.

A photo from the website is below. 10-light string is $10, and a 20-light string is $20.

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