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Why is wood so f#@king difficult to carve?!?

Pages: 1 12 replies

I hate it! I've been trying to carve some wood stuff for several days now, and each one is crappier than the one before. Soft wood just tears and chips, hard wood just burns, exotic wood is so F-ing oily it just gums up my burrs. I'm done with it, life is too short! :x

deep breath Finkdaddy

Now, where can I buy 6 foot pieces of bone?

[We now return you to your regularly scheduled program]

GMAN posted on Sun, Mar 18, 2007 1:08 PM

I've got the bonz Fink. Next time I go up to my land I'll bring back two cow jaw bones and some leg bonz. I have some special plans for one jaw bone....you can have the other. I also have a buncha soup bones here if you are low. Lemme know.

And call me, I need your new number......


Wah wah wah!

Just kidding. Wood messed up my health, at least for a while. I'd like to get my hands on some of that palm stuff.

Chisels, my man...good, sharp chisels. And a chainsaw helps. Different world!

Pay your dues.

Results never happen overnight!

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2007-03-18 21:41 ]

you did fine with the oak dowels maybe you just need real sharp tools like my buddy Gary Lockwood he swears by his Chinese chisels
sometimes the fault really is in the tool


we'll get you fixed up and straightened out, you don't need dem bonez! Wood is Where itz at!

Thanks everyone, I'm a bit embarrassed that I even wrote that. :blush: It was written in a rage just after I threw a piece of valuable wood across the street into the neighbors trees. I know what my problem is, I'm to damned impatient. I want the tools to dig in like they do with bone and I want a finished product right away. I use to carve wood all the time and it looked fine, but then I discovered bone. You don't have the freedom that wood has because of it's limited size, but it carves so nicely. I got my hands on some really nice wood recently and it feels like I've never carved before in my life. I'm going to see if I can find a foot pedal for the Dremel and see if that helps. I think maybe I'm not able to get the RPMs low enough. I'll be fine, really! :wink: :drink:

GMAN posted on Mon, Mar 19, 2007 6:05 AM


Now you are throwing stuff, eh? Hmmm, bad stuff. I think a visit from Master Ben will get you all sorted out. I think you may also be pushing yourself too hard and carving when you should be resting or only thinking about carving. If the vibe isn't there step back and wait for it. I know it is important for you to move work right now, but don't make it "work" or it will stop being fun. When it stops being fun you get into situations like you are right now. Step back, and maybe spend a few hours researching some museum sites online. You'll get the feeling back soon and the beautiful carvings will be easy again.



Fink Fink Fink! Isn't Ben your neighbor? (PM/Call him!)I'm assuming that you're refering to the wonderful Florida Yellow Pine. I am still paying my dues with the stuff, as wellas any wood for that matter, however, I don't throw it around and have tantrums. I simply walk away, burn the sap deposits off my burrs with a torch whilst sipping some sorta fine liquid creativity. Then, the attack resumes til it's freakin done!

Hang in there



[ Edited by: McTiki 2007-03-19 14:20 ]

I find a Mai-tai most helpful in these kinds of situations.

But I drink too much... :wink:


I gotta be in da right mood to create. As Gman said, dont force it, otherwise it becomes a chore and that bites. #1 is a killer wood carving - you got the skills man, relax and enjoy it. oh yeh, apologise to the neighbours and retrieve said piece of wood :D

Fink: next time you throw a nice piece of wood, make sure it lands in Lake Wales. I'll take it off your hands. :)

give me a call when you get a chance.

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