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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

JUMBOKU-he's back!--new pix 11-04 p.15

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Looking great. For the finer details I would suggest using an X-Acto. The straight blade will give you the control that you need and the blades are laser sharp and cheap!

Using a lot of counter pressure on your parting tool will reduce those overshot lines, too. Use the index and third finger of your left hand if you're a righty. Also, if you want to, use a ball-tip Dremel engraving bit and carefully pre-groove your sketch lines ahead of time. Acts like a track for your chisel...almost never-fail neat lines. Although I slip constantly when I'm in a hurry! That's what they make sandpaper for :)


Side tracked today (gotta do the 'quality' time thing every now and then, ya know)--no carving progress today.

Thanks Flynny. "real ambitious" can translate to OVER ambitious, so it seems with this project anyway.

G-no decision on paddles or spears but I like your idea of doing both.

If that doesn't help, try singling out the evil chisel and humiliating it in front of his peers. I've done this with some success.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks BK. I have many fond memories of Mrs. Stalk's class. I was one of her 'star students' I guess and could get away with practically anything with her. She kept me and a couple of other classmates back in the kiln room during class--kind of a 'do your own thing' set up-as long as we took our tests and did our art assignments. I miss her! (but don't miss NAHS at all!!)

Benz, I like those overused words--makes me strive for more. I gotta get a hook knife for sure. I've read some of your (and others) posts on hook knife use and I think I could give it a go. Went to our local Woodcraft store a couple of months ago and the person helping me had never heard of a hook knife. After I shooed them away, I bought a few knives that looked vaguely similar to the pics I remembered seeing of the hook knives. Turns out they are CHIP carving knives. They get used occasionally-just probably not correctly.

AS, thanks for the comps, bro. I actually bought a new x-acto 2 days ago, loaded up a blade and started in for the cut--and chickened out. Don't know why--seems like it would work fine. I think I may give that a try on some scrap wood and see how I feel with it.

BK-I'm filing all these tips and tricks away in the back of my head and if you ever saw me in person you'd see that I have a HUGE head so you guys keep throwin 'em at me--I've got plenty of storage space for them. Hurrying is a bad thing and I'll attribute at least half of my cuss marks to that.

Hope to have progress with new pics Mon. night--fingers crossed.

Paipo posted on Sun, Mar 11, 2007 7:58 PM

I love the way this is turning out, definitely one of the most ambitious projects I've seen on TC. I'm eagerly awaiting the finished pics!


That´s absolutely amazing! The idea and realization is realy great and creative.
I´m looking forward to see the next pix! Your peacock chair is also very beautiful! Haikai


A little closer here so you can see my 'cuss marks' --the places where my chisel overshot intended carving area and made me cuss!

Cuss all you want, like "damn this is good" or "S^(%, I kicked some A with this one. This set is a real treat.




definately an incredible project! too cool.

GROG posted on Tue, Mar 13, 2007 8:35 PM

That is looking SHARP! That's going to be one nice piece all finished up, for sure!


Thanks Paipo, Haikai and Benella. Always a treat to hear from such great artists from'across the pond' (in both directions)

Thanks for the comps JohnnyP, I'm still cussin'

Thanks Greentikipat, welcome to TC!

Thanks Grog--I'm ready to be finished w/this one.

I've sanded till I just couldn't take it anymore. The sanding is DONE-regardless of how much more sanding it really needs. I wish there was a place you could drop off your woodworking projects, have them sand it for you and you pick it up later in the same day--like laundry!!!
Sorry-these aren't the best pics I've ever taken.

note: these guys are not yet fastened to the boat yet--just laid out like they will be when finished.

I got some stain on last night. Decided I wanted some color in this piece so I went for the 2 tone look. The dark brown is 'Mocha' and the red is 'Red Oak'. Months ago, when I started this one, I was thinking I was going to hang it outdoors so I bought exterior stain. When I applied some stain to my test piece, it was so thick it looked more like paint than stain. It completely obscured the grain so I diluted it heavily. I've been tossing around some ideas about doing something to add more color and lighten up the recessed areas. AND I've still got to seal it. OH- and I still have to make the little spears or paddles that the little diminuites will be holding. I placed a writing pen in the pic for some size reference.

Still just laid out here-not yet fastened.
--stay tuned. Back in a couple of days.

When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading. -- Henny Youngman

[ Edited by: surf-n-turf 2007-03-15 14:41 ]

Now that's a real Beauty Brad! The two-toned stain hits the spot! Great Job!!!!!


Really beautiful, Congrats!!!


Thanks for the beauty words LLT and Clarita-you guys rock!.

I got the first coat of poly on this afternoon, still needs more coats and a few 0000 steel wool rubdowns maybe.

Here's a couple of fresh pics:

Looks kinda rough up close. I'll have to put on my rum goggles tomorrow night for an 'enhanced' look at it.



wow, that's some sweet, sweet stuff. the colors and your attention to detail are fantastic.

you should be very proud.

wow! wow! wow!!!what else can you say?


That's a keeper! Go Jackets!!

Hell yeah, dude!!! That piece is f'n slammin.. If you ever get sick of it..(Year 2085) I'll get in on the bid.. Beautiful work!!!

Cammo posted on Thu, Mar 15, 2007 8:52 PM

What kind of wood is this? I read back but couldn't find it if you ever told us. And are you going to stain it different colors to bring out the designs?

This is the coolest project I've seen in a long time, and it's giving me lots of bad ideas.

Maybe they could all be using paddles, but the spears could be stacked up in the trunk, or strapped to the sides, or how about spears sticking up between the natives, with impaled skulls on each? You gotta give them some kind of spear cause then they can all come and get you on Halloween night!

How about hitting a button on the front and they all move back and forward like they're paddling? Pivot each paddle from one point and goofy-gear the guys all on one wire at the back!

hewey posted on Thu, Mar 15, 2007 9:05 PM

The 2 tone stain looks great! Ver nice piece, keeps improving with each post

GROG posted on Thu, Mar 15, 2007 11:20 PM





Thanks guys and gals--you all are too kind!

Cammo- the wood is poplar. After I'm done w/polyurethane, I'm (I think) going to wipe some light colored milk paint across the entire thing and wipe it off real quick so it stays in the carved parts and leaves only a thin wash over the rest of the thing. I think it will really make the details 'pop' but not sure what it will do to the rest of the project. I'll test a piece first. Love your idea about the button and moving paddles. I've alway been interested in animatronics and have had some 'animatiki' ideas that have yet to come to fruition.

Thanks again, all!

Great piece! Love the colors.


S&T! Very intricate and detailed piece! I'm lovin the whole concept with the marqs and the moving paddles too, but, man that was alot of work as it is now! I'd be proud of that one for sure.

So, what's next?




Surf-n-turf, you have spent a Lot of Quality time with these guys and their boat and you have done Well. The tight detail is Really outstanding. They are Right out of the book, picture perfect. This really makes me want to carve one for myself. Excellent job


Mahalos for da props, kind peeps. Finally got more poly applied today. It was a little chilly the last few days to do anything to it. No pics-didn't want to bore you with pics of poly-coat #6 as opposed to last update of poly-coat #3

McT- the moving paddles thing probably aint gonna happen-but you're right on with "that's alot of work". Doing one mini-marq was no prob...it was doing 4 more just like it that made it a job. Next?-gotta few things going on, I'll keep you informed.

Thanks Benz!! :)

I have enjoyed reading this entire post very much and seeing the progression photos. It is very inspiring to see an artist go at a project with no fear and just tackle whatever challenges it puts in your way. It's a very weird concept to explain to someone that is not artistic. I believe that artists have a bravery in them that not all people have. I applaud your work!


GMAN posted on Tue, Mar 27, 2007 5:52 PM

Yo Brad....any progress on the war craft? Are the boys "fastened" in yet? I wanna see that boat all tightened-up.....!!!



Thanks peoples,
Been busy/distracted with other endeavors for a week or so. I was, however, able to mess around with some finishing stuff a few days ago and tried some light colored milk paint on top of the dark stain and wiped it back off for that antique-y look. I may have been a little heavy with it and I might try to steel wool some of it out or either hit it again w/ a little mo' dark stain.

Got a busy weekend ahead too so I probably won't get too much done with it. Hopefully i can squeeze in a couple of hours tomorrow and get dem buggahs seated and put some paddles in their hands. I want to close this project out within the next 5 or 6 days (said that before) so'z i can get on something else. I should have some stuff ready to post in 'other crafts' soon--check back!
the fab five:

a bit sloppy but they should clean up right nice, I hope:

thanks fer peepin' --


Wow Brad that looks great!! Keep up the good work (unless you've got to go surfing).

That's hot stuff right there.

Nice work!


beautiful work, surf and turf.
Your little fellows rock :)
Love the milk paint that makes it.



WOW, The whole project Really explodes with power. The Milk paint really adds to the effect and makes the detail pop right out. Very Nice.

Hey Brad!
Very professional! All the elemnts are there! the milk paint,the great style of carving,the slight wear on the finish! Looks like something you'd have to barter a villager for on some island ! Right on! Keep up the great standard of excellence!


Thanks guys!

Surf tiki: surfless in SoCar the past few days--ankle slappers at best here.

Thanks Lake and congrats on your finished room--looks awesome!

Benella, thank you as well. I'll tell the little ones you said they rock! :)

Thanx, Benz--the 'pop' is what I was looking for!

LLT -tanx, bruvva. I guess I am a villager on an island but I'd have to turn down the barters on this one--think I'm gonna keep it!!!

Entertaining family for the Easter wknd so I'll get back on this project in a few days!!


Daaaang! It's been over 2 months since I posted on this. Just got way busy with all kinds of stuff but I managed to finish this sucka over the last 3 days or so. No progress pics--just dove in and got'er done, so to speak. I still need to put some mounting hardware on the back so's I can hang it somewhere. Hope you like, I'm fairly happy with it. Like always, I know what I would do different on the next one. This is the only good pic I got today---I'll take a couple of different ones to post as well for a better look.

Fairly happy?? You should be very proud of this! Top work; good to see it all finished. I bet it displays wonderfully.

Tama :)

Dang nice Surf N Turf. I have thought about doing one of those for a long time but
moved onto other things cuz I don't have the talent or patience. Great piece of work.

Gorgeous work.


nice shoes :wink:
I'm a big fan of the marquesan canoes, and this one is really great. It's hard to see this kind of piece of art.


masterpiece, nothing else.



outstanding work s-n-t! it looks like it's been sitting in a hut in a marquesas village for a couple hundred years.


Man, you've got some serious talent with them carvin' tools! I love the Marquesan stuff. Amazing piece!!!

GMAN posted on Sun, Jun 24, 2007 5:59 PM


Yep, that's what I've been waiting for. That is so sweet, and was WAY worth the wait! Killer. Absolutely killer. I'm diggin the spears. I see you also got the feetz shot in there too. That's a prerequisite these days! Way to go. I laughed my a$$ off when I saw that.



Mucho thanx, guys

Tama: fairly happy but still proud. It's a little rough up close and personal--food for thought for next carve.

Conga: I'd say you're cut out for the job. The patience is key, though. I was happy when I got one lil' marq finished then thought 'SHADZ! I've got to do 4 more just like it!!

Thank you, Pappy!

Thanx, Virani. "nice shoes" you say---well there's only one shoe in the pic. I've got a wooden peg-leg on the left side--didn't show in pic :lol:

Thanx, Ben and KingsTD. I like the aged finish look, always been attracted to old, crusty stuff (my wife would be thrilled to hear that :o:)

Thanks to you KAHAKA: I'm a big fan of your lamps and have drooled over your yahoo photo page several times!

Thank you, G: If I didn't have so many projects going on at one time, I think I could've finished it in way less time. YEA- The feet thing-I've seen quite a few peebles feets here lately, including yours, I believe! Feet are a good, general size reference when included in your project photos.

I'm going to take a few more shots--some close up/detail shots perhaps, hopefully this afternoon so check back soon!
Thanks again, everybody,

hewey posted on Mon, Jun 25, 2007 7:20 PM

Looks great! Love the old timey vintage look too. :D Cant wait to see the detail pics


On 2007-06-25 19:20, hewey wrote:
Looks great! Love the old timey vintage look too. :D Cant wait to see the detail pics

Thnx Hewey. I won't keep you waiting, I was juuuuust about to update. Here's a close-up:

Had to play around with a little lighting and props--certainly not a pro but I can't help m'self.

Aaaand one more....

I'm calling it day on this one. It'll probably show back up when the Tiki room project is complete and it's hanging where it's going to stay for awhile.
Thanks for looking and saying nice stuff!

Fugu posted on Mon, Jun 25, 2007 7:54 PM

That looks fantastic. Really beautiful work!

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